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Technical Assistance and Capacity Building in the Field of IP/SMEs by the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), WIPO: Assessing Needs,

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Assistance and Capacity Building in the Field of IP/SMEs by the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), WIPO: Assessing Needs,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Assistance and Capacity Building in the Field of IP/SMEs by the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), WIPO: Assessing Needs, Meeting Expectations and Measuring Success Kingston, Jamaica Jun 4 - 6, 2012 Paul Regis Head, Caribbean Unit, Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

2 About the Caribbean Unit The Unit was established in June 2010 with the specific aim of focusing more on the special and different needs of Caribbean countries. The unit is within the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean which is a Bureau in the Development Sector. The Caribbean countries covered are the 14 CARICOM Member States (12 English speaking plus Haiti and Suriname).

3 IP Areas Covered Industrial Property Patents Trademark Industrial Designs Geographical Indication Traditional Knowledge & Cultural Expressions Genetic Resources Assist in the facilitation of Copyright requests Industrial Property activities overlap with Copyright (e.g. IP and Sports Seminar, Jamaica 2011) Works in-house with other divisions with expertise in set areas

4 WIPO’s Strategic Goals I-VII Goal III: Facilitating the Use of IP for Development IV Critical Pillars from MTSP 2010-2015 Human Resource Capacity Building Institutional and Technical Infrastructure Legislative and Regulatory FrameworkNational IP Strategies and Policies WIPO Framework of Cooperation/Assistance

5 Implementation Strategies (Country plans with coherent set of objectives) Increased education and awareness of relevance and economic importance of various forms of IP Increased capacity of IP Administration Management Increased capacity to effectively manage IP and technology assets Enriched/formalized IP culture in area of patents, trademarks, industrial designs, GI’s and TK Innovation as a policy concept Harmonized and integrated regional IP System Sustained capacity to effectively manage IP assets

6 Objectives Overall objective is to empower developing countries and LDC’s to use IP for development and economic growth as well as optimize its potential as a major contributor to national development Design, development and implementation of national IP strategies and policies consistent with national development goals; Secure and balanced regulatory framework at national and regional level; Responsive and sustainable institutional and technical infrastructure; and Creating a critical mass of skilled human resources capable of effectively managing IP assets.

7 How does the Unit function? Demand driven Has a coordination role -Unit coordinates with other divisions if needed Provides training, capacity building and outreach programs to Member States

8 What’s in it for Different Stakeholders? Lawyers – more clients, PCT fees, Madrid litigation fees, The Universities- partnerships in tech transfer, IP programs, capacity building in area of GIs and plant variety protection, facilitating public private partnerships Research institutions– Enhanced R & D, innovation promotion Entrepreneurs – facilitate trademark/patent access to foreign markets, enriched IP culture Science and Technology Institutions- partnerships and assistance in setting up service oriented centers that provide access to the knowledge economy Coffee and Cocoa Board & agricultural producers – branding/GI training programs Copyright linked organizations- Coherence in collective management framework, capacity building Government ministries- Integration of IP in policy considerations, policy coherence in national developments plans

9 Type of Assistance & Who can Benefit Capacity Building Participation in Regional/National Seminars (WIPO and Others) E.g. IP & Securitization, IP & Sports WIPO Academy Training International and Regional Consultants Study Visits Beneficiaries Government Officials Private Sector Organizations / Associations National IP Strategies Legislative Advise In-house commentary on legislation Hire draftsperson to assist countries with drafting bills Modernisation Activities Digitizing IP tools/systems Assessment Missions

10 Challenges *Obtaining the highest level of commitment from countries’ leadership and policy makers* IP is cross-cutting issue which impacts on other policy considerations (innovation promotion, public health, trade, food security, climate change, access to knowledge, market regulation) How to best achieve coherence and positive complimentarity between IP Policy and policies related to above issues Finding explicit recognition of contribution of IP to national development in national country development plans Diversity of socio-economic situations among countries requires careful consideration (in particular in regulatory frameworks and institutional infrastructure) Designing programs that suit the requirements of the diversity of stakeholders/target groups while accomodating the interdisciplinary nature of IP (law, public policy, economics, business and technology)

11 How to Access WIPO’s Technical Assistance A.Countries can submit written requests (1-2 months in advance) B. WIPO Develops Country Plan through a Strategic Alignment Process: Assess Needs o In absence of a National IP Strategy, examines country’s National Development Plans, Sector Plans (ICT, Export Strategy, Agricultural Strategy etc.) o Identifies IP plans and proposes activities in line with country’s needs & linked to WIPO’s Development Agenda.

12 Meet Expectations WIPO proposes a Round-Table Discussion on G.I via consultation with Country based on stakeholder’s needs Round-Table Discussion organized, Industry stakeholders invited & trained in GI and Collective Marks - Consultant hired to assist country In developing relevant legislation - Collective mark created for Cocoa growers to brand their products For local consumption & the export market Country X sought to develop a Geographical Indication (G.I) in their agricultural sector and a collective mark for their cocoa growers _________

13 Measuring Success of the Technical Assistance [Monitoring and Evaluation] Caribbean Unit has defined Indicators but process of more SMART indicators are being developed Follow-up review of the country’s Strategy and needs in IP Direct change: legislative, courses & degrees on IP, number of courses accessed by citizens, National IP Strategies & Policies

14 Current Projects (Example of some of plans) Major Projects: RPA (Regional Patent Administration) TK project IP securitization Seminars: IP and Sport Seminar (held in April 2011, Jamaica.) Basic Training needs and outreach IPAS Training for Offices MOU UWI & UTT (University of Trinidad and Tobago)

15 Thank you! … Questions?

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