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What do we want in a future information infrastructure? David Alderson Engineering and Applied Science, Caltech MS&E 91SI November.

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Presentation on theme: "What do we want in a future information infrastructure? David Alderson Engineering and Applied Science, Caltech MS&E 91SI November."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do we want in a future information infrastructure? David Alderson Engineering and Applied Science, Caltech MS&E 91SI November 18, 2004

2 Acknowledgements Caltech: John Doyle, Lun Li AT&T: Walter Willinger CISAC: Kevin Soo Hoo, Mike May, David Elliott, William Perry MS&E 91SI: Dan, Martin, Keith

3 The Internet* has become a critical information infrastructure. Individuals Private corporations Governments Other national infrastructures

4 The Internet* has become a critical information infrastructure. Personal communication –email, IM, IP telephony, file sharing Business communication –Customers, suppliers, partners Transaction processing –Businesses, consumers, government Information access and dissemination –web, blog

5 The Internet* has become a critical information infrastructure. Our dependence on the Internet is only going to increase. This will be amplified by a fundamental change in the way that we use the network.

6 What do we want in a future information infrastructure? How will we use the network?

7 Compute Communicate Store Communicate Communications and computing Courtesy: John Doyle

8 Compute Sense Environment Act Communicate Store Communicate Courtesy: John Doyle

9 Computation Devices Dynamical Systems Devices Communication Control Courtesy: John Doyle

10 From Software to/from human Human in the loop To Software to Software Full automation Integrated control, comms, computing Closer to physical substrate Compute Communicate Store Communicate Computation Devices Dynamical Systems Devices Communication Control New capabilities & robustness New fragilities & vulnerabilities Courtesy: John Doyle

11 Are we ready? This represents an enormous change, the impact of which is not fully appreciated Few, if any, promising methods for addressing this full problem Even very special cases have had limited theoretical support Compute Communicate Store Communicate Computation Devices Dynamical Systems Devices Communication Control New capabilities & robustness New fragilities & vulnerabilities Courtesy: John Doyle

12 The Internet* has become a critical information infrastructure. The Internet is a control system for monitoring and controlling our physical environment.  Hijacking the Internet can be even more devastating than interrupting it. The Internet has become a type of public utility (like electricity or phone service) that underlies many important public and private services.  Internet disruptions have a “ripple effect” across the economy.

13 What do we want in a future information infrastructure? What features or attributes would we like it to have?

14 Is the Internet* robust? What is robustness?

15 working definition robustness = the persistence of some feature/attribute in the presence of some disturbance. must specify the feature/attribute must specify the disturbance

16 Is the Internet* robust? What can we say based on its architecture?

17 Hosts Routers

18 Hosts Routers Sources Links

19 Sources Links

20 Network protocols. HTTP TCP IP Sources Links

21 HTTP Sources Hidden from the user Files

22 Network protocols. HTTP TCP IP Files packets Sources Links Files

23 Network protocols. HTTP TCP IP Sources Links Vertical decomposition Protocol Stack Each layer can evolve independently provided: 1.Follow the rules 2.Everyone else does “good enough” with their layer

24 Network protocols. HTTP TCP IP Sources Links Horizontal decomposition Each level is decentralized and asynchronous Individual components can fail (provided that they “fail off”) without disrupting the network.

25 The Internet hourglass IP WebFTPMailNewsVideoAudiopingkazaa Applications TCPSCTPUDPICMP Transport protocols Ethernet 802.11SatelliteOpticalPower linesBluetoothATM Link technologies

26 IP The Internet hourglass WebFTPMailNewsVideoAudiopingkazaa Applications TCP Ethernet 802.11SatelliteOpticalPower linesBluetoothATM Link technologies

27 The Internet hourglass IP WebFTPMailNewsVideoAudiopingkazaa Applications TCP Ethernet 802.11SatelliteOpticalPower linesBluetoothATM Link technologies Everything on IP IP on everything

28 The Internet hourglass IP WebFTPMailNewsVideoAudiopingnapster Applications TCP Ethernet 802.11SatelliteOpticalPower linesBluetoothATM Link technologies robust to changes fragile to changes

29 Internet Vulnerabilities On short time scales: –Robust to loss of components (“fail off”) –Fragile to misbehaving components On long time scales: –Robust to changes in application or physical layer technologies –Fragile to changes in hourglass “waist” (IP) Is there a practical way of thinking about all of this in the context of cybersecurity? (i.e., a taxonomy for disruptions?)

30 Network Services (the end-to-end services that provide basic user functionality to the network) A Simplified Taxonomy Network Infrastructure (the hardware/software required to enable the movement of data across the network)

31 Vertical decomposition Network Services (the end-to-end services that provide basic user functionality to the network) A Simplified Taxonomy Network Infrastructure Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols

32 Network Services (the end-to-end services that provide basic user functionality to the network) A Simplified Taxonomy Network Infrastructure Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols Network “Core” Network “Edge” Horizontal decomposition

33 Network Services (the end-to-end services that provide basic user functionality to the network) Infrastructure in Network Core Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols Network “Core”

34 Physical Hardware (cables, routers, switches) Operating Systems (Cisco IOS) Fundamental Protocols (TCP, IP, BGP) Network Services (the end-to-end services that provide basic user functionality to the network) Infrastructure in Network Core Network “Core” Standards Orgs (e.g. IETF) ISPs Vendors (e.g. Cisco) ISPs Stakeholders IP spoofing BGP misconfigs Physical attacks Disruptions Cisco IOS attack?

35 Network Services (the end-to-end services that provide basic user functionality to the network) Infrastructure at Network Edge Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols Network “Edge”

36 Network Services (the end-to-end services that provide basic user functionality to the network) Infrastructure at Network Edge Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols Network “Edge” (TCP, IP, DNS) (Microsoft, Linux, MacOS) (desktops, laptops, servers) Physical Hardware (desktops, laptops, servers) Fundamental Protocols (TCP, IP, DNS) Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS) Standards Orgs (e.g. IETF) Users Vendors (e.g. Microsoft, Dell) Users (Corporate, Individual, Government) Stakeholders IP spoofing DNS attacks Physical attacks Disruptions Most virus/worm attacks

37 Network Services Network “Edge” Network “Core” Network Services (the end-to-end services that provide basic user functionality to the network) Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols

38 Types of Network Services Network “Edge” Network “Core” Public Services (specification and use is freely available) Private Services (specification and/or use is restricted or proprietary) Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols

39 Public Services (specification and use is freely available) Private Services (specification and/or use is restricted or proprietary) Types of Network Services Network “Edge” Network “Core” Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols Remote Access (Telnet) WWW (HTTP ) E-Mail (SMTP ) File Transfer (FTP, P2P) Financial Networks (FedWire ) SCADA Systems Other Infra- structures

40 Network “Edge” Network “Core” S E R V I C E S WWW (HTTP ) E-Mail (SMTP ) File Transfer (FTP, P2P) Remote Access (Telnet) Financial Networks (FedWire ) SCADA Systems Other Infra- structures Private Public Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols Physical Hardware Operating Systems Fundamental Protocols

41 Physical Hardware (cables, routers, switches) Operating Systems (Cisco OS) Physical Hardware (desktops, laptops, servers) Fundamental Protocols (TCP, IP, DNS) Fundamental Protocols (TCP, IP, BGP) S E R V I C E S A S S E T S (Information, Money) Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS) Network CORE Network EDGE E L E C T R I C I T Y & O T H E R P H Y S I C A L I N F R A S T R U C T U R E S WWW (HTTP ) E-Mail (SMTP ) File Transfer (FTP, P2P) Remote Access (Telnet) Financial Networks (FedWire ) SCADA Systems Other Infra- structures Private Public Technology Dependence Disruptions

42 Open Questions Is an Internet monoculture a significant threat to the security of cyberspace? Insight into the patch/worm problem? Who are the stakeholders and what are their economic incentives? How does misalignment of economic incentives contribute to insecurity? To what extent are the technological, economic, social, and legal factors in the current cyber infrastructure to blame for the overall (in)security of the system? How to design policy to promote a secure cyber infrastructure?

43 What do we want in a future information infrastructure? What do we have with our current information infrastructure?

44 What We Have Are these attributes important for a critical information infrastructure? Heterogeneity Open access Compatibility Evolvability Anonymity Diverse Functionality Best Effort Service Robustness* –Best Effort Service –Component loss

45 Security Reliability Accountability –Clear responsibility –Auditability Management simplicity Limited functionality Economic self- sustainability What We Have What We Need Heterogeneity Open access Compatibility Evolvability Anonymity Diverse Functionality Best Effort Service Robustness* –Best Effort Service –Component loss Are there tradeoffs that we might be willing to make?

46 Remembering History Strategic split of ARPANet and MILNet Different needs of each merited a split in which separate networks could be optimized to achieve different objectives

47 Two Distinct Needs A public Internet –Embraces the ideals of the original Internet –Open access, anonymity (but at a price) A critical information infrastructure –Meets the emerging needs of society –Secure, reliable, performance guarantees (but at a price) Is there any reason that they should be the same network?

48 What do we want in a future information infrastructure? A thought experiment

49 Vision for a Future Information Infrastructure A network that is an appropriate foundation for the deployment and support of critical infrastructure systems, thereby enhancing our national security A network in which there are clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and accountability for its owners, operators, support industries, and users A network that grows incrementally on top of the existing mesh of intranets and extranets, driven by a properly incentivized innovation community A network that interfaces and coexists with legacy infrastructure, providing incremental benefits to all who choose to participate A network that has self-sustaining economics

50 Some General Beliefs Private networks (even excluding the military) are a significant portion of all data networks Most private networks tend to use public infrastructure somewhere (virtual separation) The ISP industry is in tough economic times There is a large amount of excess capacity (e.g. dark fiber) Most of the technology for a secure network already exists The government and corporations are be willing to spend money to solve the problem

51 A Crazy Idea? Semi-private, with restricted access Security and reliability as primary objectives Built from the best of existing technology Strict deployment standards Leverage existing and unused capacity Limited, but guaranteed functionality Exist alongside current “best effort” Internet Clear responsibility –Licensed users –Audit trails Mandated use by other critical infrastructure providers Available by application to corporations (for a fee) Goal: long-term economic self-sustainability Have the federal government commission a few major ISPs to build and operate an “Internet alternative”

52 What about GovNet? Was it a good idea? Did any part of it make sense? Could it be implemented?

53 What do we want in a future information infrastructure? David Alderson Engineering and Applied Science, Caltech MS&E 91SI May 26, 2004

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