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Transitions, transformations, and shifting sands: the landscape beyond MARC; the ground beneath the record Gordon Dunsire Presented to the RDA Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitions, transformations, and shifting sands: the landscape beyond MARC; the ground beneath the record Gordon Dunsire Presented to the RDA Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitions, transformations, and shifting sands: the landscape beyond MARC; the ground beneath the record Gordon Dunsire Presented to the RDA Programs Taskforce Annual Forum, ALA Annual, New Orleans, 25 June 2011

2 Title:Cataloguing is fun! Author:8765 Content type: Media type: LCSH: microform text 1234 Bibliographic record: 12345 b12345TitleCataloguing is fun! Name authority record: 8765 Heading:MacDonald, Mary n8765HeadingMacDonald, Mary b12345Authorn8765 t1234Preferred labelmicroform b12345Media typet1234b12345LCSHlc1234 HeadingCataloginglc1234 Preferred labeltextt9876b12345Content typet9876 LCSH authority record: 1234 Heading:Cataloging ISBD

3 Shift of focus From record to individual metadata statement No need to copy record to add a new field Just add a new triple to the soup Manage the statement Create, store, publish, preserve Display the record Aggregation of statements Under the control of the user?

4 b12345TitleCataloguing is fun!n8765HeadingMacDonald, Mary b12345Authorn8765 Preferred labeltextt9876 b12345Content typet9876 n8765Place of birthp9876 NameEdinburghDefinitionContent expressed... t9876 b12345User tagNice n8765Place of birthParis

5 Metadata ecosystem Links to statements created outside of the professional library community Other communities: archives, museums, publishers, etc. Machine-generated statements Statistical and semantic inferencing Users No test of truth for a single statement Provenance: who said that?

6 From here... Legacy statements useful for new stuff Authorities Old expressions, new manifestations Lots of duplicate legacy records So lots of duplicate statements after conversion De-duplicate with same-as links Need appropriate representations of metadata attributes and relationships ISBD, FRBR/AD/SAD, RDA, UNIMARC, MO/ADS,... Where is MARC21?

7 ... to there (and back again?) Choice of types of statement dct:title isbd:P1004 (has title proper) frbr:P3020 (has title of the manifestation) rda:titleManifestation Can re-use instead of creating new types Can develop same-as links Requires inter-agency, international collaboration...

8 Thank you Sponsors ALA Cataloging & Classification Quarterly MARCIVE, Inc.

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