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1 Air Pollution You will learn how air is polluted what haze and smog are about the causes and effects of haze and smog.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Air Pollution You will learn how air is polluted what haze and smog are about the causes and effects of haze and smog."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Air Pollution You will learn how air is polluted what haze and smog are about the causes and effects of haze and smog

2 2 Air Pollution Polluted air contains Dust and smoke particles Harmful gases Sulphur dioxide Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) Nitrogen oxides Effects of Air Pollution Haze Smog Acid rain Depletion of ozone layer Global warming

3 3 Causes of Air Pollution Natural causes Erupting volcanoes Forest fires Human causes Toxic gases emission Industries Vehicles Aerosol cans CFCs

4 4 Haze & Smog Haze Suspension of dust and smoke particles in the air Affects how far or clearly we see Smog More severe than haze More than just dust and smoke particles Includes a mixture of toxic gases, example, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide

5 5 Haze & Smog M an-made causes C onstruction work U se of diesel in vehicles I ndustries and power plants

6 6 Effects of Haze & Smog Causes irritations to the lungs and eyes Covers things with layers of dust particles Reduces visibility Toxic gases in smog cause serious health problems Inhalation of small amount of carbon monoxide can result in death Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides attack the respiratory system Long-term effect of breathing in toxic gases include the development of illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis and cancer Shorter life span for people in polluted cities

7 7 Air Pollution Knows No Boundaries Pollutants produced in one country may affect another Haze in Singapore caused by widespread forest fires in Indonesia. Smoke particles carried by wind from Indonesia to Singapore

8 8 References Earth Our Home 2

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