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Economic Research in Lithuania Dr. Albertas Žalys Director Department of Science and Technology Ministry of Education and Science Forum of Economic Researchers,

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Research in Lithuania Dr. Albertas Žalys Director Department of Science and Technology Ministry of Education and Science Forum of Economic Researchers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Research in Lithuania Dr. Albertas Žalys Director Department of Science and Technology Ministry of Education and Science Forum of Economic Researchers, 30 August, 2006 Riga

2 Distribution of R&D institutions over Lithuania

3 Parliament Commission on Science, Technology and Innovation Development Government Ministry of Economy Other Ministries Ministry of Education and Science

4 RTD institutional system in Lithuania State Universities (15)State Research Institutes (17) University Research Institutes (18) State Research Establishments (8) Private Universities (6) State Colleges (16) Private Colleges (12)

5 Total number of researchers (2002-2005)

6 Number of ISI publications (with universities affiliation) 2002-2005 m

7 Money from international programs in thousands Lt (2002-2005)

8 Money from business sector in thousands Lt (2002-2005)

9 Number of PhD and Habil. Dr. according to the field of science

10 Number of PhD and Habil Dr. Social sciences

11 We are proud of... Department on Political economics was established in Vilnius University on 1803 the first time in the world.

12 Main actors in Economic research Kaunas University of Technology Klaipėda University Lithuanian University of Agriculture Mykolas Romeris University Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Vilnius University Vytautas Magnus University Institute for Social Research Institute of Economics Lithuanian Energy Institute Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics

13 Main directions of R&D activities (1) Kaunas University of Technology (Faculty of Economics and Management) Finance management Improvement of organization and personnel management of enterprises Total quality management, Marketing management, E-business management Competitive marketing Modeling and regulation of market economy International business economics and management Formalization and modeling of processes in enterprise management Forecast of business environment Lithuanian University of Agriculture (Faculty of Economics and Management) Investigation of rural integrated development management, trades and their infrastructure organizations management Investigation of accounting and finance systems Investigation of sustainable agricultural development economics Klaipėda University (Faculty of Social Sciences) Interdisciplinary research of economic, social and political potential of Lithuania in the Baltic region through the aspect of global and national interaction Peculiarities of organization management Recourses of modern politics in Lithuania Spatial organizing problems in Lithuania

14 Main directions of R&D activities (2) Mykolas Riomeris University (Faculty of Finance Management and Economics) Future scenario of multilevel governance effectiveness and sustainable development Prognosis of effective application of European Union’s structural funds and budget Security of individual, society and private sector Effectiveness of business development in the context of increasing competitiveness Analysis of effectiveness of public sector‘s activities Security of individual, society and private sector The most successful directions of R&D activities: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Faculty of Business Management) Research and modeling of economic and social development in Lithuania Methods for improving management and competitiveness of business organization Information and telecommunication technologies in business management Finance forecast and management under the conditions of uncertainty Improvement of specialists career planning and studies systems in the field of business management: Competitiveness of enterprises, analysis of direct foreign investments into the Baltic countries Creation of regional business risk informative system

15 Main directions of R&D activities (3) Vilnius University (Faculty of Economics ) Social and economic development of Lithuania in the context of integration into the European Union: modeling and management Factors of business environment Impact of economic integration on the small open economy: statistic analysis, outlook and management The Lithuanian economic and social policy in the process of integration to the European Union Peculiarities of Lithuanian business at the European Union market Marketing theory and practice towards improving competitiveness of Lithuania‘s economy Vytautas Magnus University (Faculty of Economics and Management) Innovative changes in economics and management in the context of globalisation The most successful directions of R&D activities: Development of business infrastructure system Modeling of the Lithuanian finance system Economic development and globalization

16 Main directions of R&D activities (4) Institute for Social Research Theory and methodology of socio-economic research Social welfare and stratification, income and poverty of the elderly Social changes in post communist society: social stratification, political elite, Lithuanian Energy Institute Development of energy economy planning methods, research of safety and reliability of the power plants, their impact on the environment, efficient energy Institute of Economics Economic theory and mathematical modelling Economic and social development problems of Lithuanian economy Economic thought in Lithuania in the XVI–XX centuries Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics Rural and regional development Competitiveness of the agricultural and food sector The most successful directions of R&D activities: Analysis of EU integration processes and their impact on the Lithuanian agricultural and food sector

17 The best RTD actors in Economics Vilnius University Faculty of Economics Kaunas University of Technology Faculty of Economics and Management Lithuanian University of Agriculture Faculty of Economics and Management Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics

18 New governance and funding system of R&D to introduce tender- and programme-based funding system for research to fund the most important developments both in high-level research (Centres of excellence) and Centres or Research-Driven Innovation to implement a new system of grants for young scientists to restructure Science Council of Lithuania into a Research Council

19 Thank you for your attention

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