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10/21/2014 Entry Task:.  I can accurately identify 3 flat bones and can state the purposes of those bones.

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Presentation on theme: "10/21/2014 Entry Task:.  I can accurately identify 3 flat bones and can state the purposes of those bones."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/21/2014 Entry Task:

2  I can accurately identify 3 flat bones and can state the purposes of those bones

3 1. PROM 2. AAROM 3. AROM 4. a- 5. -trophy 6. prn/p.r.n./PRN 7. Qd/q.d./qd 8. Bid/b.i.d./bid 9. Tid/t.i.d./tid 10. Qid/q.i.d/qid

4 1. Long – picture in class 2. Short – picture in class 3. Flat 1. Shoulder Blade, Pelvis, Cranium 2. Protects organs, muscle attachment 4. Irregular 1. Specialized function due to shape 2. Face, vertebrae, ear bones 5. Sesamoid 1. Bone formed within a tendon 2. Patella, sesamoids in hands and feet

5 1. Diarthroses  Synovial Joints – picture in class  Freely moving joints 2. Amphiarthroses  Cartilaginous joints  Little motion  Vertebrae, carpals, tarsals  In between pelvis and spine (SI joint), Pubic symphysis 3. Synarthroses  Fibrous joints  No motion  Skull, Pelvis

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