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Protectionism as a Phenomenon of the World Economy Stanislav Ternovskiy IE-09.

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Presentation on theme: "Protectionism as a Phenomenon of the World Economy Stanislav Ternovskiy IE-09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protectionism as a Phenomenon of the World Economy Stanislav Ternovskiy IE-09

2 Structure 1.History of the protectionism phenomenon. 2.Protectionism and methods of its implementation. 3.Advantages and disadvantages of protectionism in connection with free trade.

3 Historical Stages of the Protectionism Theory 1. XVII-XVIII centuriesProtectionism as a part of the mercantilism theory 2. XVIII centuryDominating role of protectionism 3. XIX centuryInitiating the free commerce doctrine 4. XXI century Renewing protectionism policies due to the crisis

4 What is protectionism?  Protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow “fair competition” between imports and domestically produced goods and services.

5 Protectionism Policies include the following items: 1. Tariffs 2. Import quotas 3. Administrative barriers 4. Anti-dumping legislation 5. Direct subsidies 6. Export subsidies 7. Exchange rate manipulation

6 Global Trade Alert Assess The amount of protectionism measures The amount of liberalizing measures

7 Advantages of Protectionism Advantages of protectionism include: struggling with structural unemployment stimulating the economic growth in the short-term period protecting “young” industries

8 Disadvantages of Protectionism Disadvantages of protectionism include: affecting the economies of the trading partners favorable conditions for the appearance of monopolies increasing prices for domestic consumers undermining the country's export by going up prices

9 Major Benefits of Free Trade

10 Conclusion  The only way of including protectionism in the economic comprehensive system of response is its constant replacement with stable development of the production sector and well-grounded commercial policy, both domestically and abroad.

11 References

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