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Published byMariah Evans Modified over 9 years ago
UN Depository Library The introduction of newly-arrived materials March 1, 2009 Reference Service Department The Central Library at Global Campus Kyung Hee University
The World Bank Atlas of global development Published in January 2009 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7603-4 Arrived in February 23, 2009 Harper Collins 와 공동으로 출간한 Atlas of global development 는 완 전히 개정되고 업데이트된 2 번째 Edition 으로 오늘날 우리 세계가 직 면한 핵심 개발 과제들을 설명한다. 변화하는 세계에 뒤떨어지지 않 으면서 아동 고용, 인터넷 이용, 외국인 직접 투자, 식량 생산과 같은 새로운 현안들이 개정판에 포함되었다. Development Economics through the Decades : A Critical Look at 30 Years of the World Development Report Published in December 2008 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7255-5 Arrived in February 23, 2009 The World Bank 는 malaria 를 중대한 공공의 건강 문제 뿐만 아 니라 Africa 에 연간 120 억 달러의 비용이 들게 하고 가족과 지역 사회가 빈곤에 머무르게 하는 광범위한 개발 문제의 하나로 접 근하고 있다. World Bank 는 이러한 문제에서 선도적인 역할을 하도록 요구 되어지고 The Booster Program for Malaria Control in Africa 는 이러한 요구에 부응하는 World Bank 의 긍정적이고 단호한 응답이라 할 수 있다. The introduction of newly-arrived materials 성, 종교, 민족성, 출생 지역, 가족의 배경과 같은 환경 요소들이 개인의 삶에 있어 기회에 영향을 주지 않을 수 있도록 기회의 평등은 삶에 있어 주어지는 여러 요소들을 고르게 한다. 성공은 출생할 때 주어진 환경에 의해서가 아니라 개인의 선택, 노력, 재능에 의해 보장되어야 한다. 이 에 Measuring Inequality of Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean 은 기회의 불평등을 평가하기 위한 새로운 방법들을 소개한 다. Measuring Inequality of Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean Published in November 2008 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7745-1 Arrived in February 23, 2009 Intensifying the Fight Against Malaria : The World Bank's Booster Program for Malaria Control in Africa Published in November 2008 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7758-1 Arrived in February 23, 2009 1978 년 이후로 World Bank 의 연간 보고서인 World Development Report 는 농업, 경제 성장, 환경, 빈곤 등과 같은 국제적 발달의 중요한 측면에 대한 깊은 분석과 정책적 추천사항들을 제공해왔다. 이번 에세 이에서 Shahid Yusuf 는 WDR 을 통해 검토되었던 최근 30 년 간의 경제 개발을 조사한다. 이 책은 새롭게 독립적으로 발전하는 국가들의 상황 에 대해 간략한 배경과 함께 시작한다. 또한 개발 경제의 부상하고 있 는 주요 분야의 일정 부분을 개괄한다.
Does the Investment Climate Matter? : Microeconomic Foundations of Growth in Latin America Published in November 2008 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7411-5 Arrived in February 15, 2009 International accounting and reporting issues Published in June 2008 ISBN: 978-0-8213-7522-8 Arrived in August 10, 2008 Global Economic Prospects 2009 : Commodities at the crossroads Published in August 2008 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7799-4 Arrived in February 15, 2008 The introduction of newly-arrived materials 이 책은 성장과 개발에 관한 위원회를 위해 준비된 책으로 도시화와 경제 성장 사이의 관계에 관한 지식의 상태를 평가하기 위함이다. 관 련 분야의 저명한 학자에 의해 쓰여진 Urbanization and Growth 은 성 장에 있어 도시화의 역할에 대한 더 나은 이해를 돕는 것을 목표로 한 다. 실제적인 기업 성과와 라틴 아메리카의 투자 환경의 결점을 연결하여 경험적인 증거를 제공함으로써 이 책은 기업의 생산성에 중대한 영향 을 가질 수 있는 정책들에 대해 논의한다. Global Economic Prospects 2009 는 상품을 생산하고 소비하는 국가 들의 정책과 세계 상품 시장에 대해 장기적인 관점의 깊이 있는 정보 를 제공한다. 또 저소득 국가들에게 경제 위기가 미칠 영향에 대해 분 석한다. Reshaping Economic Geography in East Asia 은 World Development Report 2009 의 짝이 되는 볼륨으로 저명한 학자들이 모여 아시아에서 의 경제 성장의 공간적인 분배에 관해 다룬다. 핵심 주제는 어떻게 동아시아 정부가 도시화와 복합적이고 거대한 경 제 상황을 대처해 나갔는가 등을 포함한다. Urbanization and Growth Published in November 2008 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7573-0 Arrived in February 15, 2008 Reshaping economic geography Published in October 2008 ISBN: 978-92-1-112752-2 Arrived in October 10, 2008 The World Bank
Title List PublisherMonographSerialArrival date ILOGlobalization, flexibilization and working conditions in Asia and the Pacific December 15 ILOYearbook of labour statistics December 15 ILO Yearbook of labour statistics : Country notes December 15 United Nations International instruments related to the prevention and suppression of international terrorism December 15 United NationsReport of the committee against tortureDecember 15 United NationsReport of the committee on relations with the host countryDecember 15 United Nations Statement of treaties and international agreements Registered or filed and recorded with the secretariat during the month of October 2008 December 15 DESA Monthly bulletin of statistics no.1048 December 15 DESA Demographic yearbook 2005 December 15 DESAPopulation and vital statistics reportDecember 15 United NationsUnited Nations Documents indexDecember 15 ECE Safety guidelines and good practices for pipelinesDecember 15 UNIDIR Disarmament forum 2008 no.3 December 15 ESCWAIntegrated social policy from concept to practiceDecember 15
Title List PublisherMonographSerialArrival date ESCWAReport on the twenty-fifth session 26-29 May 2008January 5 ESCAP Asia-Pacific development journal v.14 no.2 January 5 UNIDIRThe value of diversity in multilateral disarmament workJanuary 6 UNIDIRsecurity in space : The next generationJanuary 6 UNIDIR Implementing the united nations program of action on small arms and light January 6 OHCHRSelected decisions of the committee against tortureJanuary 6 ITC International trade forum 2008 Issue 1/2 January 6 IMF International Financial Statistics : Yearbook 2008 January 8 IMFCepal review no.94January 8 IMF International Financial Statistics : Country Notes 2008 January 8 IMF International Finance Statistics Supplement January 8 IMF International Financial Statistics 2008 no.12 January 8 World BankCatastrophe risk financing in developing countriesJanuary 8 World Bank Tunisia's global integration : A second generation of reforms to boost growth and employment January 8
Title List PublisherMonographSerialArrival date World Bank The World bank's booster program for Malaria control in Africa January 9 World Bank Social protection and labor at the world bank, 2000- 2008 January 9 World BankUsing knowledge to improve development effectivenessJanuary 9 World Bank Measuring inequality of opportunities in Latin america and the caribbean January 9 World BankDoes the investment climate matter?January 9 World BankUrbanization and growthJanuary 9 World BankIndia's investment climate : voices of Indian businessJanuary 9 World BankGlobal economic prospectsJanuary 9 World BankReshaping economic geography : in East AisaJanuary 9 World BankBanking the poorJanuary 9 DESA Designing household survey samples : Practical guidelines January 19 United Nations Index to proceedings of the general assembly : Sixty- first session -2006/2007 Part II - Index to speeches January 19 DESAInternational trade statistics yearbook 2005January 19 UNECEPorcine meat : carcases and cuts
Title List PublisherMonographSerialArrival date United Nations Report of the fifth-sixth plenary session of the conference of European Statisticians January 20 FFTCAnnual report 2007 January 20 World BankDevelopment economics : through the decadesJanuary 20 World BankAddressing China's water scarcityJanuary 20 United NationsTreaty SeriesJanuary 20 WTO International conference on tourism, religions and dialogue of cultures January 20 WTO International conference on tourism, religions and dialogue of cultures January 20 WTOTourism market trworld overviewJanuary 20 WTO World Tourism conference : Tourism success stories and shooting stars January 20 WTOInternational Tourism : The Great turning pointJanuary 20 WTOObservations on internatioanl tourismJanuary 20 IMFInternational financial statistics 2009 no.1January 20 ECAECA and Africa : Fifty years of partnershipJanuary 20 ECAAssessing regional integration in Africa IIIJanuary 20
Title List PublisherMonographSerialArrival date ILOWorld of Work no.64February 5 United NationsMonthly bibliography 2008 no.10February 5 UNCTAD Identifying core elements in investment agreements in the APEC region February 5 UNCTADTransnational corporations v.17 no.2February 5 UNCTAD G-24 Discussion paper series : Enhancing the role of regional development banks February 5 UNCTADFollow-up report 2008February 5 UNCTADInvestment policy review : VIET NAMFebruary 5 UNCTADReview of maritime transportFebruary 5 UNECE Compendium of good practices in promoting knowledge-based development February 5 UNECEWorking together for sustainable and healthy transportFebruary 5 UNECE The pan-european programme on transport health and environment February 5 UNECETransport, Health and environmentFebruary 5 IMFDirection of trade statistics 2008 no.4February 5 United Nations World Economic situation and prospects 2009 February 5
Title List PublisherMonographSerialArrival date DESA Achieving sustainable development and promoting development cooperation February 10 United Nations The Millennium development goals report 2008 February 10 United Nations Resolutions and decisions adopted by the general assembly during its sixty-second session Volume III February 10 United Nations Handbook on the least developed country category : Inclusion, graduation and special support measures February 10 United NationsUnited Nations Documents Index v.9 no.4February 10 ILOInternational Labour Review v.147February 10 United Nations Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1998 February 10 DESAMonthly bulletin of statistics no.1049February 10 DESAMonthly bulletin of statistics no.1050February 10 UNCTADG-24 Discussion paper seriesFebruary 10 UNECEDeveloping entrepreneurship in the UNECE regionFebruary 10 IMFInternational Financial Statistics v.62 no.2February 10 World BankThe Little data book on AfricaFebruary 10 World BankAttacking inequality in the health sectorFebruary 10
Title List PublisherMonographSerialArrival date World Bank The evolving regulatory context for private education in emerging economies February 10 World BankAtlas of global developmentFebruary 10 IAEA List of participants : I nformation received by 1 October 2008 February 10 IAEAThe agency's budget update for 2009February 10
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