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PRELIMINARY RESULTS from PIE 2005 the PAN Intercomparison Exercise F. Flocke, G. Tyndall, E. Apel (NCAR) E. Williams (NOAA)

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Presentation on theme: "PRELIMINARY RESULTS from PIE 2005 the PAN Intercomparison Exercise F. Flocke, G. Tyndall, E. Apel (NCAR) E. Williams (NOAA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 PRELIMINARY RESULTS from PIE 2005 the PAN Intercomparison Exercise F. Flocke, G. Tyndall, E. Apel (NCAR) E. Williams (NOAA)

2 PIE 2005 6/28-7/8/2005 Enchanted Mesa eight different instruments from Canada, Germany, Japan, the UK, and the US five different methods ambient and standards measurements

3 results are PRELIMINARY

4 Instruments Hiroshi Tanimoto, NIES, Japan; GC/MS Graham Mills, UEA, UK, GC/ECD Stefan Gilge, DWD, Germany, GC/ECD Bernhard Rappenglueck and Rainer Schmitt, U. Houston and Metcon, Germany, GC/ECD Jason O’Brien, Environment Canada, GC/PDD Ron Cohen, Paul Wooldridge, Anne Perring, UCBerkeley, TD-LIF Jim Roberts, NOAA, GC/ECD Aaron Swanson, NCAR and Saewung Kim, GaTech, CIMS (Frank Flocke, NCAR, Dual-GC/ECD)

5 Other Instruments Meteorological parameters (NOAA) NO, NO 2, O 3 (NOAA) NO y reference instrument in referee trailer (NCAR)

6 Enchanted Mesa

7 Internet Access, email The forbidden zone Flow: 12~20 slpm GC5 standards ambient

8 Photo of site

9 Photos of setup

10 UEA GC/ECD Restek MXT-200 Column 0.53 ID, 10 m, 1.0µ film 22 sccm 17 ºC isothermal cycle time 10 minutes PAN, PPN

11 Env. CAN GC/PDD Restek MXT-200 Column 0.53 ID, 8 m, 1.0µ film 35 sccm 15 ºC isothermal cycle time 10 minutes PAN, PPN

12 NOAA GC/ECD Restek Rtx-200 Column 0.53 ID, 7.5 m, 1.0µ film 10 sccm 15 ºC isothermal cycle time 5 minutes PAN, PPN, APAN, MPAN, PiBN

13 NIES GC/MS DB-1 MS Column 0.25 ID, 10 m, 0.25µ film 2 sccm cycle time 10 minutes PAN, PPN, APAN, MPAN, PiBN, PnBN

14 UH/Metcon GC/ECD DWD GC/ECD DB1/DB-5 Column combination 0.53 ID, ~10 m total 20 sccm ~15 ºC isothermal PAN, PPN cycle time 10 minutes DWD GC has modified flow control (PAN only)

15 UC Berkeley TD-LIF measures NO 2 by LIF has 3 thermal decomposition stages held at ~150, 300 and 550 degrees decomposing all PANs, ANs, “NO y ” into NO 2 cycle time 10 seconds measures the sum of all PANs

16 NCAR/GaTech CIGAR measures PANs by CIMS PAN, PPN, PBN, APAN, MPAN, PBzN, MoPAN, PPeN,... cycle time 2 seconds scans should show additional PANs unless they are very sticky

17 NCAR 2 Channel GC/ECD (“reference” instrument) 2 RTX-200 Columns 7.5m, 0.53 ID, 1.0µ film 20 sccm 20 ºC isothermal cycle time 3 minutes PAN, PPN, APAN, MPAN, PiBN

18 Measurements all measurements from common manifold ambient air PAN and PPN standards in dry zero-air from manifold PAN and PPN standards in humidified zero air i-Propyl nitrate (interferent) in zero-air


20 Ambient Measurements

21 6/30/05 trace


23 7/4/05 trace


25 All ambient data




29 i-Propyl nitrate

30 PPN ambient



33 Standards






39 LIF and the sum of PANs

40 6/30 ambient trace

41 7/1 ambient trace

42 7/5 ambient trace

43 Standard comparison with LIF

44 Conclusions (for now) very good agreement for ambient PAN measurements, considering it’s field data acceptable agreement for ambient PPN measurements (might improve) LIF measures consistently higher than sum of individual PANs (expected?) extra PANs that GCs and CIMS miss? no indication of LIF counting ANs as PANs LIF NO 2 background subtraction problem? more work has to be done to produce final data and merge measurements together compare MPAN, APAN, PBN

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