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Do you want to prosper? The Human Tech Clusters In Central Finland 2011-2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Do you want to prosper? The Human Tech Clusters In Central Finland 2011-2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you want to prosper? The Human Tech Clusters In Central Finland 2011-2013

2 The richest deposits of the world’s most important natural resource can be found in the Jyväskylä region, Central Finland. The name of this natural resource is human comprehension. By humanizing things we can create exceptionally comprehensible and easy-to-use solutions. The Jyväskylä region is home to a rich community of experts in the human sciences and various technologies, forming a tight network of enterprises and professionals. Here cognitive researchers, mechanical engineers and bioenergy experts work side by side – resulting in world-class innovations. Our tradition in the human sciences.

3 There are three leading clusters in Central Finland – Human Tech clusters, which are based on the traditional and strong industries of the region 1) The New Generation Machines and Equipment cluster, in which the world’s best paper mills, tractors, bioenergy machines and equipment, environmental business solutions and power transmission technology are produced; 2) The Developing Housing cluster – internationally competitive housing know-how, which is used to build more comfortable homes and energy-efficient solutions for redevelopment and repair construction; and 3) The Dynamic Bioenergy cluster, in which new product and service businesses, future energy production technologies and networks that support the internationalization and growth of businesses are being built and developed. New technologies, such as nanotechnology, ICT and service design, are making these Human Tech clusters some of the most competitive tech clusters in the world.

4 Thanks to our new collaboration model, we can offer a uniquely comprehensive range of mutual services.

5 We Steer Companies Towards Growth With A Unique Collaboration Model. Corporate groups and individual business enterprises are being developed and taken forward within the clusters of Human Tech Center Finland. Companies that have the will and drive to grow! Assisted by their very own personal service agent, client companies gain access to the premium services developed by Central Finnish development companies and their collaboration networks as a result of their unique collaboration model, regardless of location. Get in touch, and we’ll help make your wheels spin faster than ever!

6 Our goals are to 1.Acquire news sources of export income for business enterprises in Central Finland, 2. maintain and consolidate the competitive edge of major industries in the global marketplace, 3. create and establish new products, services and business models for production companies, and 4. increase the profitability of business operations.

7 Focus on business development. Management and business development New technologies and innovations Business process development Customer relations management Information services and anticipating future developments Internationalization Marketing and effective communications

8 The New Generation Machines And Equipment Cluster

9 The New Generation Machines And Equipment Cluster. Paper machines, agribusiness machinery and vehicles manufactured in the Jyväskylä Region, in the Human Tech area, have become an undisputed part of the world’s elite thanks to their high level of productivity. They are designed for people who want to turn out high quality from one day to the next, intelligently, in a motivated manner, and with due respect for the environment. “Technological edge can always be reeled in – but not understanding.”

10 Example: Valtra Valtra manufactures the world’s most humanized tractors. It all begins with the customer and Valtra together designing the ideal tractor, which is then built. To top things off, the new owner receives guidance on how to handle his powerful, safe and environmentally-friendly tractor. When human needs are taken as the starting point, it’s possible to provide precisely the right solutions.

11 The Developing Housing Cluster

12 The Developing Housing Cluster. Human Tech is not just construction technology – or even building services technology – but about making possible the relationships between homes, communities and people. Enterprises in the Jyväskylä Region possess expertise in solutions for living which is capable of competing internationally: solutions for the energy-efficient construction and renovation of homes, as well as for their decoration; solutions too for the construction industry. In the international market demand exists also for solutions developed by these companies which boost the level of home comfort, such as the quality of indoor air or obstaclefree access. “Life situations change, but a pleasant, functional home should always be at our disposal.”

13 Example: SmartHome Jyväskylä The SmartHome pilot project is a practical and modern learning/development environment managed by JAMK University of Applied Sciences. In the concrete SmartHome a number of solutions that make independent living easier or safer, for instance for groups with special needs, are undergoing testing (the home has no permanent residents, however). This is what humanizing products and services is all about.

14 The Dynamic Bioenergy Cluster

15 The Dynamic Bioenergy Cluster. The Jyväskylä Region is recognised around the world as a leading user of local sources of energy. Of these the majority is made up of bioenergy obtained from our forests. Half of the area’s energy needs are already being met using energy sources available locally. In the Jyväskylä Region environmental technology is a branch experiencing strong growth, with opportunities opening up both in Finland and abroad. The value of the environmental business market worldwide is estimated at 600 billion euro. And the figure is rising. “Inventions in the bioenergy branch produce well-being for people and the environment – according to nature’s own rules.”

16 Example: Watrec Oy Watrec Oy is a Finnish company specialised in the environmental branch. Employing Watrec’s processes and plants renewable energy (biogas) can be produced from organic waste materials and wastewater. With the help of humanized, energy-effi cient solutions that support innovative business we can take care of both the environment and profi table operation – for both the customer and Watrec.

17 The Human Tech Cluster Network In Central Finland. The Human Tech cluster programme in Central Finland is coordinated by the Jyväskylä Regional Development Company Jykes Ltd. The cluster network in Central Finland consists of business development companies, R&D&I, educational organizations and service providers, as well as financiers cooperating with cluster companies on the regional level.

18 Contact us. Pekka Matinaro, Development Manager, New Generation Machines and Equipment, tel. +358 20 771 5612 Matti Paatola, Development Manager, Developing Housing, tel. +358 20 771 5683 Juha Järvi, Development Manager, Bioenergy as a Resource, tel. +358 20 771 5653 Eeva-Liisa Koivumäki, Development Manager, Internationalization Services, tel. +358 20 771 5610 Päivi Tervonen, Marketing Manager, tel. +358 20 771 5669 Email:

19 The Human Tech Cluster Network In Central Finland 2011 – 2013.

20 Human Tech Center Finland In A Nutshell Human Tech Center Finland assembles specialists, researchers and enterprises worldwide in order to develop new and successful products from a human perspective – products that are humanized in the process. Human Tech Centre Finland is not an enterprise. It is a complete area and way of thinking, an expertise cluster in the heart of Central Finland. Welcome aboard. ”Humanizing is the highest form of common sense.

21 “We build business networks that have strong potential for international markets.”

22 The power of humanizing – some success stories:

23 Thank you.

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