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ENG 412 Professional English Writing Persuasive Messages.

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1 ENG 412 Professional English Writing Persuasive Messages

2 2 Opening  Obtain the reader’s attention and interest. Body  Explain logically and concisely the purpose of your request.  Reduce resistance with counterarguments; establish credibility. Writing Plan for a Persuasive Request

3 3 Closing  Ask for a particular action.  Make it easy to respond.  Be polite and respectful.

4 4 ► Begin with a compliment, point of agreement, statement of the problem, or brief review of action you have taken to resolve the problem. ► Provide identifying data. ► Explain why the receiver is responsible. Tips for Complaints

5 5 ► Enclose document copies supporting your claim. ► Appeal to the receiver's fairness, ethical and legal responsibilities, and desire for customer satisfaction. ► Describe your feelings and your disappointment. Tips for Complaints

6 6 ► Avoid sounding angry, emotional, or illogical. ► Close by telling exactly what you want done.

7 7 1.About 15 months ago your clever salesperson talked us into buying your Model RX copier, which has been nothing but trouble ever since. 2. If you will check your records, you will see that we first obtained our model RX copier 15 months ago. It was installed in our Legal Department. Which of the following openings are effective? Good and Bad Openings for Persuasive Requests

8 8 3. When we purchased our Model RX copier 15 months ago, we had high expectations for its performance. 4. We need a speaker for our graduation ceremony, and your name was suggested. 5. Would you be able to speak at our graduation ceremony on June 7? Which of the following openings are effective? Good and Bad Openings for Persuasive Requests

9 9 6. We realize that you are an extremely busy individual and that you must be booked up months in advance, but would it be possible for you to speak at our graduation ceremony on June 7? 7. You were voted by our students as the speaker they would most like to hear at graduation on June 7. Which of the following openings are effective?

10 10 ► Opening  Capture the attention of the reader. ► Body  Emphasize a central selling point.  Appeal to the needs of the reader.  Create a desire for the product.  Introduce the price strategically. ► Closing  Stimulate the reader to act. Writing Plan for a Sales Letter

11 11 1. Offer Follow my entry instructions, and you could be the sole winner of ONE MILLION DOLLARS! 2. Product Feature Six Omaha steak filets from fine, corn-fed beef can be yours for only $62.95. Attention-Getters for Sales Letters

12 12 3. Question 3. Question Do you wish for an honest, fulfilling relationship? 4. Startling Statement Drunk drivers injure or cripple more than 500,000 victims every year! Attention-Getters for Sales Letters

13 13 Attention-Getters for Sales Letters 5. Story 5. Story Tommy G. doesn't live in a neighborhood like yours. He has grown up in a neighborhood with slum housing and drug dealers. If only he could go to summer camp this year, he'd see how beautiful life can be.

14 Sequencing the Message Direct Approach (Deductive) Direct Approach (Deductive) Indirect Approach (Inductive) Indirect Approach (Inductive) Define the Main Idea Limit the Scope Group Major Points

15 Completing the Message Evaluate the Content Revise for Clarity and Conciseness Evaluate Design and Delivery Proofread the Message

16 Developing Persuasive Messages Employing the AIDA Plan Balancing Emotion and Logic Reinforcing Your Position Dealing With Resistance

17 InterestAttention DesireAction AIDA PLAN

18 Balance Logic and Emotions FeelingsSympathiesNeedsAnalogyInductionDeduction Promote Action Understand Expectations Overcome Resistance Sell Your Point of View EmotionsLogic The Message

19 Deal With Resistance Resistance AnticipateObjections Use “What If” Scenarios Involve Your Audience

20 ActionRequests Claims and Adjustments Sales and Fundraising PersuasiveMessages Types of Messages

21 Requests for Action Action Written Request Written Request Gain Attention Gain Attention Use Facts, Figures and Benefits Use Facts, Figures and Benefits Make a Specific Request Make a Specific Request

22 Claims and Adjustments Claim or Adjustment Claim or Adjustment Written Request Written Request State the Problem Review the Facts Motivate the Reader Make Your Request

23 Sales and Fundraising Messages For-Profit Companies Non-Profit Organizations PersonalConsumptionPersonalConsumption Helping Other People Helping PersonalConsumptionPersonalConsumption Helping Helping Motivation AttentionAttentionTimeTime DollarsDollars

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