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JANUARY 11 TH, 2011 Psi Chi International Honor Society.

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Presentation on theme: "JANUARY 11 TH, 2011 Psi Chi International Honor Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 JANUARY 11 TH, 2011 Psi Chi International Honor Society

2 Introductions President: Christopher Rios Vice President: Sean Bell Secretary: Amanda Reyes Treasurer: Sara Chapman CLASS Council Representative: Kevin Tajii Historian: Natalhy Hinojosa Public Relations/Webmaster: Welly Rosaline Chair of Community Service: Maya Smith Chair of Fundraising: Jennifer Mejia WPA Representative: Alysaunde Murphy

3 What is Psi Chi? Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929. Psi Chi is an affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychological Society (APS). This is the Cal Poly Pomona Chapter!

4 What are our goals? 1. To provide an environment that promotes creative development.  Activities  Grad school workshops  Professor panels  Speakers  Social events  Winter dance  Bowling  Community service events  Kidcare International  Fun with Kids  Fundraisers  Panda Express  T-Shirts  Bake sale (basketball games)  Chocolates

5 What are the benefits? Professional growth References Exposure to different fields of psychology. Meeting and interacting with leaders in their field and other students interested in psychology. Networking Notification of research and job opportunities/ internships/ and scholarships.

6 Qualifications for International Membership 3.0 cumulative GPA 3.0 major class GPA 20 participation points a. Meetings (1) b. Book lending (1) c. Social events (2) d. Community Service (3) e. Fundraisers (3) f. Attending conferences (4) g. Presenting at conferences (5) Complete application for International membership You DO NOT have to be a International member to participate in club meetings and events

7 Dues How much? a. $15.00 per quarter b. $35.00 for the whole year What does it pay for? a. Food b. Supplies c. Social events d. WPA!!!! COME SEE SARA WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR DUES!  You dot have to wait until the end of the quarter to pay your dues.

8 T-shirts T-shirts are in We are pricing both the regular and V-necks at $20 See Sean and Sara to purchase your shirt after the announcements.

9 Chocolate Fundraiser 50 per box $1 each-Psi Chi makes $25 per box Fundraiser ends Jan. 25 th  All money will be collected on or before this day. See Jenny and Sara to pick up your box and sign your contract.

10 Winter schedule Hand out and go over schedule

11 Psi Chi’s Webpage Book lending program

12 Thanks for joining us!!!! Feel free to ask any of us any questions you may have. See you next week!!

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