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Extraoral Radiographic Anatomy

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1 Extraoral Radiographic Anatomy
DENT 5102 Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology II

2 Lateral Oblique Projection

3 Lateral Oblique

4 Lateral Oblique Projection
The film is placed against the side of the patient’s face X-ray beam is directed postero-anteriorly from the opposite side

5 Lateral Oblique Projection

6 Coronoid Process Condyle Sigmoid notch Zygomatic arch Mandibular foramen Hyoid bone

7 Maxillary tuberosity Lower border of mandible (side away from film) Mental foramen Superior border of tongue Styloid process Mandibular canal


9 Zygomatic process of maxilla
Vertrebral column Lower border of mandible (side closer to film) Zygoma Zygomatic arch

10 Lower border of orbit Neck of condyle Vertebral column Hyoid bone

11 Lateral Head Projection

12 Lateral Head

13 Lateral Skull Midsagittal plane of the patient’s head is parallel to the film X-ray beam is perpendicular to the film

14 Lateral Head

15 A= Frontal sinus B= Floor of the anterior cranial fossa C= Anterior clinoid process D= Posterior clinoid process E= Pituitary fossa

16 A= Nasal bone B= Zygomatic process of the maxilla closer to the film C= Ethmoid sinus D= Pterygomaxillary fissure


18 A= Orbital plates of frontal bone
B= Orbit C= Sphenoid sinus D= Cross section of the greater wing of the sphenoid (ant. wall of middle cranial fossa)


20 A= Zygomatic process of the maxilla closer to the film
B= Zygomatic process of the maxilla further to the film C= Dorsal border of tongue D= Pterygoid plate complex E= Soft palate

21 A= Hard palate B= Lingual cortical plate of mandible (anterior part) C= Nasopharynx

22 Postero-Anterior Projection

23 Postero-anterior (PA) Skull

24 PA Skull Projection Midsagittal plane of the head is perpendicular to the film Forehead and the nose touch the film X-ray beam is perpendicular to the film


26 A= Orbital plate of frontal bone
B= Frontal spine C= Sup. border of orbit D= Sphenoid sinus

27 A= Lesser wing of sphenoid
B= Ethmoid sinus C= Middle nasal meatus D= Oblique orbital line E= Floor of posterior cranial fossa

28 A= Lacrimal canal B= Middle nasal concha C= Vomer D= Mastoid air cells E= Atlas-occipital condyle articulation


30 A= Zygomatic process of maxilla
B= Anterior border of ascending ramus C= Coronoid process D= Odontoid process of axis E= Maxillary tuberosity

31 A= Inferior nasal concha
B= Inferior nasal meatus C= Occipital condyle D= Maxillary sinus

32 A= Wall of nasal fossa B= Angle of the mandible C= Body of the mandible D= Maxillary sinus E= Nasal septum

33 Water’s Projection

34 Waters’ Projection

35 Waters’ Projection Midsagittal plane of the head is perpendicular to the film chin touches the film X-ray beam is perpendicular to the film

36 A= Frontal sinus B=Crista galli C=Supraorbital notch D=Lesser wing of sphenoid

37 A= Foramen rotundum B= Foramen ovale C= Nasal septum D= Floor of middle cranial fossa

38 A= Sphenoid sinus B= Infraorbital foramen and canal C= Superior orbital fissure

39 A= Inferior aspect of the base of skull
B= Odontoid process of axis C= Inferior border of body of mandible

40 Panoramic


42 A= Infraorbital rim B= Zygomatic process of maxilla C= Condyle D= Coronoid process

43 A= Common nasal meatus B= Inferior nasal concha C= Hard palate D= Superior border of the tongue

44 A= Nasal septum B= Hyoid bone C= Zygomatic process of temporal bone D= Inferior nasal meatus

45 A= Posterior wall of maxillary sinus
B= Hard palate C= Soft palate D= Maxillary tuberosity

46 A= Inferior border of mandibular canal
B= Left maxillary sinus C= Ear lobe D= Mental foramen


48 Articular eminence Sigmoid notch Shadow of contralateral mandible Glenoid fossa Posterior border of ramus Inferior border of mandible


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