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To help students in New York pay for their student loans and to decrease the number of students in debt.

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1 To help students in New York pay for their student loans and to decrease the number of students in debt.


3  2/03/grading-student-loans.html 2/03/grading-student-loans.html


5  “In the United States, where college costs have sky-rocketed and outpaced inflation (College Board 2010b), parents and students are responsible for paying the majority of these costs (Carnegie Com- mission on Higher Education 1973; Choy and Berker 2003; Olson and Rosenfeld 1984). The rise in college costs has not been offset by grant aid, which has failed to keep pace with rising costs (College Board 2006), leaving families and students to make up the difference.” ( Houle 2014: 53)  “According to one estimate, student loan debt recently reached $1 trillion dollars, surpassing credit card debt for the first time (Chopra 2012; Lewin 2011). Another report estimated that two-thirds of college graduates in 2010 had student loan debt, with an average of $25,250 (Project on Student Debt 2011; see also Baum and Steele 2010).” (Jackson and Reynolds 2013: 335)  It was not until 2010 that Congress, at the urging of the Obama Administration, eliminated the parasites and diverted billions in bank subsidies to an expansion of Pell Grants. This will reduce future burdens,but a great deal of damage has already been done. During the past two decades, student debt has skyrocketed. Last year new loans surpassed $100 billion for the first time, and total loans outstanding will soon exceed $1trillion.The typical recipient of a bachelor‘s degree now owes $22,000 upon graduation. (Mattera 2011: 1)

6  Houle, Jason N. 2014. "Disparities in Debt: Parents’ Socioeconomic Resources and Young Adult Student Loan Debt." Sociology Of Education 87, no. 1: 53-69. SocINDEX with Full Text, EBSCOhost (accessed April 28, 2014).  Jackson, Brandon A., and John R. Reynolds. 2013. "The Price of Opportunity: Race, Student Loan Debt, and College Achievement The Price of Opportunity: Race, Student Loan Debt, and College Achievement." Sociological Inquiry 83, no. 3: 335-368. SocINDEX with Full Text, EBSCOhost (accessed April 28, 2014).  Mattera, Philip. 2011. "Occupying the Future by Rejecting the Burden of Student Loan Debt." Social Policy 41, no. 4: 82. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson), EBSCOhost (accessed April 28, 2014).



9  My program is not statistically significant because it is.05 <.339  Conclusion: My program does not work because the number of people in debt increased from 209 to 245.


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