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Geometry 7 th Grade Math Ms. Casazza Click on the button to go the next slide!

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2 Geometry 7 th Grade Math Ms. Casazza Click on the button to go the next slide!

3 Triangle Square Rectangle Rhombus Parallelogram Circle Pentagon Hexagon Click on one of the shapes to know more about it Click here to start the quiz!

4 Triangle A triangle has three sides. To find the area of the triangle you use this formula -1/2bh *the b stands for base and the h stands for height The Pythagorean theorem helps to find missing angle or side of a right triangle The Pythagorean theorem is: a 2 + b 2 = c 2 Click on the button to go back to the main menu!

5 Square A square has four equal sides and angles. To find the area of the square use the formula: area = s 2 To find the perimeter of the square use this formula: perimeter = 4s Click on the button to go back to the main menu!

6 Rectangle A rectangle has four sides. To find the area of a rectangle use this formula: Area= length * width To find the perimeter of a rectangle use this formula: perimeter=2length*2width Click on the button to go back to the main menu!

7 Rhombus A rhombus has four sides that are the same length. To find the area of a rhombus use this formula: area= base * height To find the perimeter of a rhombus use this formula: Perimeter=4S(S= sides) Click on the button to go back to the main menu!

8 Parallelogram A parallelogram has four sides that are parallel. To find the area of a parallelogram use this formula: Area= base *height To find the perimeter of a parallelogram use this formula: perimeter=2(base *Side) Click on the button to go back to the main menu!

9 Circle A circle has no sides. To find the area of a circle use this formula: Area= PI r 2 To find the perimeter of a circle use this formula perimeter =PI x diameter or 2PI *radius. The perimeter of a circle is also known as the circumference. Click here to go back to the main menu!

10 Pentagon A pentagon has five sides. To find the area of a pentagon use this formula: Area= S2N/4tan (PI/N)] – S= sides – N= number of sides To find the perimeter of a pentagon use this formula Perimeter = 5*length of the sides. Click here to go back to the main menu!

11 Hexagon A hexagon has six sides. To find the area of a hexagon use this formula: Area =(3√3/2 )r 2 To find the perimeter of a hexagon use this formula: Perimeter =6r Click here to go back to the main menu!

12 Quiz What shape has the formula for perimeter= 2bs Square Parallelogram Circle

13 Good try but its not the right answer The perimeter formula for a square is 4s. GOOD TRY! Click here to go back to the quiz

14 Good try but its not the right answer The perimeter for a circle is also known as circumference PI x diameter or 2PI * radius Good try Click here to go back to the quiz


16 CORRECT!!!!! The perimeter formula for a parallelogram is 2bs where the b stands for base and the s stands for side. You got it right!!!! Click here to go to the next page

17 Thank You! You have finished all of the slides! Click on the button to go back to the home page for the next student. Click here to go to the first page!

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