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IDENTITY SK. Md. Harunar Rashid Senior Assist: Teacher Sonatola Model High School, Sonatola, Bogra. SK. Md. Harunar Rashid Senior Assist: Teacher Sonatola.

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2 IDENTITY SK. Md. Harunar Rashid Senior Assist: Teacher Sonatola Model High School, Sonatola, Bogra. SK. Md. Harunar Rashid Senior Assist: Teacher Sonatola Model High School, Sonatola, Bogra. Lesson ENGLISH FOR TODAY CLASS : SIX UNIT – 26 Lesson ENGLISH FOR TODAY CLASS : SIX UNIT – 26

3 Let`s enjoy a video clip Click here

4 Can you imagine who are the passenger of this Biman. Sir, I mean varieties classes men are the passengers of this Biman. Such as Govt: officers, business man, students, Patients, tourists and our wage earners.

5 So today we`ll discuss about OUR WAGE EARNERS So today we`ll discuss about OUR WAGE EARNERS LESSON DECLARATION

6 Lesson outcomes By the end of this unit, students will be able to -  read and understand texts through silent reading.  infer meaning from context  Listen for information.  ask and answer questions  Write answers to questions. By the end of this unit, students will be able to -  read and understand texts through silent reading.  infer meaning from context  Listen for information.  ask and answer questions  Write answers to questions.

7 Our wage earners work in many countries in the world they are mainly United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Malaysia United Sates of America (USA), Canada, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, United Kingdom and many other European countries.

8 Saudi Arab - UAE

9 America - USA

10 England - UK

11 Australia

12 Kuwait

13 Iran

14 Egypt

15 Singapore

16 Model reading Dear students, listen me attentively then go to Section B1 and complete column B of the following table with the information from the text.

17 Key Words Wage earnerWho earn money. They are wage earners coming form abroad. Try to say the meaning of following word and make sentence.

18 Key Words Remittanceallowance Our wage earners send remittance to their family that increase our economical condition. Try to say the meaning of following word and make sentence.

19 Key Words ImmigrationMigration (go to another country). They are migrated to the USA, the UAE and other countries. Try to say the meaning of following word and make sentence.

20 Key Words ExportSend to other countries Bangladesh has started export rice to Srilanka. Try to say the meaning of following word and make sentence.

21 Silent reading. Go to the text, Section ‘B’. Work in pairs,. Ask and answer the following question first. Then read the text to match your answers. # Do you know how many Bangladeshis work abroad ? # Do you know what countries they work in ? # Can you guess how hard they work ?

22 Pair Works A large number ofIs createdabroad only in May. Nearly 73 thousands jobseekers Wage earners abroad was abroad for job Remittance from Bangladesh SkilledIn Malaysia too. In May 2012 a large number of BangladeshiUS D 11.76 billion in May 2012. The scope of manpower Wentprofessionals also migrate to the USA. Make five meaningful sentences from the table.

23 HOME WORK Make a dialogue between you and your partner about the importance of professionals skills for our wage earners.


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