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How well do you wash your hands? Take the test! TRY IT!!

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Presentation on theme: "How well do you wash your hands? Take the test! TRY IT!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 How well do you wash your hands? Take the test! TRY IT!!

2 In the three-domain system, two domains are prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea). Prokaryotes have no nucleus or membrane – bound organelles Bacteria - what your used to found everywhere Organisms in Archaea often live in extreme environments (thought to be the earliest forms of life) The third domain is Eukarya

3 Bacteria exist in very large numbers almost everywhere on Earth - Your body has 10 times more bacteria cells than human cells! Some bacteria are harmful, and some are helpful - E.Coli live in your colon, but also are toxic when ingested Helpful - cycle nutrients like carbon and nitrogen - cyanobacteria are very important producers in many water ecosystems

4 Bacteria are classified by their Shape, Cell walls and Motility. Shapes Spherical: a.k.a. coccus - eg. Pneumonia-causing bacteria - Cocci appear in clusters (Staphlococcus) or chains (Streptococcus) Rod-Shaped: a.k.a. bacillus - eg. E. Coli Spiral: curved or spiral-shaped - eg. Lyme disease Microviewer - harmful/helpful

5 Cell Wall Structure Nearly all bacteria have cell walls outside their plasma membrane, but they are very different than plant cell walls. - Type 1: Composed of peptidoglycan (thick coat of sugars) - Type 2: Thin coat of peptidoglycan, plus extra membrane

6 Movement About half of all bacteria cannot move on their own Methods of bacterial movement include: - Flagellum- whip like tail (most common) - Spiral bacteria twist like a corkscrew - Some bacteria glide on a film of slime

7 Bacteria obtain their nutrition in a variety of ways Heterotrophs eat and autotrophs get energy from the Sun

8 Bacteria essentially live everywhere, in any type of environment cold, hot dry, wet acidic, neutral, basic w/out light w/out O2

9 Bacteria's main form of reproduction is binary fission One original cell splits into two This can occur in as little as 20 minutes Limiting factors like overcrowding, waste and food - food availability do not allow population to grow this large Produces colonies of bacteria that are genetically identical

10 Binary Fission Microviewer activity. Binary Fission Is cell division the same as reproduction? Slide 4 Has the nucleus become larger or smaller since division began? Slide 5 Do you see any evidence that the cytoplasm is getting ready to divide? Slide 6 Can you describe what is happening to this part of the cell? Slide 7 Can you explain why in this case cell division accomplished reproduction? Slide 8 Draw the correct sequence of binary fission using the culture of dividing paramecia. Assume you started with one paramecium which divided three times daily. If you gave it the best conditions, and none of the offspring died, how many paramecia would there be in the culture at the end of a week?

11 To increase genetic diversity, bacteria undergo transformation, conjugation, or transduction Transformation: bacteria pick up stray DNA from their surroundings Conjugation: two bacterial cells join to exchange genetic material (plasmids, separate from main DNA) Transduction: viruses that infect bacteria transmit genetic material from another source

12 Conjugation Microviewer Activity! Conjugation Slide 2 How did the peculiar looking structure in the middle of the slide develop? Why is sexual reproduction in the mold called conjugation rather than fertilization? Slide 5 Can conjugation help explain the frequent appearance of new strains of disease germs which never existed before? What additional form of reproduction is indicated by the furrow at F? Slide 7 What difference in activity distinguishes the male and female gametes? Slide 8 Which filament of cells was male? Which was female? What evidence can you present? Can you find evidence that all cells of one filament are of the same sex? How do you explain this fact?

13 Endospores form when environmental conditions make normal functions too difficult A small amount of cytoplasm and DNA form a tough capsule

14 Very difficult to get rid of or control bacteria growth  ASEPTIC TECHNIQUES are used eg. Antiseptics – used on living tissue Disinfectants – used on surfaces Antibiotics – taken internally

15 To Prepare Agar for Bacteria Lab 1) Weigh 2.3 g of nutrient agar 2) Measure 100 mL of water in a clean beaker. 3) Add agar and heat solution. 4) Stir continuously. Groups of 3


17 Attachments bacteria - YouTube.flv Bacterial Conjugation - YouTube.flv

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