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REINFORCED CONCRETE AND IRON RESTATING. Meeting 12 Study Program: S0673 / Building Construction II Year: 2007.

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2 REINFORCED CONCRETE AND IRON RESTATING. Meeting 12 Study Program: S0673 / Building Construction II Year: 2007

3 Bina Nusantara 3 Learning Outcome By the end of this meeting, expected student will be able to : Student can explain made building construction of concrete along with its picture.

4 Bina Nusantara 4 Outcome Items Items 1: Common Term of reinforced concrete. Items 2: Tables of concrete quality and class. Items 3: Bone and is thick of concrete blanket. Items 4: Execution of installation of restating.

5 Bina Nusantara 5 Construction Reinforced Concrete. Terms : Concrete : obtained materials by mixing smooth aggregate, harsh aggregate, water and cement. Reinforced concrete: concrete which consist of bone bar and planned pursuant to ascription that both the materials cooperate in shouldering styles. Prestressed concrete: reinforced concrete in which have been generated by tensions of intern in such division and value of aspect till tensions effect of burden can be neutralized until an wanted level.

6 Bina Nusantara 6 Preprint concrete: parts of reinforced concrete or spineless which printed in dimiciling is other the than dimiciling finally in construction. Light Concrete : concrete where its aggregate consist of light materialss. Spineless concrete: concrete which do not contain bone bar. Bone steel : steel type weared for the bone of concrete which must fulfill certain rules.

7 Bina Nusantara 7 Bar which is profile: bone bar with special surface form to enlarge juxtaposition with concrete. Artless bar : bone bar with slippery surface and in form of prismatis. Bone bundle : binding to consist of 2,3,4 or more bar which is bound profile along with slivering, so that all binding to work as one unity.

8 Bina Nusantara 8 Class and Quality Concrete Concrete for the construction of reinforced concrete divided into class and quality like in tables beside this : ClassQualityGoal IBNon Structural IIB1 K-125 K-175 K-225 Structural IIIK > 225Structural

9 Bina Nusantara 9 Bone Barb and Bend. full (of) Barb: Artless Bar. Bar which is profile. d= artless bar diameter. dp= diameter identification of bar which profile.

10 Bina Nusantara 10 Oblique barb: Artless Bar Bar which profile.

11 Bina Nusantara 11 Oblique Barb at Chock.

12 Bina Nusantara 12 For bone also have to be paid attention : Length channeling of bone depress. Length channeling of interesting bone. length of overlap. Distance between bone bar. etc

13 Bina Nusantara 13 Parts of Construction PLATE : Thick of plate may not be taken less than 7 cm for the plate of roof and 12 cm for the plate of floor. Plate bone, including divisor bone may not be taken less than needed to shoulder to dwindle and change of temperature. Wide of bone have to be taken minimum 0,25 % from wide of existing concrete. Wide bone divisor of minimum taken 20 % from wide fundamental bone. Bone diameter for the plate of fundamental bone minimum  8 mm, divisor bone  6 mm, when used soft steel and fundamental bone  5 mm, divisor bone  4 mm 4 mm for hard steel. Plate which thicker than 25 cm have to be attached. plate in places of momen maximum fulcrums and maximum field momen distance of[is each bone bar may not more than 20 cm or 2 thick times plate.

14 Bina Nusantara 14 Wall : Thick taken vertical wall minimum 1 / 30 from unfolding wall cleanness or 12 cm for wall shouldering to flex and 10 cm for wall which not shoulder to flex. External walls of subterranean room minimum 20 cm. Installation of bone vertical wall thickly less than 12 cm, bone attached in the middle of, while wall of reservoir water, and other wall thickly >/ 30 cm have to be attached bone double. Wide minimum bone 0,25 % from wide existing concrete. Used bone diameter equal to plate bone.

15 Bina Nusantara 15 LOG : Wide minimum log body 1 / 30 times unfold cleanness. High log have to as according to is wide log and fulfill demarcation of restating. For high log, comparison between wide and high more than 2,5 for log to continue and more 4,5 for log to the 2 fulcrums. Interesting bone minimum to every surface of log. Width surface of minimum bone steel  12 mm. Distance each bone may not more than 15 cm and less than 3 cm. Distance wedge with chock maximum log 30 cm or 2 / 3 is high log.

16 Bina Nusantara 16 COLUMN : Column size measure of strukturil wide minimum = 15 cm. Wide minimum bone = 1 % from wide surface of column, with minimum 1 bone bar in each surface area angle. Long Bar bone diameter minimize  12 mm. Wide long bone of column may not be taken more than 6 % from wide of surface of concrete. If long bone of continued column, tip of bar may not give by barb. Distance wedge with chock maximum at long bone of column taken smallest from : - Smallest size measure from wide surface of column. - 15 times smallest long bone diameter. - 30 cm

17 Bina Nusantara 17 Thick Cover of Concrete Thick cover of minimum concrete have to be taken as according to Tabel.1. Thick cover of concrete have to as according to planning picture. If not there are in the plan is, thick cover of concrete can be taken according to Tabel.1, in the affirmative and pertinent planning. In Tabel.1. beside, which interpreted with “ in” is external area covert concrete of influences of weather ( rain, direct sun and others) and do not relate to water.

18 Bina Nusantara 18 Tabel.1. Thick Cover of Minimum concrete. TABLES OF COVER OF CONCRETE MINIMUM. (CM) Construction Parts InsideOutsideDo not Seen Plate and membrane 11.52 Wall 1.522.5 Log 22.53 Column 2.533.5

19 Bina Nusantara 19 Which interpreted “ outside” is area when external area natural concrete influences of weather ( rain, direct sun, and others) and relate to water. While which interpreted “ do not seen” when external area concrete after concrete finish worked cannot be estimated again.

20 Bina Nusantara 20 B.At constructions and or parts of concrete construction of pre print, thick cover of concrete can be taken less than which determined like sentence ( a ) with minimum 1 coming from accuracy of printing; mould and way of moulding can guarantee thickly cover of the concrete and concrete cures is in such a manner so that can limit barstly effect dwindle.

21 Bina Nusantara 21 C.In all matter, thick cover of concrete may not less than which determined following : At artless bar. : d At bar which profile. : dp At binding bone. : de where d is artless bar diameter, dp is diameter identification of bar which profile according to Section 3.7 sentence ( 4 ) and de is diameter of equivalent bind bone according to section 3.7 sentence ( 6).

22 Bina Nusantara 22 D.Thick cover of concrete which determined in sentence ( a) up to ( c ) have to be added with minimum 1 cm if surface of the concrete located in in corrosive environment, like when: relate to sea water. getting influence of alkali sulphate of ground water or ground. relate to corrosive gass or vapour. In this case, hence before planning started is thick cover of the concrete have to be specified ahead by planner pursuant to study regarding the nature of corrosive the than that environment also take counsel with taskmaster.

23 Bina Nusantara 23 WORK AND INSTALLATION OF BONE Work of Amputation and Retortion. 1. Work Detail and installation have to be prepared as job picture which must be made by Contractor before execution of work and agreed by Board of directors Field.

24 Bina Nusantara 24 2.Barb have to be passed to each terminating of artless bone. Barb thread iron only required if fulfilling the following situation : Especial bone laying in every column angle and log which is not covert. Chock. Placement above two fulcrums. By the end of bone to the from cantilever beam and plate.

25 Bina Nusantara 25 Column

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