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Fundamentals of: “The Fast Pitch Motion” by Amy DeSanto.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamentals of: “The Fast Pitch Motion” by Amy DeSanto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamentals of: “The Fast Pitch Motion” by Amy DeSanto

2 Presentation of the Ball  Both feet in contact with the pitching rubber Legs shoulder width apart Legs shoulder width apart Shoulders and hips facing home plate Shoulders and hips facing home plate Position glove hand and ball at waist Position glove hand and ball at waist


4 Beginning the Pitch Motion is totally forward Motion is totally forward Rocking forward pushing off the pitching rubber with trailing leg Rocking forward pushing off the pitching rubber with trailing leg Arms straight forward to keep the shoulders and arms in line with home plate Arms straight forward to keep the shoulders and arms in line with home plate Begin circle motion with throwing arm Begin circle motion with throwing arm Right foot pushes away from the mound and drags on the big toe side of the shoe Right foot pushes away from the mound and drags on the big toe side of the shoe Step or leap forward with left leg and plant foot so that toe is angled toward first and third base Step or leap forward with left leg and plant foot so that toe is angled toward first and third base





9 “X” Position Shoulder rotates open Shoulder rotates open Planted left leg remains rigid Planted left leg remains rigid Throwing arm fully extended Throwing arm fully extended Wrist cocked and ready to snap Wrist cocked and ready to snap

10 Release Point and Follow Through Right leg is firmly planted and doesn’t move Right leg is firmly planted and doesn’t move Left shoulder and hip closes squaring body to home plate Left shoulder and hip closes squaring body to home plate Arm whips close to body in an underhand motion Arm whips close to body in an underhand motion Wrist snaps at the hips and arm follows through to shoulder Wrist snaps at the hips and arm follows through to shoulder

11 Putting It All Together Click on Picture! Putting It All Together Click on Picture!

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