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Keyworker Training Combined Federal Campaign Potomac 2010 TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More)

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Presentation on theme: "Keyworker Training Combined Federal Campaign Potomac 2010 TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keyworker Training Combined Federal Campaign Potomac 2010 TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More)

2 Together Everyone Achieves More Thank you for volunteering! Every ask leads to a gift that allows us to achieve more.

3 Together Everyone Achieves More Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. ~Dr. Seuss

4 Agenda Potomac Combined Federal Campaign Keyworker Training I. Registration II. Opening Remarks III. Introduction IV. Speaker V. Training CFC at a Glance Gifts and Incentives Brochures, Pledge Cards and Turn-ins Marketing the Campaign and Group Meetings Handling Objections/ Where Do I Go From Here? VI Wrap Up

5 CFC at a Glance Once-a-year charitable fundraising campaign for Federal civilian and military employees Established in 1961 by President JFK (2011 50 th Anniversary) Administered and regulated by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Contributors are encouraged to designate Employee benefit

6 CFC at a Glance Eligible organizations must meet reasonable standards of financial integrity/public accountability Today, there are over 200 combined campaigns throughout the U.S. Rappahannock United Way (RUW) has equitably served Potomac CFC as the Principal Combined Fund Organization (PCFO) since 1984 CFC is considered “Official Government Business”

7 The Impact Locally in 2009: $46,748 to the Fredericksburg Food Bank $29,567 to the Wounded Warrior Project $22,558 to the Fisher House $16,520 to the Fredericksburg SPCA Worldwide in 2009: $300 million donated $6.6 billion since inception.

8 You are touching thousands of lives through your gift of time and effort. Every charitable act is a stepping stone toward heaven. - Henry Ward Beecher Together Everyone Achieves More

9 The Gift All donated funds, minus administrative expenses, go directly to the organization specified. Administrative expenses are approved by the Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC). Payroll deduction is easy and convenient. Deductions begin with the first pay period in January and end with the last pay period in December. Contributions are VOLUNTARY! Contributors are encouraged to designate. Individuals can donate to as many organizations as they wish, they just have to fill out additional pledge cards. Undesignated funds: the proportions are determined by the amount designated for each agency

10 Incentives There is no set gift amount. contribution helps CFC Hero$500-$999 EVERY Stars and Stripes Leadership Giver $1,000-$2,499 Friend of the CFC$150-$499 Can Koozie Cooler Grocery Tote

11 Incentives, cont. Patriot Leadership Giver $2,500-$4,999 Platinum Leadership Giver $5,000 and up “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.” ~President John F. Kennedy Stainless Bottle Pen Set

12 Brochure Use ONLY 2010 Potomac brochure. 3 Sections: Local, National, International. Use 5 digit code to designate agency. Do not write in an agency. Each agency must meet a strict set of guidelines in order to be listed in the brochure. The % at the end of each 25 word statement is the administration cost of the agency. Taxonomy Codes Great resource for answering questions!

13 Pledge Card-Page 1 FIVE-DIGIT CHARITY CODES The CFC code is entered on your pledge form to designate the charities of your choosing. All participating charities will use a five-digit CFC code assigned by OPM. This code remains constant across campaigns. IMPORTANT!!!

14 Pledge Card- Page 2 &3 Page 1: Payroll Copy Page 2: CFC Copy Page 3: Donor Copy FOR TURN IN PURPOSES: Turn in page 1 & Page 2 still attached to each other. SSN# will be blacked out on page 2 and page 3 of the Pledge Card. It is voluntary to submit your SSN#; however, failure to write in SSN# may result in errors or an unprocessed payroll deduction. Cash/Check Contributions DO NOT require SSN# IMPORTANT!!!

15 Pledge Card Info. Pledge only to agencies in the book –Any designation code not in the book will default to Undesignated Funds Donors may designate to more than five agencies, but must fill out additional card(s). Write 1of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 in Top right hand corner. Double Check all Math on pledge cards –No repeating decimals – do not round off (equal deductions) –All designations should not exceed total gift but can be less than total gift. (all monies less than total gift is marked as undesignated.) Payroll Deduction must be a minimum of $1.00 per pay period for civilians and $2 for military

16 Cash or Check Donation Cash or Check Donations >Write Check to Potomac Combined Federal Campaign >Staple or Paper Clip Check or Cash to pledge Card >Circle Cash or Check on Pledge Card >Total Cash or Check should be no more than Designation Total.

17 Thank you for volunteering to make a difference. You help the needy. Together Everyone Achieves More

18 Marketing the Campaign Be creative and make it “fun” fundraising. Share creative special events on the Facebook page for Keyworkers. Rosemary Higgs ( is your Special Events Coordinator Use group meetings & the Speaker’s Bureau Stress payroll deduction Sponsor special events (all money collected during a special event goes to undesignated) Don’t take objections personally Never coerce or strong-arm Say “Thank You”

19 Group Meetings Remarks by keyworker -Welcome -Remarks endorsing the CFC -Distribute brochure Remarks by guest speaker (i.e., supervisor showing support, employees testimonial) Explain the CFC system -Reasons for giving -General CFC information -Discuss brochure and incentives -Answer questions Ask for contributions -Hand out pledge cards Say “Thank You”

20 How to Handle Typical Objections Remember…it’s not personal. It might not be real —Some objections are “stalls” rather than sincere objections. Try to find the real cause behind the concern. Often it has stemmed from a misunderstanding about CFC. Be sympathetic—Listen carefully! If your prospective donor says “my boss MADE me donate last time.” Explain that the CFC is designed around volunteer donations only. Don’t argue—Arguing will force your prospective donor to defend their objection on the spot. You may win the argument but lose the contribution.

21 How to Handle Typical Objections Encourage him/her to ask questions—Let your prospective donor expand upon their concern and then address the situation. Remember: If a question arises that you cannot answer, call your department representative or PCFO. A prospective donor will appreciate you taking the time to find the answer and get back with them. Use brochures as a resource. Feel confident assuring the donor that “This is a Great System.” Be enthusiastic—it will rub off.

22 Report Envelope TYPE OF GIFT CIVILIAN # OF $ DONORS AMOUNT MILITARY # OF $ DONORS AMOUNT TOTAL # OF $ DONORS AMOUNT PAYROLL DEDUCTION Designated Undesignated Subtotal _____ ___________ CASH Designated Undesignated Subtotal _____ ___________ CHECKS Designated Undesignated Subtotal _____ ___________ TOTAL Designated Undesignated Subtotal _____ ___________

23 Report Envelope and Turn Ins Attend Turn-ins EVERY WEEK Complete the Report Envelope (use the report envelope checker) Separate Military and Civilian, Payroll, Cash and Checks Keep Checks with the Pledge Cards Keep Cash with Pledge Cards Do not separate copies, turn both copies in at Turn- ins Stay until a representative has verified the accuracy of the Report Envelope Collect incentives at the Turn-in

24 Where Do I Go From Here? Learn more about the CFC Make your own gift Organize a group meeting If a group is not possible, begin making a one-on-one request for a contribution Say “Thank You” First turn-in date is September 16th Give out incentives Collect the brochures and recycle them

25 Where Do I Go From Here? If you need further assistance contact: FC 1 Joseph Sheddan Campaign Chairperson: 540-653-1031 Kathleen Smith PCFO Contact: 540-373-0041 x310

26 Turn-in Dates September 16 September 23 September 30 October 7 October 14 October 21 October 28 November 4 November 11 November 18 November 23 December 2 December 9 December 16 December 23/30 late 12/7Victory Party 11:00 – 1300 @ The Community House

27 Kickoffs Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Romenick Hall Arrival Time: 10:00 a.m. Agency Fair: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Space for 30 Agencies 125 Expected Attendees Thursday, September 9, 2010 Butler Stadium Arrival Time: 9:00 a.m. Agency Fair: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Space for 70 Agencies 500 expected attendees Tuesday, September 14, 2010 Bldg 1540T Side Parking Lot Arrival Time 6:00 am Agency Fair 7:00 am – 9:00 am Space for 20Agencies 125 Expected Attendees Dahlgren Parade Field Arrival Time: 10:00 a.m. Agency Fair: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Space for 40 Agencies 350 Expected Attendees

28 Thank you for volunteering to make a difference. You never know who may need you! Together Everyone Achieves More

29 Questions? Thanks for your time! Ask questions and you shall receive answers!


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