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Group 4 Members Team 4 : Amirah Alkhawajah, Nasiha Arif, Janelle Hubble, Caralyn Everman INSTRUCTIONAL MULTIMEDIA FOR CLASSROOM EDCT602 Ohio University.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 4 Members Team 4 : Amirah Alkhawajah, Nasiha Arif, Janelle Hubble, Caralyn Everman INSTRUCTIONAL MULTIMEDIA FOR CLASSROOM EDCT602 Ohio University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 4 Members Team 4 : Amirah Alkhawajah, Nasiha Arif, Janelle Hubble, Caralyn Everman INSTRUCTIONAL MULTIMEDIA FOR CLASSROOM EDCT602 Ohio University Winter 2011 Presenter: Caralyn Everman

2 To Create a Title Slide As Text Overlays in your project To Create a Credits Slide

3 Adding A Title Slide 1 1. Start Software 2. Open Project or Import Media 3. Select the edit tab

4 Adding A Title Slide 2 4. Select a design for the title slide using the dropdown menus under Filter by or Theme to limit selection choices or simply scroll through the template choices until you find the one that works best for your design.

5 Adding A Title Slide 3 1. Select the Arrow selection tool 2. Click on Text Template 3. Enter your Title

6 Adding Text Overlays 1 1. At the spot in the video in which you want to apply text 2. Pause the film 3. Click on text box and enter desired text

7 Adding Text Overlays 2 To Manage the timing of each overlay: Adjust the size of the Titles in the timeline ensuring they don’t overlap or your text will too!

8 1.To add a credits slide at the end of your project: 2.While Still in the Edit Tab Select the credits slide and drag it into your timeline 1 2

9 1.Select and add desired text to credits slide Main Title: 2.Select and add desired text to credits slide Text Box placeholders 3.Delete extra placeholders

10  Creating Titles and Text  using/WS92577ECE-508F-4b46-AF1F- 8F3E74F18B87.html  Archiving  using/WS09e4b3c48f3a79fc19b622510385d4355c- 7dcb.html

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