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台南市語文學習領域英語 科種子教師研習報告 後甲國中 陳招玲老師 1. 決定課程的內容或文法基礎 2. 涵蓋哪些部分 3. 教材的出現方式 (reading or dialogue) 4. 文法須隱藏在主題之下 自訂或自編教材單元時的考慮 要素 要素.

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Presentation on theme: "台南市語文學習領域英語 科種子教師研習報告 後甲國中 陳招玲老師 1. 決定課程的內容或文法基礎 2. 涵蓋哪些部分 3. 教材的出現方式 (reading or dialogue) 4. 文法須隱藏在主題之下 自訂或自編教材單元時的考慮 要素 要素."— Presentation transcript:


2 台南市語文學習領域英語 科種子教師研習報告 後甲國中 陳招玲老師

3 1. 決定課程的內容或文法基礎 2. 涵蓋哪些部分 3. 教材的出現方式 (reading or dialogue) 4. 文法須隱藏在主題之下 自訂或自編教材單元時的考慮 要素 要素

4 自訂或自編教材單元時的考慮 要素 5. 溝通功能須涵蓋在主題之下 6. 須涵蓋哪些單字

5 檢視教材良窳與否的層面 1. 教學目標是否達成 2. 教學活動的結構是否良好 3. 每項安排的教學活動可否達成預設的成 果 4. 學生參與的興趣層次為何

6 Designing a Content- based Language Course

7 Rationales For Content-based Language 1. The language syllabus must take into account the eventual uses the learner will make of the target language. 2. The informational content must be relevant to the learners to increase the motivation level.

8 Rationales For Content-based Language 3. The language learner's previous experience and knowledge are taken into account in the material selection process.

9 Rationales For Content-based Language 4. Language should be taught through a focus on contextualized use, rather than on fragmental examples of correct sentence- level usage.

10 Rationales For Content-based Language 5. The input must be understood and at the same time contains new elements.

11 Material selected in a content- based course must be 1. AUTHENTIC: Texts that are not generated for language-teaching purposes; 2. EXPLOITABLE: Materials that cover a range of functions and structures.

12 Guidelines for selecting materials 1. Content authenticity 2. Task authenticity 3. Interest level 4. Difficulty level

13 Guidelines for selecting materials 5. Accessibility 6. Availability 7. Packaging 8. Textual aids

14 Guidelines for selecting materials Guidelines for selecting materials 9. Supporting materials 10. Flexibility 11. Source

15 實例 ( Example ) Topic: Fast Food 1. Pre-reading exercise: Matching product ingredients with product types 2. A reading taking from a food section of a local newspaper

16 實例 ( Example ) Topic: Fast Food 3. Core reading: A longer reading analyzing the fast food phenomenon as a reflection of social change 4. A rap about the fast food craze 5. An off-air radio broadcast discussing local eating-out places

17 實例 ( Example ) Topic: Fast Food 6. A film presenting a foreigner's impression of the local cuisine 7. A video describing the advertising strategies of several fast-food chains.

18 Thanks! Good Luck.

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