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Chapter 8 – Anatomy of Injuries $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Noggin’ Ouchies Guns Thunder Thighs Messed Up FINAL ROUND.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 – Anatomy of Injuries $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Noggin’ Ouchies Guns Thunder Thighs Messed Up FINAL ROUND."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 – Anatomy of Injuries $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Noggin’ Ouchies Guns Thunder Thighs Messed Up FINAL ROUND

2 Topic 1: Head/Neck Anatomy $100 Question You give this test to an athlete that you think is concussed. You give them words to remember an you ask them about it later. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

3 Topic 1: Head/Neck Anatomy $100 Answer Delayed Recall BACK TO GAME

4 Topic 1: Head/Neck Anatomy $200 Question Cerebrospinal fluid lies between these two layers of the brain. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

5 Topic 1: Head/Neck Anatomy $200 Answer Arachnoid & Pia Mater BACK TO GAME

6 Topic 1: Head/Neck Anatomy $300 Question This is the main function of the cerebrospinal fluid. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

7 Topic 1: Head/Neck Anatomy $300 Answer Nourishing the brain with blood and nutrients BACK TO GAME

8 Topic 1: Head/Neck Anatomy $400 Question Name 10, 5, 11, 3, and 9 BACK TO GAME ANSWER

9 Topic 1: Head/Neck Anatomy $400 Answer 10-Mandible 5-Sphenoid 11-Zygomatic 3-Occipital 9-Maxille BACK TO GAME

10 Topic 1: Head/Neck Anatomy $500 Question Write all of the cranial nerves in order and the saying we used to remember them. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

11 Topic 1: Head/Neck Anatomy $500 Answer O-On O-Old O-Olympus’ T-Towering T-Tops A-A F-Finely V-Vested G-German V-Viewed A-A H-Hawk O-Olfactory O-Optic O-Oculomotor T-Trochlear T-Trigeminal A-Abducens F-Facial V-Vestibulocochlear G-Glossopharyngeal V-Vagus A-Accessory H-Hypoglossal BACK TO GAME

12 Topic 2: Injuries $100 Question This injury causes the clavicle to move extremely superior to its normal position. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

13 Topic 2: Injuries $100 Answer 3 rd degree Acromialclavicular Seperation BACK TO GAME

14 Topic 2: Injuries $200 Question This type of ankle sprain will happen with forced inversion and rotation of the talus BACK TO GAME ANSWER

15 Topic 2: Injuries $200 Answer High Ankle Sprain BACK TO GAME

16 Topic 2: Injuries $300 Question Flattened deltoid contour, pain, disability happens when this injury occurs BACK TO GAME ANSWER

17 Topic 2: Injuries $300 Answer Glenohumeral dislocation BACK TO GAME

18 Topic 2: Injuries $400 Question Name the correct name and common name for when your tibialis anterior muscle pulls away from the tibia. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

19 Topic 2: Injuries $400 Answer Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome – “Shin Splints” BACK TO GAME

20 Topic 2: Injuries $500 Question These 5 injuries could happen within the knee when a hard enough force is applied to the knee. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

21 Topic 2: Injuries $500 Answer MCL Sprain LCL Sprain ACL Sprain PCL Sprain Meniscus Tear BACK TO GAME

22 Topic 3: Upper Extremities $100 Question Name the muscle that covers the shoulder and its function BACK TO GAME ANSWER

23 Topic 3: Upper Extremities $100 Answer Deltoid Abduction of the arm BACK TO GAME

24 Topic 3: Upper Extremities $200 Question These three bones make up the shoulder joint BACK TO GAME ANSWER

25 Topic 3: Upper Extremities $200 Answer Scapula Clavicle Humerus BACK TO GAME

26 Topic 3: Upper Extremities $300 Question In this picture name 2, 3, 5, and 6 BACK TO GAME ANSWER

27 Topic 3: Upper Extremities $300 Answer Rotator cuff muscles Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres Minor Subscapularis BACK TO GAME

28 Topic 3: Upper Extremities $400 Question Write the name of all the joints from distal to proximal of the arm (7) BACK TO GAME ANSWER

29 Topic 3: Upper Extremities $400 Answer Distal interphalangeal Proximal interphalangeal Metacarpal phalangeal Wrist Metacarpal carpal Carpal carpal Carpal radius/ulna Elbow Glenohumeral Acomioclavicular BACK TO GAME

30 Topic 3: Upper Extremities $500 Question With the impingement syndrome, these three structures are compressed BACK TO GAME ANSWER

31 Topic 3: Upper Extremities $500 Answer Biceps Tendon Subacromial Bursa Supraspinatus muscle BACK TO GAME

32 Topic 4: Lower Extremities $100 Question This structures common name is Achilles tendon BACK TO GAME ANSWER

33 Topic 4: Lower Extremities $100 Answer Calcaneal Tendon BACK TO GAME

34 Topic 4: Lower Extremities $200 Question This structure of the knee is for shock absorption and support. What is its name and why can’t it heal itself (correct term) BACK TO GAME ANSWER

35 Topic 4: Lower Extremities $200 Answer Meniscus Avascular BACK TO GAME

36 Topic 4: Lower Extremities $300 Question These three ligaments of the ankle account for most of the inversion, eversion, and high ankle sprains BACK TO GAME ANSWER

37 Topic 4: Lower Extremities $300 Answer Anterior Talofibular Anterior Tibiofibular Deltoid BACK TO GAME

38 Topic 4: Lower Extremities $400 Question From medial to lateral, these 3 muscles make up the hamstrings and these 4 muscles make up the quadriceps BACK TO GAME ANSWER

39 Topic 4: Lower Extremities $400 Answer Hamstrings Semimembranosus Semitendonosus Biceps Femoris Quadriceps Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius Rectus Femoris Vastus Lateralis BACK TO GAME

40 Topic 4: Lower Extremities $500 Question Starting at the knee, these 8 joints are proximal to distal BACK TO GAME ANSWER

41 Topic 4: Lower Extremities $500 Answer Tibiofemoral Patellofemoral Tibiotalar Subtalar Midfoot Metatarsal phalangeal Proximal interphalangeal Distal interphalangeal BACK TO GAME

42 Topic 5: Messed Up $100 Question This injury will most likely occur from the picture BACK TO GAME ANSWER

43 Topic 5: Messed Up $100 Answer Thigh Contusion BACK TO GAME

44 Topic 5: Messed Up $200 Question This is the name for this injury BACK TO GAME ANSWER

45 Topic 5: Messed Up $200 Answer Interphalangeal dislocation BACK TO GAME

46 Topic 5: Messed Up $300 Question This chart is use for what? BACK TO GAME ANSWER

47 Topic 5: Messed Up $300 Answer Determine a plan of action for a concussed athlete BACK TO GAME

48 Topic 5: Messed Up $400 Question This injury occurs in this picture BACK TO GAME ANSWER

49 Topic 5: Messed Up $400 Answer Medial Epicondylitis BACK TO GAME

50 Topic 5: Messed Up $500 Question Which injury has occurred in this picture BACK TO GAME ANSWER

51 Topic 5: Messed Up $500 Answer Patellar Tendonitis BACK TO GAME

52 FINAL ROUND Question According to your knowledge, which one structure is most likely to get damaged from this picture and why? BACK TO GAME ANSWER

53 FINAL ROUND Answer Question: a. Choice 1 b. Choice 2 c. Choice 3 (correct answer) d. Choice 4 BACK TO GAME

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