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library Library Staff: Ms. Smith, Library Media Teacher Mrs. Pena, Library Media Assistant Library Hours: 7:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. Weekdays.

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Presentation on theme: "library Library Staff: Ms. Smith, Library Media Teacher Mrs. Pena, Library Media Assistant Library Hours: 7:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. Weekdays."— Presentation transcript:


2 Information @your library

3 Library Staff: Ms. Smith, Library Media Teacher Mrs. Pena, Library Media Assistant Library Hours: 7:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. Weekdays 7:30a.m. - 4:00p.m Fridays Textbook Services: Mrs. Westbrook, Textbook Assistant 7:30a.m. - 1:00p.m. Weekdays 1:30a.m. - 4:00p.m.

4 SOME RULES Please DO NOT bring food, gum, or drinks into the libraryPlease DO NOT bring food, gum, or drinks into the library The library needs to be a quiet, pleasant place for studying, reading, and doing research. Please maintain the learning atmosphere and be considerate of other students and staff members.

5 During class time, a student may use the library with a hall pass from the classroom teacher or a dismissal sticker. You must sign in at all times unless you are here with a class. Work QUIETLY at all times. Place books you are not checking out on the “ shelving cart ”. Leave the area you were working in neat, log off of the computer and push in your chairs. NO FOOD, GUM, or DRINKS or CELL PHONE USEAGE of any kind (text messaging, pictures etc.)

6 Answers to your question…. Where do I find information about … ? OR Do you have any books on ….?

7 Before you ask, search the Electronic Card Catalog

8 DESTINY : The Electronic Card Catalog To go to the catalog, click on “Library catalog” found on the desktop of the computer

9 Your search will give you a list of books with their Dewey Call Numbers, Title and the number of copies available

10 “ CALL NUMBER ” The call number will tell you if the book is fiction (FIC), non-fiction or a reference (REF) book. It will also give you the first 3 letters of the authors last name. You need both pieces of information to find the book. FIC AND 138.99 BOU REF 764.55 DIE

11 The catalog tells you how many books can be found in this library on the topic you are searching for.

12 Hmmmm, maybe we should do a quick review before we go on. Is Fiction true or not true? NOT TRUE (remember “F” for false) When looking for books on a research topic, would you most likely be looking in fiction or nonfiction? Non-fiction

13 What are Dewey Call Numbers? 000-099General Works (Clue: Books about books) 100-199Philosophy & Psychology (Clue:Man thinks about himself) 200-299Religion (Clue: Man thinks about spiritual matters) 300-399Social Science (Clue: Man thinks about other people) 400-499Language (Clue: Man learns to communicate with others through words) 500-599Science (Clue: Man learns to understand nature on the land, in the sea, and in the air) 600-699Applied Science / Useful Arts (Clue: Man learns about fire and weapons. Later he learns about the wheel, medicine, planting, cooking, and how to make things he uses) 700-799Fine Arts and Recreation (Clue: Man learns how to create pictures and music, and play sports) 800-899Literature (Clue: Man becomes a storyteller. Later, he writes down his tales for others to read) 900-999History and Geography (Clue: How can I leave a record for other people of the future?) The call numbers help make looking for a book much easier. If you are researching a health topic, you are probably looking in the 600‘s.

14 OK, back to how to use library resources… Type in what you want to search for. You can search by Keyword Title Author Subject eating disorders

15 You may not know the author of a book but have heard the title from a teacher or friend. To find books by title, simply type the title in the blank space after the word “Find” in the middle of the screen and click on the Title button. Year of My Miraculous Reappearance

16 Write down the call numbers of the books and then go look for them on the shelves!! 616.8 ADW FIC ADW Which one is the fiction book?

17 Many of the books about health related issues are found in the 300’s and 600’s and in the Reference section (REF) of the library.

18 How to Check Out a Book Bring the book to the check-out counter Hand us your ID card and remove the pocket card from the inside cover of the book On the card, PRINT your first and last name, your ID number and your first period teacher’s name.

19 Here is what your pocket card should look like Hawaii Michener, James Jane Doe 1111222 Smith Your Name Your ID #Your teacher’s name Happy Librarian!!!!

20 FOR HOW LONG CAN BOOKS BE CHECKED OUT? Books can be checked out for 3 weeks and renewed one time for another 3 weeks. PLEASE return your books when they are due to avoid an overdue charge of 10 cents a day.

21 FORGOT WHAT BOOKS YOU CHECKED OUT? You can keep track of what books you have checked out by using the card catalog. Just log in using your name and password and look up your record under “Patron Status.”

22 Students cannot save directly onto the library computers but you can save all your work on the school server referred to as the “H”drive. You also can save to a disk or flash drive. IMPORTANT

23 To save to your server, be sure to log on before you do any research. If you don’t see this screen,when you first sit down at the computer, log off and enter your ID number and Password.

24 To log off, click on “ START ” and then click on “ Shut Down ”


26 Type your ID number here Type your password here. Initially your password will be a set of letters that the school gives you. The first time you log on you are required to change your password to your own selection. 123456 ******

27 Highlight the term “log off …” and then click “OK”

28 Your Library Store The library raises money for books and supplies by selling school and gift items in “ Your Library Store ”

29 PHOTOCOPY MACHINE Copies can be made for 10 cents a page.

30 Visit the Library web page for quick and easy references

31 TTTT hhhh eeee E E E E nnnn dddd

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