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12/09/2015 1 Scholarly Research Engineering & Physical Sciences Division Main Library 662 2002: Extensions:

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1 12/09/2015 1 Scholarly Research Engineering & Physical Sciences Division Main Library 662 2002: Extensions: 2244; 3594

2 12/09/2015 2 Objectives  At the end of this seminar you will be able to:  Distinguish the complexity of resources of the information environment  Evaluate and select the appropriate sources for your discipline  Develop search strategies and successfully complete a search

3 Academic/Scholarly research  Academic and scholarly (reviewed by peers)  Written by and for researchers/academics  What is the reputation of the book/journal and its publisher & author(s)?  If there is an abstract, is it well-written?  Is there a clear research problem statement and are there objectives?  Are the organization of the article and its rationale and style clear and appropriate?  Is the quantity, quality and validity of the data acceptable?  Are the instrumentation and analytical techniques clearly described and used appropriately?  Do the conclusions and interpretations follow from the data?  Include references and bibliography 12/09/2015 3

4 4 Primary Information Sources  Personal correspondence (including emails)  Diaries  Manuscripts  Works of art and literature  Speeches  Oral histories  Interviews  Company documents and reports  Newspaper ads and stories  Census or demographic records  Specimens (Plant, animal, etc)  Hearings (e.g. legislative proceedings)  Audio and video recordings  Photographs and posters A primary source provides direct or firsthand evidence about an event, object, person or work of art. They are generally contemporary to the events and people described and may be written and non- written, the latter including sound, picture, and artifact. Examples:

5 12/09/2015 5 Secondary Information Sources A secondary source, in contrast, lacks the immediacy of a primary record. As materials are produced sometime after the event, these sources contain information that has been interpreted, commented, analyzed or processed in such a way that it no longer conveys the freshness of the original.  Text books, Handbooks, Directories  Book Reviews  Encyclopedias  Serial articles (journals, newspapers)  Theses  Technical Reports  Patents  Standards  Conference proceedings  Government Documents   Maps, Plans, Charts  Websites  Television and radio

6 12/09/2015 6 Dissecting Your Search Identify the main topics/terms:  What words and phrases express key concepts? Look up terms in appropriate index(es), e.g. dictionaries, thesauri, database manuals etc.  What terms are synonymous with others?  Are there any foreign language terms?  Should you include scientific names/terms?  Database Tools: Thesaurus, Index, Subjects, Topics, Dictionary  Limit your search: Document Type by Geography; publication date, Language, Author, Publication; Company etc

7 12/09/2015 7 Dissecting Your Search E.G. Evaluating the potential impact of global warming in the Caribbean Key concepts: Global Warming ; Global Temperature Changes ; Climatic Changes ; Renewable Energy Sources ; Greenhouse Effect; Energy Policy; Greenhouse Gas Mitigation; Caribbean; Small Island States; Islands; Sea Level; Natural Disasters; Hurricanes, Tornadoes; Treaties; Carbon Management; Tourism

8 12/09/2015 8 The Main Library’s Website

9 Authenticating to the network User Name: 06784009 Default password: YYYYMMDD 12/09/2015 9

10 10 Finding resources in the Library:- The OPAC

11 12/09/2015 Engineering Databases  ACM Digital Library  American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals  Citeseer - Scientific Literature Digital Library  CRC Engnetbase (E-books only)  Electrical Engineering Netbase  Mechanical Engineering Netbase  Civil Engineering Netbase  Telecommunications Netbase

12 Engineering Databases  Encyclopedia of Database Technologies & Applications  Engineering Village  Compendex  Referex (e-books only)  Chemical, Petrochemical & Process  Mechanical & Materials  Electronics & Electrical  Civil & Environmental  Computing  Security & Networking  Georef  Geoscienceworld 12/09/2015 12

13  IEEE Xplore  IET  Knovel E-books  Lyell Collection  Mathscinet  MIT's Digital Repository  Netlibrary  Petroleum Abstracts Discovery  Science Direct Web Editions  Scifinder Scholar (CAS; Chemical Abstracts)  SPE E-Library  SPIN  Springer Link Engineering Databases 12/09/2015 13

14  Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry  Web of Knowledge - ISI  Science Citation Index  Expanded - Web Of Science,  Journal Citation Reports Science Edition,  Essential Science Indicators and ISIhighlycited.Com  Wiley Interscience Engineering Databases 12/09/2015 14

15 Multidisciplinary Databases  EbscoHost  Computers & Applied Sciences Complete; CAB Abstracts; Environment Complete; EJS E-Journals; Inspec & Inspec Archive; NTIS; Academic Search Complete; MasterFile Premier;  Proquest ABI/Inform Global; Dissertations & Theses ; Academic Research Library  OCLC FirstSearch Wilsonselectplus; ECO;  Emerald Library 12/09/2015

16 SFX 12/09/2015 16 If you have a citation and need to locate the full-text of the article use the E-journals link which takes you to SFX, the Main Library’s link-server: Mastel, Greg, Stephen Kho and Bernd Janzen. 2009. The Developing World and Climate Change. The International Economy 23 (2): 53-64.

17 SFX 12/09/2015 17

18 SFX 12/09/2015 18 Mastel, Greg, Stephen Kho and Bernd Janzen. 2009. The Developing World and Climate Change. The International Economy 23 (2): 53-64.

19 SFX 12/09/2015 19

20 SFX 12/09/2015 20 Mastel, Greg, Stephen Kho and Bernd Janzen. 2009. The Developing World and Climate Change. The International Economy 23 (2): 53-64.

21 SFX 12/09/2015 21 Mastel, Greg, Stephen Kho and Bernd Janzen. 2009. The Developing World and Climate Change. The International Economy 23 (2): 53-64.

22 SFX 12/09/2015 22 Mastel, Greg, Stephen Kho and Bernd Janzen. 2009. The Developing World and Climate Change. The International Economy 23 (2): 53-64.

23 SFX 12/09/2015 23

24 Finding Hard-copy Journals in the Main Library 12/09/2015 24

25 Finding Hard-copy Journals in the Main Library 12/09/2015 25

26 Finding Hard-copy Journals in the Main Library 12/09/2015 26

27 What to do if the Main Library has not received the most recent hard-copy issue of a journal 12/09/2015 27

28 What to do if the Main Library has not received the most recent hard-copy issue of a journal 12/09/2015 28

29 What to do if the Main Library has not received the most recent hard-copy issue of a journal 12/09/2015 29

30 What to do if the Main Library has not received the most recent hard-copy issue of a journal 12/09/2015 30

31 What to do if the Main Library has not received the most recent hard-copy issue of a journal 12/09/2015 31

32 12/09/2015 32 Searching for Ancestors  Examining the reference lists of documents  Ancestry searching - using the reference lists from relevant publications to find earlier research studies.  Working your way back through the literature until either the important concepts disappear or the studies become obsolete.  Offers the probability of uncovering a fairly complete set of archival references to the subject literature

33 12/09/2015 Searching for Descendents  Seeking documents that were influenced by or sprang from the original publications  Author based approach  Citation frequency is a consistent indication of the importance of a paper.  Also an indication of the influence of one work upon the work of others

34 Keeping up-to-date  RSS Feeds  Alerts  Creating an Account 12/09/2015 34

35 Need help locating the full-text? 12/09/2015 35

36 12/09/2015 36 Useful Sources for Standards Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards, Standards Database at: IHS Standards =quickSearch&database=131073# TechStreet Standards British Standards Institution (BSI) Catalogue: ASTM Catalogue:

37 12/09/2015 37 Useful Sources for Patents  World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO)  Google Patents Patent Lens (Initiative for Open Innovation.)  United States Patent Office (USPTO)  European Patent Office

38 For further information please contact the staff at the Engineering & Physical Sciences Division of the Main Library Email: Librarian: Staff: Tel: 662 2002, Extensions 2244; 3594 Web: 12/09/2015

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