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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 DEVELOPMENTAL COUNSELING DOCTRINE TRAINING PROGRAM."— Presentation transcript:


2 Slide 2 Agenda  Intro./Leader Responsibilities/Leader as Counselor  Counseling Skills/Techniques/Limitations/Approaches  Counseling types/counseling process  Counseling regulatory requirements  The counseling form and NCOER counseling checklist  Appendix B – Leadership assessment  Homework – Leadership assessment/counseling test/ Study Background Information

3 Slide 3 HOUR 2 - Introduction to Developmental Counseling Leader Responsibilities/The Leader as a Counselor SGM Lester Leader Responsibilities/The Leader as a Counselor SGM Lester

4 Slide 4 Introduction to Developmental Counseling  Developing subordinate leaders is one of the most important responsibilities of every leader  Subordinates are not merely passive listeners; they are actively involved in the process  Shared effort to develop a plan of action  Leader supports the plan’s implementation; subordinate commits to improvement

5 Slide 5 New Doctrine Appendix “C” FM 22-100  The Leader’s Responsibilities  The Leader as a Counselor  Leader Counseling Skills  The Leader’s Limitations  Types of Developmental Counseling  Approaches to Counseling  Counseling Techniques  The Counseling Process  The Developmental Counseling Form

6 Slide 6 Leader Responsibilities  Leaders coach subordinates the same way sports coaches improve their teams  Identifying weaknesses  Setting goals  Developing and implementing a plan of action  Providing oversight and motivation throughout the process  To be effective coaches leaders must understand the strengths, weaknesses and goals of subordinates  Effective leaders who counsel properly can change the perception that counseling is a negative action

7 Slide 7 Characteristics of Effective Counseling  Purpose: Clearly define the purpose of counseling  Flexibility: Fit the style to the character of the subordinate and to the relationship desired  Respect: View subordinates as unique individuals, each with a distinct set of values, beliefs, attitudes  Communication: Establish open, two-way commo; effective counselors listen more than speak  Support: Encourage subordinates with actions while guiding them through problem solving

8 Slide 8 The Leader as a Counselor (Qualities)  Respect for subordinates  Allow the subordinate to take responsibility for actions  Self Awareness and cultural awareness  Know yourself  Know your subordinate  Empathy  Put yourself in the subordinate’s shoes  Credibility  If you lack credibility, you can’t influence subordinates

9 Slide 9 HOUR 3 - Leader Counseling Skills Counseling Techniques/Leader’s Limitations/Counseling Approaches SGM Lester Counseling Techniques/Leader’s Limitations/Counseling Approaches SGM Lester

10 Slide 10 Leader Counseling Skills-Active Listening  Eye contact  Body posture  Head nods  Facial expressions  Verbal expressions  Silence

11 Slide 11 Nonverbal Indicators of a Subordinate’s Attitude  Boredom  Self-confidence  Defensiveness  Frustration  Interest, friendliness, and openness  Openness or anxiety

12 Slide 12 Leader Counseling Skills-Responding  Respond verbally and nonverbally  Summarizing  Interpreting  Clarifying  Maintaining eye contact  Occasional head nods

13 Slide 13 Leader Counseling Skills-Questioning  Use this skill with caution  Avoid interrogating  Too many questions put the subordinate in a passive mode  May cause the subordinate to become defensive  Ask open-ended questions

14 Slide 14 Counseling Errors  Talking too much; not truly listening  Giving unnecessary or inappropriate advice  Projecting personal likes, dislikes, biases, prejudices  Improper follow-up or lack of follow-up  Inflexible counseling methods  Loss of emotional control, rash judgements

15 Slide 15 Guidelines to Improve Counseling  Determine subordinate’s role in the situation and what he’s done to resolve the problem  When asking questions, be sure that you need the info.  Give the subordinate your full attention  Encourage the subordinate to take the initiative  Help the subordinate help himself  More guidelines in FM 22-100, Figure C-2

16 Slide 16 Counseling Approaches  Nondirective  Directive  Combined

17 Slide 17 Counseling Techniques- Nondirective/Combined Approaches  Suggesting alternatives  Recommending  Persuading  Advising

18 Slide 18 Counseling Techniques- Directive Approach  Corrective training  Commanding

19 Slide 19 The Leader’s Limitations  Army leaders can’t help everyone in every situation  Recognize your limitations  Refer subordinate to a more qualified person or agency  Leaders should respect the right of a subordinate to contact a referral agency on his own  Some referral agencies listed in FM 22-100, Figure C-3

20 Slide 20 HOUR 4 - Types of Developmental Counseling and the Process Event Oriented Counseling/Performance and Professional Growth Counseling/The Counseling Process SGM Paul Event Oriented Counseling/Performance and Professional Growth Counseling/The Counseling Process SGM Paul

21 Slide 21 Types of Counseling  Event-Oriented  Specific instances of superior or substandard performance  Reception and integration counseling  Crisis counseling  Referral counseling  Promotion counseling  Separation counseling

22 Slide 22 Counseling for Specific Instances (Event Oriented)  Conduct it as close to the event as possible  May precede or follow the event  Check yourself--How often do you counsel for superior performance?  Corrective training ends when the subordinate can achieve the standard  See FM 22-100, para. C-31 for actions to take when counseling for a specific performance

23 Slide 23 Reception and Integration Counseling (Event Oriented)  Should begin immediately upon arrival so new members quickly integrate into the unit  Identify and fix problems or concerns the new member has  Lets the new member know unit standards and how he fits into the team  Sends the message that the chain of command cares  See FM 22-100, Figure C-4, R&I counseling points

24 Slide 24 Other Event Oriented Counseling Situations  Crisis Counseling:  Listening is important here; use referral agencies for support  Referral Counseling:  Preventive counseling before the situation becomes a bigger problem  Promotion Counseling:  Eligible for advancement without waiver, but not recommended  Adverse Separation Counseling:  Informs on consequences associated with continued substandard performance

25 Slide 25 Types of Counseling (Continued) Performance/Professional Growth:  What does this counseling session address? Short Term: < 1 year (Performance/Personal Goals) Long Term: 2-5 years (Professional Growth)

26 Slide 26 Performance Counseling  Periodic review of duty performance  Jointly establish performance objectives and standards for the next period  Focus on the future and the subordinate’s strengths, weaknesses and potential  NCOER and OER counseling requirement  Establish attainable goals and teach subordinates how to achieve them

27 Slide 27 Professional Growth Counseling  Planning to accomplish individual and professional goals  Assists subordinates in achieving organizational and individual goals  Review and identify strengths and weaknesses and create a plan of action  Discuss and develop a “pathway to success”  Specific COAs must be tailored to each individual

28 Slide 28 Types of Counseling (Conclusion)  These types are not separate, distinct, or exhaustive  Different types may be combined into one counseling session  Consult with appropriate regulations for counseling requirements--more on that later  Regardless of the topic, leaders should follow the same process to prepare for and conduct the session

29 Slide 29 The Counseling Process  Identify the need for counseling:  Event-oriented or performance/professional growth counseling  Prepare for counseling:  Select a suitable place, schedule the time, notify the subordinate well in advance, organize information, outline the counseling session components, plan your counseling strategy, and establish the right atmosphere.  Conduct counseling:  Open the session, discussing the issues, developing the plan of action, and recording and closing the session.  Follow up:  Providing the teaching, coaching, and mentoring needed.

30 Slide 30 Stages of the Counseling Process  Identify the need for counseling:  Event-oriented or performance/professional growth counseling  Prepare for counseling:  Select a suitable place  Schedule the time  Notify the subordinate well in advance  Organize information  Outline the counseling session components  Plan your counseling strategy  Establish the right atmosphere

31 Slide 31 Stages of the Counseling Process (Continued)  Conduct counseling:  Open the session  Discussing the issues  Developing the plan of action  Recording and closing the session

32 Slide 32 Stages of the Counseling Process (Conclusion)  Follow up:  Leader Responsibilities  Providing the teaching, coaching, and mentoring needed  Assess the Plan of Action

33 Slide 33 Desired End state of a Counseling Session  Develop a subordinate-centered Plan of Action  Tie expectations to performance objectives  Tie expectations to appropriate standards  Achieves unit and individual goals  Develops a “Pathway to Success”

34 Slide 34 HOUR 5 - Counseling Requirements AR 600-20/AR 635-200/AR 600-8-19/ AR 623-205/AR 600-9 SGM Lester AR 600-20/AR 635-200/AR 600-8-19/ AR 623-205/AR 600-9 SGM Lester

35 Slide 35 AR 600-20 (Command Policy) Counseling Requirements  AR 600-20, Paragraph 2-3, dated 13 May 2002  Commanders will ensure that all members of their command receive timely performance counseling  Unit commanders will determine the timing and specific methods used to provide guidance and direction through counseling  All commanders will ensure that their subordinate commanders implement and maintain an effective performance counseling program

36 Slide 36 AR 635-200 (Enlisted Personnel) Counseling Requirements  AR 635-200, Chapter 1, paragraph 1-16, and Chapters 4, 8, and 13, dated 1 November 2000  Commanders will ensure that adequate counseling and rehabilitative measures are taken before initiating separation proceedings  At least one formal counseling session is required before separation proceedings may be initiated  Counseling will be comprehensive and waiver of the counseling requirement is not authorized

37 Slide 37 AR 600-8-19 (Enlisted Promotions) Counseling Requirements  AR 600-8-19, Paragraph 1-26, dated 13 September 2002  Appropriate commander or his designee (such as the first senior NCO in the chain of command) will counsel soldiers who are eligible for promotion to PV2 through SSG without a waiver (fully qualified) but not recommended in writing  Counseling will:  Take place when SM attains initial eligibility, and  Periodically (at least every three months) and  Include why the SM was not recommended and what can be done to correct deficiencies or qualities which lack promotion potential

38 Slide 38 AR 623-205 (NCOER) Counseling Requirements  AR 623-205, Paragraph 2-9, dated 15 May 2002  The raters role is that of evaluation, focusing on performance and performance counseling  The DA Form 2166-8-1 is mandatory for use by the rater when counseling NCOs  Rater will counsel the rated NCO on his or her duty performance and professional development throughout the rating period

39 Slide 39 AR 600-9 The Army Weight Control Program  AR 600-9, Paragraph 20a, dated 1 September 1986  Identification and counseling of overweight personnel is required  Paragraph 21b  The weight reduction counseling can be accomplished prior or shortly after entry into a (weight control) program.

40 Slide 40 HOUR 6 - Counseling Forms DA Form 4856-E/ DA Form 2166-8-1/Career Maps/Counseling Website SGM Patterson DA Form 4856-E/ DA Form 2166-8-1/Career Maps/Counseling Website SGM Patterson

41 Slide 41 Lester, James T.SGT123-45-67896 SEP 02 UNIT NAMESFC Paul, Joseph/PSG This is your Reception and Integration Counseling. You are being assigned as 4th Squad Leader, 1st Platoon. In addition, this is your Initial Counseling along with your NCOER Counseling Checklist to support your NCOER.

42 Slide 42 PART III - SUMMARY OF COUNSELING Complete this section during or immediately subsequent to counseling. Key Points of Discussion: OTHER INSTRUCTIONS This form will be destroyed upon: reassignment (other than rehabilitative transfers), separation at ETS, or upon retirement. For separation requirements and notification of loss of benefits/consequences see local directives and AR 635-200. DA FORM 4856-E, JUN 99 EDITION OF JUN 85 IS OBSOLETE o Discuss duty and responsibility to train, lead, and develop squad o Standards- setting and enforcing o Finances (PCS Entitlements, Leaves) o Housing, Child care Center o Family Readiness Group o Discuss duty position and review job description: o Leader’s Book for 4 th Squad: o Personal and Family Issues: o Personal and Organizational Goals: o Duty rosters and training schedules o Deployments and Exercises o Unit Physical Fitness Program/unit fitness goal/diagnostic APFT o Soldier Key Information o Equipment Accountability and Maintenance o Chain of Command/NCO Support Channel: o Rating Chain/NCOER o Alert/Recall Roster and Accountability o Hand Receipts/Command Maintenance o Professional Development o Education (Civilian and Military) o Career Enhancing Opportunities (NCO of the Month Board, Audie Murphy Board) o Short and Long Term Goals o Unit Readiness o Unit METL, Command Policies and SOPs

43 Slide 43 Plan of Action: (Outlines actions that the subordinate will do after the counseling session to reach the agreed upon goal(s). The actions must be specific enough to modify or maintain the subordinate’s behavior and include a specific time line for implementation and assessment (Part IV below):

44 Slide 44 Plan of Action: DA FORM 4856-E (Reverse) (Outlines actions that the subordinate will do after the counseling session to reach the agreed upon goal(s). The actions must be specific enough to modify or maintain the subordinate’s behavior and include a specific time line for implementation and assessment (Part IV below): o Provide spouse with Family Readiness Group contact info. and encourage her to attend the next meeting. o Review Unit METL and Command Policies by Monday, and SOPs by the end of next week. o Conduct joint inventory of squad equipment within 20 days. o Review leaders book from previous squad leader within 2 weeks. o Conduct open discussion with squad members next week. o Conduct initial counseling on each squad member within 30 days. o Visit the education center to look into next semester’s schedule. o In support of long-term goal of promotion to SSG, work on weapons qualification, PT, and civilian/military education. o Study pertinent Army Regulations and FMs for board appearance. o Verify squad’s SRP packets within 60 days. o Tentatively schedule future monthly assessments. o Prepare to take a diagnostic APFT within 30 days and prepare to conduct PT.

45 Slide 45 Session Closing: (The leader summarizes the key points of the session and checks if the subordinate understands the plan of action. The subordinate agrees/disagrees and provides remarks if appropriate): Individual counseled: I agree / disagree with the information above Individual counseled remarks: Leader Responsibilities : (Leader’s responsibilities in implementing the plan of action): Signature of Counselor: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ PART IV - ASSESSMENT OF THE PLAN OF ACTION Assessment: individual counseled and provides useful information for follow-up counseling): Counselor: ____________________ Individual Counseled:_________________ Date of Assessment: ______________ Note: Both the counselor and the individual counseled should retain a record of the counseling. DA FORM 4856-E (Reverse) Signature of : Individual counseled _________________________________________________ Date:________________ Jim T. Lester 6 Sep 02

46 Slide 46 Plan of Action: (Outlines actions that the subordinate will do after the counseling session to reach the agreed upon goal(s). The actions must be specific enough to modify or maintain the subordinate’s behavior and include a specific time line for implementation and assessment (Part IV below): Session Closing: (The leader summarizes the key points of the session and checks if the subordinate understands the plan of action. The subordinate agrees/disagrees and provides remarks if appropriate): Individual counseled: I agree / disagree with the information above Individual counseled remarks: Signature of Individual Counseled: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Leader Responsibilities : (Leader’s responsibilities in implementing the plan of action): Signature of Counselor: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ PART IV - ASSESSMENT OF THE PLAN OF ACTION Assessment: (Did the plan of action achieve the desired results? This section is completed by both the leader and the individual counseled and provides useful information for follow-up counseling): Counselor: ____________________ Individual Counseled:_________________ Date of Assessment: ______________ Note: Both the counselor and the individual counseled should retain a record of the counseling. DA FORM 4856-E (Reverse) Leader Responsibilities: (Leader’s responsibilities in implementing the plan of action):

47 Slide 47 Session Closing: (The leader summarizes the key points of the session and checks if the subordinate understands the plan of action. The subordinate agrees/disagrees and provides remarks if appropriate): Individual counseled: I agree / disagree with the information above Individual counseled remarks: Leader Responsibilities : (Leader’s responsibilities in implementing the plan of action): Signature of Counselor: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ PART IV - ASSESSMENT OF THE PLAN OF ACTION Assessment: individual counseled and provides useful information for follow-up counseling): Counselor: ____________________ Individual Counseled:_________________ Date of Assessment: ______________ Note: Both the counselor and the individual counseled should retain a record of the counseling. DA FORM 4856-E (Reverse) Signature of : Individual counseled _________________________________________________ Date:________________ Jim T. Lester 6 Sep 02 Joseph J. Paul 6 Sep 02 Introduce to squad members. Reinforce and explain job description. Provide soldier with a copy of the updated rating scheme and alert roster. Provide a list of reference material to assist soldier in preparation for NCO of the Month, Audie Murphy, and Promotion Board. Afford time to review policies and SOPs. Assist in resolving any problems that may develop. Schedule and administer a diagnostic APFT. I will check back in 30 days to ensure all your soldiers have been counseled. Supervise squad inventory of equipment. Coordinate for class with Supply SGT on accountability and responsibility. Provide with information on next FRG meeting.

48 Slide 48 Plan of Action: (Outlines actions that the subordinate will do after the counseling session to reach the agreed upon goal(s). The actions must be specific enough to modify or maintain the subordinate’s behavior and include a specific time line for implementation and assessment (Part IV below): Session Closing: (The leader summarizes the key points of the session and checks if the subordinate understands the plan of action. The subordinate agrees/disagrees and provides remarks if appropriate): Individual counseled: I agree / disagree with the information above Individual counseled remarks: Signature of Individual Counseled: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Leader Responsibilities : (Leader’s responsibilities in implementing the plan of action): Signature of Counselor: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ PART IV - ASSESSMENT OF THE PLAN OF ACTION Assessment: (Did the plan of action achieve the desired results? This section is completed by both the leader and the individual counseled and provides useful information for follow-up counseling): Counselor: ____________________ Individual Counseled:_________________ Date of Assessment: ______________ Note: Both the counselor and the individual counseled should retain a record of the counseling. DA FORM 4856-E (Reverse) Assessment: (Did the plan of action achieve the desired results? This section is completed by both the leader and the individual counseled and provides useful information for follow-up counseling):

49 Slide 49 Session Closing: (The leader summarizes the key points of the session and checks if the subordinate understands the plan of action. The subordinate agrees/disagrees and provides remarks if appropriate): Individual counseled: I agree / disagree with the information above Individual counseled remarks: Leader Responsibilities : (Leader’s responsibilities in implementing the plan of action): Signature of Counselor: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ PART IV - ASSESSMENT OF THE PLAN OF ACTION Assessment:individual counseled and provides useful information for follow-up counseling): Counselor: __________________________________ Individual Counseled:___________________________ Date of Assessment: ______________ Note: Both the counselor and the individual counseled should retain a record of the counseling. Signature of : Individual counseled _________________________________________________ Date:________________ Jim T. Lester 6 Sep 02 Joseph J. Paul 6 Sep 02 On 26 SEP 02, observed SGT Name conducting a squad equipment inventory. He made the necessary correction, signed for and accepted responsibility for the squad equipment. On 02 OCT 02, SGT Name took a diagnostic APFT and scored 220 with a score of 65 on the run. Introduce to squad members. Reinforce and explain job description. Provide soldier with a copy of the updated rating scheme and alert Roster. Provide a list of reference material to assist soldier in preparation for NCO of the Month, Audie Murphy, and Promotion Board. Afford time to review policies and SOPs. Assist in resolving any problems that may develop. Schedule and administer a diagnostic APFT. I will check back in 30 days to ensure all your soldiers have been counseled. Supervise squad inventory of equipment. Coordinate For class with Supply SGT on accountability and responsibility. Provide with info. on next FRG meeting. 06 NOV 02 reviewed SGT Name's squad SRP packets and they meet the standards. SGT Name did a super job in conducting section PT during the week of 12-15 NOV 02. 28 NOV 02 SGT Name took an additional diagnostic APFT to assess his individual PT program and increased his score on the run by 20 points. Joseph J. PaulJim T. Lester 6 DEC 02 Assessments done on:03 OCT 02 JTL/JTP,04 NOV 02 JTL/JTP 04 OCT 02 SGT Name attended the unit Family Support Group meeting with spouse. 07 OCT 02 reviewed SGT Name's squad initial counseling packets. Quality counseling was done.

50 Slide 50 NCO COUNSELING CHECKLIST/RECORD For use of this form, see AR 623-205; the proponent agency is ODCSPER. NAME OF RATED NCO RANK DUTY POSITION UNIT HHC Lester, James T. SGT 4 th Squad Leader Your Unit PURPOSE: The primary purpose of counseling is to improve performance and to professionally develop the rated NCO. The best counseling is always looking forward. It does not dwell on the past and on what was done, rather on the future and what can be done better. Counseling at the end of the rating period is too late since there is no time to improve before evaluation RULES: 1. Face-to-face performance counseling is mandatory for all Noncommissioned Officers 2. This form is for use along with a working copy of the NCO-ER for conducting NCO performance counseling and recording counseling content and dates. Its use is mandatory for counseling all NCOs, CPL through CSM. 3. Active Component. Initial counseling must be conducted within the first 30 days of each rating period, and at least quarterly thereafter. Reserve Components.(ARNG, USAR). Counseling must be conducted at least semiannually. There is no mandatory counseling at the end of the rating period. CHECKIST – FIRST COUNSELING SESSION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE RATING PERIOD PREPARATION COUNSELING 1. Schedule counseling session, notify rated NCO. 1. Make sure the rated NCO knows rating chain. 2. Get copy of last duty description used for rated NCO’s duty 2. Show rated NCO the draft duty description on your working position, a blank copy of the NCO-ER, and the names of the new copy of the NCO-ER. Explain all parts. If rated NCO performed rating chain. in position before, ask for any ideas to make duty description 3. Update duty description (see page 2). better 4. Fill out rating chain and duty description on working copy of 3. Discuss the meaning of each value/responsibility in part IV of NCO-ER, Parts II and III.NCO-ER. Use the trigger words on NCO-ER, and the 5. Read each of the values/responsibilities in part IV of NCO-ER and expanded definitions on pages 3 and 4 of this form to help. the expanded definitions and examples on page 3 and 4 of this form 4. Explain how each value/responsibility applies to the specific 6. Think how each value and responsibility in Part IV of NCO-ER duty position by showing or telling your standards for success (a applies to the rated NCO and his/her duty position. meets standards rating). Use examples on pages 3 and 4 of this Note: Leadership and training may be more difficult to apply than the form as a start point. Be specific so the rated NCO really knows other values/responsibilities when the rated NCO has no what’s expected. subordinates. Leadership is simply influencing others in the 5. When possible, give specific examples of excellence that accomplishment of the mission and that can include peers and could apply. This gives the rated NCO something special to superiors. It also can be applied directly to additional duties and strive for. Remember that only a few achieve real excellence and other areas of Army community life. Individual training is the that real excellence always includes specific results and often responsibility of all NCOs whether or not there are subordinates. includes accomplishments of subordinates. Every NCO knows something that can be taught to others and should 6. Give rated NCO the opportunity to ask questions and make Be involved in some way in a training program.Suggestions. 7. Decide what you consider necessary for success (a meets standards rating) for each value/responsibility. Use the examples listed on page 3 and 4 of this form as a guide in developing your

51 Slide 51 COUNSELING 4. Ask rated NCO for ideas, examples and opinions on what 1. Go over each part of the duty description with rated NCO. has been done so far and what can be done better. (This step Discuss any changes, especially to the area of special emphasis. can be done first or last). 2. Tell rated NCO how he / she is doing. Use your success standards as a guide for the discussion (the examples on pages 3 BEFORE THE NCO DEPARTS THE COUNSELING SESSION and 4 may help). First, for each value/responsibility, talk about what 1. Record counseling date on this form. has happened in response to any discussion you had during the last 2. Write any additional key points that came up during the counseling session (remember, observed action, demonstrated counseling session on this form. behavior and results). Second, talk about what was done well. Third, 3. Show key points to rated NCO and get his/her initials. talk about how to do better. The goal is to get all NCOs to be 4. Save NCO-ER with this checklist for next counseling successful and meet standards.session. (Notes should make record NCO-ER preparation easy 3. When possible, give examples of excellence that could apply. at the end of the rating period. This gives the rated NCO something to strive for, REMEMBER, EXCELLENCE IS SPECIAL, ONLY A FEW ACHIEVE IT! Excellence includes results and often involves subordinates. COUNSELING RECORD/KEY POINTS MADE INITIAL o Squad Leader duty description and responsibilities to include to train, lead, and develop the squad o Leaders Book review o Organizational and personal goals o See DA Form 4856, Integration and reception counseling DATE 6 Sep 02 RATED NCO’S INITIALS JTL LATER o Conducted squad equipment inventory, signed for and accepted responsibility for the squad equipment o Completed quality squad initial counselings o Discussed upcoming JRTC rotation and additional appointment as Arms Room NCOIC o See DA Form 4856, 2 nd Quarterly counseling DATE 6 Dec 02 RATED NCO’S INITIALS JTL LATER DATE RATED NCO’S INITIALS

52 Slide 52 CMF 92 Career Development Model YRS OF SVC1-34-67-910-1516-1920-30 RANK PVT PFC SPC/CPL SGTSSGSFCMSG 1SGSGM CSM DUTY ASSIGNMENT ACTIVE COMPONENT/RESERVE COMPONENT DUTY/ DRILL SERGEANT FIRST SERGEANT TEAM LEADERSGL/INSTR PLATOON SGT SECTION SUPV USAR ADVISOR SECTION CHIEF SQUAD LEADER EQUIP SYS OPER SHIFT SUPV SECTION CHIEFSTAFF NCO INSTITUTIONA L TRAINING BCT/AIT PLDC BNCOCANCOC SERGEANTS MAJOR COURSE RECOMMEN DED NCOES- RELATED COURSES PRIOR TO PLDC: English Composition Basic Mathematics Computer Literacy PRIOR TO BNCOC: Communication Skills Personnel Supervision SL10/20 ACCP Speech PRIOR TO ANCOC: Principles of Management Effective Writing Leadership & Counseling Effective Communication PRIOR TO SMC: Research Techniques (Statistics) Human Resource Management Time Management Recommended Battle Staff NCO Course 1SG Course Recommended Reading Standard: 10 Achieve Writing Standard Recommended Reading Standard: 12 Achieve Writing Standard RECOMMEN DED CMF- RELATED COURSES AND ACTIVITIES SKILL LEVEL 10 SKILL LEVEL 20 Human Growth & Development Reading Development Role of Military SKILL LEVEL 30 Contemporary Moral Issues Stress/Criss Mgt Counseling Principles and Practies SKILL LEVEL 40 Accounting/Finance Personal Finance Principles of Business Economics SKILL LEVEL 50 RECOMMEND CMF-RELATED CERTIFICATION OR DEGREE GOAL AA/AS: Applied Science in Management or Liberal Arts BA/BS: By the 19 th Year of Service By the 11 th Year of Service The POC is SFC Weegmann at DSN: 328-0177 or COML: (703) 428-0177.SFC Weegmann This page was last updated on 10 December 2001.

53 Slide 53

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59 Slide 59 HOUR 7 - Introduction to Appendix B Performance Indicators/Leadership Dimensions/Leadership Assessment/ Counseling Workshop Test SGM Paul Performance Indicators/Leadership Dimensions/Leadership Assessment/ Counseling Workshop Test SGM Paul

60 Slide 60 FM 22-100 Appendix B Performance Indicators  Appendix B summarizes Leadership Dimensions discussed in Chapters 1-7  Quick reference list of Performance Indicators  Designed to use as a leadership assessment and counseling tool  Self Leadership Assessment  Subordinate Leadership Assessment  NOT a list of bullets for NCOERs

61 Slide 61 FM 22-100 Appendix B Performance Indicators

62 Slide 62 FM 22-100 Appendix B Leadership Dimensions  A Leader must:  BE  The values and attributes that shape a leader’s character  KNOW  Your competence in everything from the technical side of your job to the people skills a leader requires  DO  How you apply what you know  How you act and DO what you must  Actions are the essence of leadership

63 Slide 63 FM 22-100 Appendix B Leadership Assessment  Honestly assess Leadership Dimensions that could be improved  Design a plan that will Develop and Improve these Dimensions  Establish Goal Timeline for Indicator Improvement  Annotate in “Plan of Action” during counseling session  Assess level of success of Leadership Growth and Development

64 Slide 64 FM 22-100 Counseling Workshop Test  Test  Open Book – Take Home  Complete and Return on Day 3  Study Background Information

65 Slide 65 Summary Counseling Subordinate-centered Goal orientated Subordinate Centered Strategy Active Listening Responding Questioning The Session Open the Session Discuss the issue Develop POA Record & Close The Process Identify the need Prepare Conduct Assessment Purpose To develop subordinates



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