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Listening to Users: The Role of Assessment in Changing Library Space to Meet User Needs ARL Library Assessment Conference September 26, 2006 Kimberly Sweetman.

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Presentation on theme: "Listening to Users: The Role of Assessment in Changing Library Space to Meet User Needs ARL Library Assessment Conference September 26, 2006 Kimberly Sweetman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Listening to Users: The Role of Assessment in Changing Library Space to Meet User Needs ARL Library Assessment Conference September 26, 2006 Kimberly Sweetman & Lucinda Covert-Vail

2 Today’s Presentation NYU Bobst Library renovation Assessment measures Outcomes Assessment measure repurposing Creating a culture of assessment Conclusion

3 Why LibQual+ results Multiple assessments Public culture of libraries Users define the space - interactions, activities Consultative, iterative process Public relations, user outreach

4 Bobst Library Renovation Renovation opened Fall 2004 4 floors renovated User spaces w/undergraduate focus Staff spaces Reference center Features –24X7 –Group study rooms –Wireless –Computer classrooms/labs –Consultation rooms –ADA compliance

5 User Assessment Web-based user preference surveys (pre and post renovation) User activity survey Advisory and focus groups LibQual + -- 2002 and 2006

6 User Preference Survey #1 Developed in conjunction with architectural firm Posted on library website Pre-renovation Focused on specifics of library use Sought opinions on –Preferred workspace –Visual environment –Privacy & security –Navigation & signage –Lighting & acoustics –Furnishings & equipment –Library ambience

7 User Preference Results 330+ respondents “self-reported” their preferences 61% students & 24% faculty Primarily daily or weekly library users 45% indicated library DID NOT meet their needs Technology --wireless, power outlets Food Group and individual use Library personality: quiet, comfortable, clean,well-lighted space

8 User Activity Survey Self-reporting v. observation Anecdotal, staff opinions Library as social space Relation between users & physical environment Tools for working, studying Spatial analysis Observational sweeps 3 times/day Variables including seating, location, possessions, activities Design & pretest Multitasking Furniture choices Group v. individual

9 Focus & Advisory Groups Bobst Renovation Advisory Committee - Students, faculty & librarians PSAC & FAS Library Advisory Committee Undergraduate & graduate focus groups Test conclusions from observation studies Review LibQual results Test layouts, furniture, technology conclusions Naming conventions

10 Design Issues Value-engineering Physical layout –seating arrangements –social v. individual, solitary space –study space Technology access General ambience/environment User preferences and behaviors Lighting

11 Post-renovation Assessments Revised web survey - service improvements, added power, food choices, outreach LibQual+ 2006 - shift in library as place perception Exit data User activity observation study

12 Repurposing the User Activity Study Quality of Life Committee (QLC) –Summer 2004 –Charge included developing new food, drink and cell phone tolerance policies –Charge included assessment and adjustment

13 Repurposing the User Activity Study QLC had not taken baseline measurements User Activity Study served as an acceptable baseline –Instances of food and drink lumped together as “rulebreaking” –Cell phone baseline not comparable, but cell phone use not problematic

14 User Activity Study

15 User Activity Study (simplified)

16 User Activity Study Changes Original –Seating Type –Group Work –Library Materials –Personal Materials –Computer Use –Eating/Drinking –Cell Phone (possession) Repurposed –Seating Type –Eating –Drinking (covered) –Drinking (uncovered) –Cell Phone Use –Notes

17 QLC UAS Results Library use in renovated areas increased 35% Users complied with cell phone policies Food and drink non-compliance reduced in most areas as a result of new policy and QLC efforts Overall instances of food and drink rule- breaking reduced from 20% to 13%

18 QLC Outcomes QLC became a standing committee QLC has continued assessment activities & adjusted campaign Roving Library Assistants hired Additional benches installed in cell phone approved areas QLC one example of our move toward a culture of assessment

19 Toward a Culture of Assessment Work-Groups teach measurement & assessment methods to staff while bringing people together around a “problem.” Examples: -Study the efficacy of the book search process -Plan a project to install security tags in 600,000 volumes -Plan the Roving Library Assistant program -Plan a departmental open house

20 Towards a Culture of Assessment WG Outcomes: Not only do problems get solved, but early data suggest that as a result of participating in a work group: (1)Staff develop an appreciation for using data to make decisions (2)Staff are more comfortable approaching coworkers they met through a work group (3)Some staff are more comfortable approaching coworkers in general, even those they did not meet through the work group

21 Conclusion Renovation was a success –Bobst Library received the 2005 class legacy gift –“Light, state-of-the-art and most importantly, inviting…[and] so far, NYU has gotten it just right.” –Washington Square News

22 Conclusion We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us --Winston Churchill

23 Conclusion We not only improved our space, but also began to improve our library culture: –We learned how to listen to our users –We learned how to critically evaluate our programs and services –We learned the value of using data to inform decisions –We are slowly but surely spreading these lessons throughout the library –Staff involvement in renovation, QLC and work groups has both helped to change our culture and evidenced our changing culture

24 Conclusion To Paraphrase Winston Churchill: We asked users to help us to shape our building, now they are helping to shape everything we do.

25 Listening to Users Thank You Kimberly Burke Sweetman Lucinda Covert-Vail

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