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Presentation on theme: "THE INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION CANDACE COTHREN."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Established in 1936 Harvard University was the first institution of Higher Education. By the time the Revolutionary War begin additional schools started to form. Which are now known as, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, and a few others. However, most of those schools required a religious affiliations or wealthier status.

3 THE GI BILL It wasn’t until 1944 when a bunch of World War II veterans enrolled in college using their GI Bill, when education started to become more widely available to lower classes of society.

4 MORE ON HISTORY Since then, the Institution of Education has grown tremendously. More classes of society are able to participate in getting a Higher Education. Such as the segregated class, lower economic classes, and women. Higher Education is now looked at as a must. Most jobs require a minimum of an Associates Degree to broaden their opportunities.

5 THE FUNCTIONALIST VIEW Durkheim believed that education created social solidary, and that through education culture was easily transmitted through beliefs and values. He viewed schools as a “miniature society” with rules, and cooperation. Emilie Durkheim and his Theories on Education

6 THE FUNCTIONALIST PERSPECTIVE Obtaining a degree from a post-secondary school is considered a great accomplishment to society. It allows an individual the opportunity to access better jobs, higher incomes, and a better quality of living. Education is also considered very fair. Allowing anyone with a high school diploma to enter in their school program. Junior colleges will even accept students with lower GPA’s. Obtaining a degree is considered a must in society nowadays. Almost every employer is requesting a minimum of a Associates degree.

7 THE CONFLICT PERSPECTIVE No doubt about it, higher education is definitely rewarding. It has the opportunity to provide a very nice lifestyle. However there are a few social conflicts in our higher education system. Such as:  The inflation cost of admissions, books, and cost of living on campus.  Student Debt  The decrease in job market  Budget cuts are forcing larger class sizes, fewer available classes, and making it harder to transfer to a four- year university based on limited space.

8 STUDENT DEBT Student debt has become an overwhelming problem for quite sometime. As the job market slows down more and more students are left with expensive loans and no way to pay these loans down. According to Professor Carpe Diem, a Professor of Finance at the University of Michigan, he states, that student debt has increased “7 times, from $23 billion in 1994 to $156.6 billion, for an average annual increase of more than 17%.” With this huge increase no wonder less people are able to afford college. To the right is an expected growth chart for the coming years.

9 THE DECREASE IN THE JOB MARKET Many students are finding a very difficult time finding a job after graduation. When they do find jobs they find themselves expanding into other fields of interest or taking a huge pay cut.

10 BUDGET CUTS Budget cuts are probably the most concerning for students at this time. Students are finding it harder to obtain classes. Classes are over capacity due to fewer teachers and teachers are left with a choice to take a pay cut or quit. Resulting in less experienced teachers with limited knowledge. In addition, Universities are becoming very picky giving students a 1 in 20 chance acceptance.

11 MY REFLECTION In todays society, education is without a doubt a must. However, certain conflicts are causing students to have to look into other alternatives. Larger class sizes, student debt, and the decrease in the job market are all concerns. Even financial aid has cut back on their funding and applied restrictions to the amount of time allotted for school. While education funds pose no issue for the wealthy, it affects the rest of society. Some solutions that could possible help our education system, is increasing school funding. This will benefit students by smaller class sizes, increase the amount classes, and generate earlier graduation. Also reforming financial aid so that it gives the gap between poor and middle class the opportunity to take advantage of state funded grants. Lastly, reducing tuition for schools. Especially while the job market is slow, there is no need to increase tuition when students are going to have a hard time finding a job.

12 WORKS CITED PAGE Backyard Sociology- Fall 2011." : Functionalism and College. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. CARPE DIEM." CARPE DIEM. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. Functionalism and Education." Functionalism and Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. IIP Digital | U.S. Department of State." The GI Bill of Rights. N.p., 03 Apr. 2008. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. Theories of Education." Theories of Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. Var Addthis_config = {"services_compact":"email,fark,digg,delicious,linkedin", services_expanded":"email,fark,digg,delicious,linkedin"}; History of American Higher Education." History of American Higher Education: Pursuing the College Degree. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.


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