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Exploring Opportunities in.  To leverage the value of high quality healthcare marketing campaigns by distributing them nationwide to non-competitive.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Opportunities in.  To leverage the value of high quality healthcare marketing campaigns by distributing them nationwide to non-competitive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Opportunities in

2  To leverage the value of high quality healthcare marketing campaigns by distributing them nationwide to non-competitive organizations.  To extend marketing budgets by deploying proven campaigns at a lower cost.  To encourage the production and viewing of compelling health education campaigns and Public Service Announcements (PSA’s).

3 LicensorLicensee Archived campaigns Low cost campaign High end licensed campaign

4 25% 20% 15% 10% 20% 15% 10% Campaign Production Cost Media Spend


6 Campaign Production Cost: $250,000 Media Spend: $750,000 Media Spend: $950,000 Campaign Production Cost: $50,000 OPTIONS Media Spend: $950,000 Campaign Production Cost: $50,000 Media Spend: $750,000 Salaries: $200,000 Campaign Production Cost: $50,000 Media Spend: $750,000 Salaries: $100,000 Website Upgrade: $100,000

7 Licensor Syndicate Licensee Producer Licensor Licensee/ Customer Agency Producer’s Supplier Producer licenses to the Syndicate exclusive exploitation rights in the campaign during the term of the agreement. Syndicate sub-licenses to the Licensee/Customer limited rights to use the campaign. Licensee/ Customer Licensee/ Customer Licensee/ Customer Licensee/ Customer Licensee/ Customer Licensee/ Customer

8  Marketing Packaging Promotion Sales  Determining Price & Terms  Evaluating Licensing Opportunities  DMA Distribution  Project Management  Accounting  Billing,Collections, Payment  Reporting  Production of Media/Campaign  Provide Campaign Summary Target audience Project goals Elements of campaign Development Cost Activity measurements ROI  Supply Generic Version  Customization Services Quality Control  Delivery of Media Files/Content  Management of Talent/Royalty fees  Possible Follow-on Productions  Media Buys, if any Identity, Reports, Fees

9 1. Submit Campaign Materials for HMS Review 2. Obtain Approval from HMS 3. Execute HMS Syndication Agreement 4. Arrange for Generic Samples 5. Approve HMS Sub-licensee(s) 6. Delegate Customization(s) to HMS or Agency

10 1. Identify Campaign 2. Determine Your DMAs 3. Submit Quote Request 4. Get Details and Pricing 5. Align Your Marketing Plan 6. Reserve & License Campaign

11  Public Site offers “overviews” of campaigns  Promotes compelling aspects of the campaign’s target audience, goals and success.  Requires (free) sign-up in order to view more detailed information and request quotes  Secure individual portals offers:  Campaign quotes / pricing details submissions  Customized presentations  Agreements & Forms  FAQ’s /Support  Special events and Educational resources  Collaboration


13 Contact: Gale Wilson-Steele 805-694-3103 2028 Village Lane, Solvang, CA 93463 Contact: Gale Wilson-Steele 805-694-3103 2028 Village Lane, Solvang, CA 93463

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