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January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 1 THE MACC PROJECT A REGIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION PROJECT EXECUTED.

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Presentation on theme: "January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 1 THE MACC PROJECT A REGIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION PROJECT EXECUTED."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 1 THE MACC PROJECT A REGIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION PROJECT EXECUTED BY THE CCCCC by Joseph McGann Project Manager/Technical Leader

2 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 2 MAINSTREAMING ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE PROJECT (MACC) MACC, originally a four-year (2003 to 2007) GEF/WB funded project, executed by the CARICOM Secretariat (CCS) with the World Bank (WB) as implementing agency. The CCCCC became executing agency in January 2007 and the project extended to March 2009.

3 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 3 COMPONENT 1 Build Capacity to Assess Vulnerability and Risks Associated with Climate Change and Climate Variability This component seeks to build capacity to collect and analyze data and expand the overall knowledge base on climate change impacts and associated physical, social and economic vulnerabilities.

4 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 4 There are four sub-components associated with Component 1: 1.Strengthening the climate and coral reef monitoring network; 2. Downscaling global climate models in support of decision making for adaptation; 3.Generating climate change impact scenarios; and 4. Developing harmonized approach for climate change vulnerability and risk assessment and for adaptation policy decision making.

5 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 5 1.1Expand and Strengthen Knowledge Base

6 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 6 and Sea Level Monitoring Infrastructure Upgraded Operating Reference System (CORS) Installed The CORS was installed in Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Dominica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines using project resources. Five additional CORS were installed in Trinidad and Tobago using national resources.

7 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 7 1.1.1Climate and Sea Level Monitoring Infrastructure Upgraded Monitoring Support to DSLI/UWI The project would provided support to DSLI/UWI to support CORS data archiving and management. Training was provided to regional meteorology and survey experts in the operation and use of the CORS.

8 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 8 1.1.1Climate and Sea Level Monitoring Infrastructure Upgraded Climate and sea level monitoring infrastructure upgraded Under CPACC eighteen tide gauge monitors were provided in 12 project countries to monitor sea level changes. Data was collected/archived water level, barometric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, sea-surface temperature and wind measurements.

9 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 9 1.1.1Climate and Sea Level Monitoring Infrastructure Upgraded Climate and sea level monitoring infrastructure upgraded A Tide Gauge Replacement Fund (US$50,000) was established to replace gauges and support maintenance over time. This will be continued after MACC by the CCCCC and CIMH.

10 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 10 1.1.1Climate and Sea Level Monitoring Infrastructure Upgraded Climate and sea level monitoring infrastructure upgraded MACC provided eleven new stations to project countries and these were installed by the CIMH. Trinidad procured five stations from its resources. Data receiving and archiving equipment for the network is to be installed at the National Meteorological Service in Belize.

11 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 11

12 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 12 1.1.2Training of Meteorological and Survey Experts to Maintain the Upgraded Infrastructure and Data Management of Meteorological and Survey Personnel Two participants from each project country were trained in two workshops conducted by the DSLI/UWI in 2005 and 2007 respectively at the St. Augustine campus of the UWI in Trinidad and Tobago.

13 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 13

14 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 14 1.1.3Coral Reef Analysis and Monitoring in Eight Project Countries Coral Reef Early Warning System (CREWS) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) through an MOU with the CCS procured and installed the CREWS for coral reef monitoring and analysis at the Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory in Jamaica in May 2007. The station is located at 18º 28.367' N and 77º 24.949‘ W.

15 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 15 1.1.3Coral Reef Analysis and Monitoring in Eight Project Countries Coral Reef Early Warning System (CREWS) The station collect data in situ and by remote sensing (satellite) methods. Data uploaded via satellite and can be accessed at the sites: or

16 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 16 1.1.3Coral Reef Analysis and Monitoring in Eight Project Countries Coral Reef Early Warning System (CREWS) NOAA provides technical assistance and training for data management and equipment maintenance and operation to the staff of the Centre for Marine Sciences (CMS) of the UWI.

17 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 17

18 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 18

19 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 19

20 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 20 1.1.3Coral Reef Analysis and Monitoring in Eight Project Countries Coral Reef Early Warning System (CREWS) The respective stakeholders (WB, NOAA,CMS/UWI, CCS and CCCCC must develop and agree a long-term plan/strategy for the station, including resource mobilization and expansion of key stakeholder base.

21 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 21 1.1.3Coral Reef Analysis and Monitoring in Eight Project Countries Coral Reef Monitoring in the OECES and Tobago The CMS, under the participating agency MOU with CCCCC trained two experts from each of the six Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) countries and Trinidad and Tobago in coral reef monitoring and data collection and processing techniques. The monitoring protocol includes the use of video camera to capture underwater images which are then uploaded to a computer for analysis.

22 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 22

23 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 23

24 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 24 1.1.3Coral Reef Analysis and Monitoring in Eight Project Countries Coral Reef Monitoring in the OECES and Tobago CMS conducted monitoring, data collection and analysis in each of the countries during 2007/2008. They prepared a technical report on the monitoring in 2008. Monitoring for 2008/2009 is underway. It is expected that future monitoring will be done by the trained nationals while data analysis and report preparation will be done by the CMS.

25 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 25 1.1.3Coral Reef Analysis and Monitoring in Eight Project Countries Coral Reef Monitoring in the OECES and Tobago Part of the objective of this exercise is to see the CMS established as the Archive for Coral Reef Monitoring and related data in the Caribbean. This will require the establishment of cooperation and support mechanisms by current partners and the Clearing-House facility of the CCCCC. The UWI and the CCCCC will enter into a MOU for future cooperation that will include this among other activities.

26 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 26 1.1.4 Statistical and Dynamic Downscaling of Global Climate Change Models for National and Regional Application to Climate Studies Group The Climate Studies Group (CSG) of the UWI Mona and Cave Hill has been engaged in the downscaling and scenario development activities covered by MOU with the CCCCC. The CSG has provided beneficiaries and users with the outputs of downscaled climate projection scenarios for use in vulnerability assessment and other studies.

27 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 27 1.1.4 Statistical and Dynamic Downscaling of Global Climate Change Models for National and Regional Application to Climate Studies Group The CCCCC in cooperation with the Institute of Meteorology (INSMET) of Cuba, has established a node in Belize that will complement the work of the Climate Studies Group. The CCCCC node is also being utilized to provide training to member countries and partners.

28 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 28 1.1.5Climate Change Impact Models Reviewed and Selected in Modeling Cooperation in modeling by the CCCCC with INSMET, the Hadley Center, etc will continue the review and selection of models for use in the region for sector analysis. To date PRECIS and DSATT are being used in for climate modeling and agriculture sector vulnerability assessment respectively.

29 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 29

30 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 30 1.2Vulnerability and Risk Assessment

31 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 31 1.2.1Development of harmonized vulnerability and risk assessment methodology of VCA Methodology A uniform methodology was developed with technical assistance from NOAA. The methodology was was used to conduct five assessment in project countries during 2007/2008 and has since been reviewed and improved.

32 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 32 1.2.1Development of harmonized vulnerability and risk assessment methodology of experts in the use of harmonized vulnerability and risk assessment methodology Training was provided to practitioners in use of the methodology in the form of regional workshops and as part of the MS course at the UWI Cave Hill.

33 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 33 sectoral vulnerability and risk assessment studies in six selected countries The project conducted vulnerability and capacity assessments in the agriculture, tourism and water sectors. Guyana was selected for the agriculture assessment, Barbados for the tourism sector study and Belize, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Jamaica for the water sector study. The final reports of these assessments are in their final stages of preparation.

34 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 34 COMPONENT 2 Build Capacity to Reduce Vulnerability to Climate Change The objective of this component is to build in- country capacity to formulate and analyze adaptation policy options and to finalize sectoral adaptation strategies for the countries. There are four sub-components (SC) associated with component 2.

35 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 35 COMPONENT 2:The four sub-components are: SC1: Identification of “no regrets” adaptation measures; SC2: Development of adaptation approaches to food security, water, tourism,health and fishery sectors while incorporating climate change concerns into EIAs; SC3: Development of recommendations to upgrade technical norms for infrastructure taking into consideration climate change concerns; and SC4: Finalize country level multi-sectoral adaptation strategies based on the vulnerability and risk assessment studies and the other sub-components.

36 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 36 2.1Country-level sectoral adaptation strategies

37 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 37 Develop adaptation strategy for agriculture sector in Guyana Develop adaptation strategy for tourism sector in Barbados Provide climate change inputs into the water policy and develop water sector adaptation strategy for Belize Develop adaptation strategy for water sector in Jamaica Region-wide health sector vulnerability/adaptation assessment

38 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 38

39 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 39 2.2Disaster Mitigation Through Infrastructure Norms

40 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 40 Work with CDERA on implementation of CDM Strategy in coastal zone vulnerability has not materialized

41 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 41 COMPONENT 3 Build Capacity to Effectively Access and Utilize Resources to Reduce Vulnerability to Climate Change (Transfer and Share Risk) The objective of this component is to build regional capacity (through the CCCCC) to help guide the development and implementation of climate change strategies for all countries. There are two sub- components (SC) associated with component 3.

42 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 42 COMPONENT 3: SC1: Building capacity to prepare a regional negotiating position (common consolidated position) and agenda for the UNFCCC and other international fora; and SC2: Preparation of a regional strategy to effectively access cost-sharing and financing mechanisms (UNFCCC, GEF, etc.) for climate change adaptation. The strategy will also facilitate the coordination and harmonization of regional climate change adaptation and policy making.

43 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 43 3.1Development of a Regional Negotiating Agenda

44 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 44 3.1.1Prepare Regional Strategy and Position Paper(s) for UNFCCC Negotiations and Mechanism for Updating Regional Strategies and Positions MACC provided support to participating countries’ national negotiators to the UNFCCC in their preparations for the UNFCCC and other for a, including preparation of regional negotiation positions for participation in the Conference of the Parties to the Convention (and the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. The regional position papers are used to assist the advancement of the regional interests as well that of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) at these meetings.

45 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 45 3.1.1Prepare Regional Strategy and Position Paper(s) for UNFCCC Negotiations and Mechanism for Updating Facilitate the organization of climate change national focal points and linkages with national climate change committees The national focal points are participants to the meetings to prepare the regional negotiating position. The project encourages the work of national climate change committees within participating countries.

46 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 46 3.1.1Prepare Regional Strategy and Position Paper(s) for UNFCCC The national committees (and their expansion) are expected to broaden the national stakeholder base and interest in climate change adaptation issues and concerns as well facilitate the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation within national governments and their resource allocation mechanisms (national plans and budgets).

47 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 47 3.2Preparation of a Regional Long-term Adaptation Strategy

48 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 48 3.2Prepare regional adaptation strategy for presentation to COTED and Heads of Govt. Activities leading to the development of a regional adaptation strategy are currently underway. The project supports the preparation of the regional strategy and the national consultations have been undertaken to validate and finalize the strategy.

49 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 49 COMPONENT 4 Public Education and Outreach The objective of this component is to facilitate a participatory process in the development and dissemination of the outputs of technical project components and to serve as a clearing house for climate change information.

50 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 50 COMPONENT 4:Public Education and Outreach Climate change information, including project generated data and information will be delivered to key stakeholders for decision making and policy changes. There are four sub-components (SC) associated with component 4.

51 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 51 COMPONENT 4:Public Education and Outreach The four sub-components (SC) of component 4 are: SC1 Finalize regional PEO strategies and develop national strategies; SC2Implementing the regional PEO strategy; SC3Implementing national PEO strategies; and SC4Finalize and undertake monitoring and evaluation strategy to evaluate the effectiveness of the PEO strategies

52 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 52 4.1Implement PEO Activities 4.1.1Website and Clearing-house Development The project focused on the development of a fully functional website under the CCCCC that will be populated by project generated and other information and data. This will further be developed into a clearing house mechanism for technology transfer and public education and outreach functions in order to fulfill and support the CCCCC role as a centre of excellence for climate change in the region.

53 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 53 4.1Implement PEO Activities 4.1.2Publication of Technical and Other Reports The project will publish a selected number of reports and other documentation generated by the project and the CCCCC.

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55 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 55

56 January 22-23, 2009Presentation to the World Bank Workshop on Adaptation in Lima 56

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