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Case 1 Inland Lot No. 2366 S.GG ss.4, ss5 & RP & Extensions Lecture: 25 February 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Case 1 Inland Lot No. 2366 S.GG ss.4, ss5 & RP & Extensions Lecture: 25 February 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case 1 Inland Lot No. 2366 S.GG ss.4, ss5 & RP & Extensions Lecture: 25 February 2008

2 Outline  Introduction  Land Record Search  Site Visit, Planning and Field Survey  The Project

3 Case 1 Introduction

4 Introduction  Instructed by the solicitor of the Incorporated Owners of Maple Gardens III ( 楓林花園第三期 ), to: 楓林花園第三期  1. redefine the boundaries of Inland Lot 2366 S.GG ss.4 & Ext., S.GG ss.5 & Ext. and S.GG RP & Ext. (i.e. the subject lots); and

5  2. investigate the occupational extents and locations of the trespassers, the four private vehicles, within the boundaries of the subject lots

6 Case 1 Land Record Search

7 The parent lot, Inland Lot 2366, was sold under the Condition of Sale No. UB1143 and was held under a 75 years lease term commencing from 13/1/1922 with renewable for 75 years. The sold area was about 412,000 sq. ft. Land Record Search

8 An extension was granted to Inland Lot 2366 (i.e. in terms of the parent lot) and was subsequently subdivided in various sections namely Inland Lot 2366 S.A, S.B, ……, S.Y, S.Z, S.AA, S.BB, S.CC,…., S.FF, S.GG and RP (i.e. without AB, AC,…, BA, BC, etc.). Most of these sections were further subdivided into Sub-sections and Sections and more than 320 sections or subsections were currently existed under Inland Lot 2366 (IL 2366) & Extensions. Land Record Search

9 Various resumption and surrender exercises were undertaken in different years for the back lanes and along North View Street, Fort Street and Kin Wah Street. Strata resumptions were also undertaken for those sections or subsections which involved in the extension of Tseung Kwan O Line (i.e. Quarry Bay Congestion Relief Works) of Mass Transit Railway via Memorial No. UB7260272 (Appendix E143) (G.N.713 of 1997). Land Record Search



12 The dimensions and areas of IL 2366 S.GG ss.4 & ss.5 & Ext. are both 105 0   22 9  = 2388.75 sq. ft. However, there was no assignment plan annexed to the Memorials of IL 2366 S.GG RP & Ext. of which the dimensions of the northern and southern boundaries (i.e. 27 6  ) can only be derived by deduction method (i.e. reducing the dimensions of other subsections of IL 2366 S.GG) Land Record Search

13 The resultant area of IL 2366 S.GG RP & Ext. is 2887.50 sq. ft. (i.e. 105 0   27 6  ) and is equal to those of the eastern adjoining IL 2366 S.GG ss.6 & Ext. Land Record Search


15 Case 1 Site Visit, Planning and Field Survey

16 Site Visit and Planning Kin Wah Street

17 Site Visit and Planning Kin Wah Street

18 Site Visit and Planning Back Lane

19 Case 2 Inland Lot No. 419 S.B RP Lecture: 25 February 2008

20 Outline  Introduction  Land Record Search  Site Visit, Planning and Field Survey  The Project

21 Case 2 Introduction

22 Introduction  Instructed by our client to re-establish and to set- out the boundary of Inland Lot 419 S.B RP, No. 94 Wellington Street, Central.

23 Case 2 Land Record Search

24 The parent lot, Inland Lot 419 (IL 419), was granted under the Government Lease and was held under a 999 years lease term commencing from 24/12/1865. The leased dimensions were 104’ (north-east), 94’ (south-west), 62’ (south-east) and 62’ (north- west) with the leased area of about 6,138 sq. ft. However, no plan was prepared for the Government Lease. Land Record Search

25 IL 419 was subsequently subdivided into various sections namely IL 419 S.A, S.B, S.C, S.D, S.E and RP. Various surrender exercises were undertaken in different years for the back lanes and along Wellington Street. IL 419 S.A ss.1, IL 419 S.B ss.1, IL 419 S.D ss.1 and S.F were surrendered in various years. Land Record Search


27 Aerial Photograph 1963

28 Discrepancies were found between the total dimensions and areas of the subdivided sections and parent lot IL 419. The dimensions and areas were tabulated as follows. Land Record Search



31 Case 2 Site Visit, Planning and Field Survey

32 Site Visit and Planning Wellington Street

33 Site Visit and Planning Wellington Street

34 Site Visit and Planning Tung Tak Lane

35 The Projects

36 Instrumentation Preparation The Project Your Tasks: 1.Land Record Search 2.Site Visit 3.Data Reduction 4.Boundary Redefinition 5.Prepare Survey Record Plan and Report Writing

37 Question and Answer

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