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Nicole Weiss, MD August 24, 2011. Height: Weight: Airway Exam:  Malampatti: III  Thyromental distance: II  Mouth opening: II  Thick Neck, Full Extension.

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Presentation on theme: "Nicole Weiss, MD August 24, 2011. Height: Weight: Airway Exam:  Malampatti: III  Thyromental distance: II  Mouth opening: II  Thick Neck, Full Extension."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nicole Weiss, MD August 24, 2011

2 Height: Weight: Airway Exam:  Malampatti: III  Thyromental distance: II  Mouth opening: II  Thick Neck, Full Extension

3 Attempt #1: Direct Laryngoscopy  Grade III/IV view; in light of DLT, handed over to staff Attempt #2: Direct Laryngoscopy  37 Fr DLT placed in esophagus Attempt #3: Glidescope  Grade I view  Unable to pass DLT secondary to small mouth opening, difficult angle  Attempted to use eschmann with glidescope, but too flimsy to make curve  Placed a single lumen ETT Attempt #4: Cook Catheter  Placed but unable to slide DLT over  Single lumen ETT placed again Attempt #5: Smaller Cook Catheter  Still unable to pass DLT  Single lumen ETT placed again

4 Decision made to cancel the case  Considered bronchial blocker, univent tube  Safest option to simply stop Plan:  Extubate in a controlled setting & reschedule the case Pt taken to PACU intubated Pt admitted overnight for observation and discharged home the following morning

5 Patient continued to have persistent neck pain Reassured Two days later, still complaining of neck pain with an “expanding mass”, difficulty swallowing Presented to VA Urgent Care CT done…


7 Admitted to the ICU Placed on IV antibiotics ENT took back to the OR for a neck exploration  Found 2cm laceration of the right pillar tract that communicated and had fistulized to the right neck  Right submandibular, parapharyngeal abscess I&D grew out Strep IV antibiotics continued in house Feeding tube placed for patient to be NPO for one week

8 Intubation far most common cause of laryngeal trauma 10% of patients have demonstrable laryngeal pathology one day after short term intubation for surgery Longer term intubation results in laryngotracheal injuries in 90% of patients with long term sequelae in 11% Flint: Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, 5th edition

9  Glidescope or fiberoptic earlier?  Univent tube?  Good for challenging airways  Do not need to be exchanged after the case  Single lumen tube placed first with a cook catheter exchange  May have been successful if done prior to anyway airway trauma

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