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Challenges and solutions Kaare Press-Kristensen Senior adviser, air quality The Danish Ecological Council / (+45) 22 81.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges and solutions Kaare Press-Kristensen Senior adviser, air quality The Danish Ecological Council / (+45) 22 81."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges and solutions Kaare Press-Kristensen Senior adviser, air quality The Danish Ecological Council / (+45) 22 81 10 27

2 The engineer approach 1) Identify the air quality challenges. 2) Identify and quantify pollution sources. 3) Find the most cost-efficient reductions.

3 Air quality challenges Legal challenges: NO 2 (PM 10 until 2008). Health challenges: PM 2.5 (to a minor degree NO 2 and PM 10 ). Ultrafine soot particles (PM 0.1, BC or EC).

4 Identify pollution sources H.C. Andersen’ Boulevard in central Copenhagen. 51,000 vehicles (week day) and 4.7 % HDV.

5 Quantify pollution sources

6 Cost efficient reductions New Low emission zone (LEZ) requiring: 1) Closed particulate filters on diesel vehicles. 2) City-SCR (or similar) for all heavy duty vehicles. 3) Light vehicles must be newer than Euro 3. Congestion charge (CC) or satellite-based road pricing

7 Potentials of new LEZ and CC Copenhagen can fulfill all air quality limits just by implementing a stricter LEZ – and get far below the limits values by further implementing congestion charge (CC).

8 Effects of the present LEZ 2008: Closed filters at HDV < EURO III 2010: Closed filters at HDV < EURO IV

9 Effects of cyclists In Copenhagen 37 % of all trips are cycling trips.

10 Conclusion Air quality limits in most EU cities can be met by a combination of LEZs, congestion charge, satellite- based road pricing and/or more cycle traffic. These actions will provide more people with a longer and much healthier life and at the same time solve other traffic related problems. The solutions are ready … but we are still waiting for the politicians...

11 But we are getting impatient ! Headline: The state is sued due to air pollution

12 Publication: Clean air Copenhagen Will be on webpage together with the presentations. Funded by: The European Campaign: Soot free for the climate & The European Commission: LIFE11 ENV/DE/495: Clean Air Europe

13 This project is co-funded by The European Campaign: Soot free for the climate & The European Commission: LIFE11 ENV/DE/495: Clean Air Europe

14 Questions



17 Definition: Particles in air Human hair diameter: 100 micrometers

18 Mass versus number Exhaust particles

19 Key air quality limits a) May not be exceeded more than 35 times in a calendar year. b) Under revision due to new recommendations from the WHO. c) May not be exceeded more than 18 times in a calendar year.

20 CC is efficient in Milan In Milan the main pollution inside the congestion charge (CC) area is from buses, scooters etc.

21 The right indicator Fine particles (PM 2.5 ) are an inappropriate indicator of pollution from road traffic ! Elementary Carbon

22 Paradox of traffic pollution Traffic-related excess mortality among people living close to roads in Copenhagen: 300-500 deaths/year. Fine particles from local traffic cause 20 deaths/year. Exhaust gasses, traffic noise and traffic accidents from local traffic cause 20-40 deaths/year. So … what causes the observed excess mortality ?

23 Ultrafine soot particles Ultrafine soot particles seem to cause the observed excess mortality among people living close to roads in central Copenhagen.

24 Traditionel vs. city-SCR

25 Crystalline urea in traditional SCR. City-SCR solves this.


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