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OhioLINK : Transforming Information Access in Ohio Academic Libraries THE INFORMATION STRATEGY.

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Presentation on theme: "OhioLINK : Transforming Information Access in Ohio Academic Libraries THE INFORMATION STRATEGY."— Presentation transcript:

1 OhioLINK : Transforming Information Access in Ohio Academic Libraries THE INFORMATION STRATEGY

2 Why the PEZ Strategy? Historically – Libraries Ration Information We are Gatekeepers to limited information In The Future – Libraries must be Gateways We must be Gateways to much more information access

3 Historical PEZ Strategy

4 OhioLINK Future PEZ Strategy

5 Why OhioLINK –Rationale and Philosophies –Organization –$$ Resources –Services “Few things are harder to put up with than a good example.” Mark Twain “Ignorance is the mother of admiration.” George Chapman

6 The OhioLINK spark- Thus were born the five remote storage repositories… and OhioLINK… a legacy of the original Ohio College Library Center mission Mid-1980s --- universities out of stack space Too expensive to build more standard stack space No effective way to utilize the collections

7 Our Goal Economically sustainable, increased student and faculty access to and use of library provided information to support and improve instruction and research…as a consortium

8 More information access is required to be relevant/successful Information resources are proliferating Information costs are growing faster than individual library budgets Libraries remain compelled to buy as much as possible Individual libraries cannot leverage significantly greater access on limited funds Libraries DID NOT, DO NOT and WILL NOT have all the information resources their patrons need Because “Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back.” Chinese Saying

9 To gain Economic leverage –lowest unit prices, controlled costs –more information per $ spent –increased economic bargaining power To gain Information Access leverage –much, much more access To gain Operational leverage –maximize use of computer investment –Control, customize, and evolve access to group needs Objectives

10 E-W 360 km N-S 370 km 106,765 sq km 35 th in US Pop: 11.5 M 7 th in US GDP: $373 Billion lowest pt.132 m highest pt. 473 m

11 MEMBERS State Library 49 private liberal arts colleges 23 public two- year colleges 1 standalone medical school (7 total med) 2 private universities 13 public universities Includes 9 law +499,000 FTE +130 primary delivery sites

12 FTE – 499,000 97,800 Independent 113,300 Two-year 33,300 University Br’s 252,100 University M’s 2,500 State Library (SLO FTE arbitrary) 152,9002y Ugrad 278,7004y Ugrad 11,500Doctoral 4,700Law 44,200Masters 7,000Medical

13 OhioLINK Governance and Advisory Organization Advisory Board Provosts. CIOs Executive Director and staff Technical Advisory Council Library Advisory Council 15 U, 3 IC, 3 CC, 2 M, 1 L, 1 SLO Coop Information Resources Mgmt User Services Inter-Campus Services Database Mgmt and Standards Lead Implementers Independent Colleges Library Directors Community Colleges Library Directors Med Lib Directors Law Lib Directors Chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents Digital Resources Mgmt

14 Executive Director Director - Library Systems Ast Dir Lib Sys Computing & Networking Meta Data Manager Ast Dir Lib Sys User Services Ast Dir Lib Sys Client/Server Applications Communications Mgr Office Manager Asst Developerr/ Office Asst Sr Systems Engineer Sr Systems Engineer OhioLINK Organizational Chart Ast Dir Lib Sys New Service Sr. Systems Developer 7/01/2008 Systems Developer 7.5 MLS Librarians --- 7.5 non-MLS Eng/Dev --- 4.5 Admin/Other Systems Developer Cap Fund $$ Ast Dir DRC Dev Cap Fund $$ Systems Developer Systems Engineer PT EJC Serial Check- in Asst OSU Computer Center WSU Admin Agent Ast Dir Lib Sys E Licensing

15 Libraries Connect Ohio – Towards the Ohio Web Library Common Information Needs K-12 Higher Education State Government Public Libraries

16 OhioLINK Central Funding – 2 yr budgets Capital funds FYs 89-92 $9.2 million FYs 93-94$10.8 million FYs 95-96 $6.8 million FYs 97-98 $5.0 million FYs 99-00 $6.3 million FYs 01-02 $7.5 million FYs 03-04 $8.2 million FYs 05-06 $8.1 million FYs 07-08 $8.9 million FYs 09-10 $9.9 million Operating Funds FYs 90-91 $.4 million FYs 92-93 $1.7 million FYs 94-95 $4.4 million FYs 96-97 $8.8 million FYs 98-99 $11.5 million FYs 00-01 $14.6 million FYs 02-03 $14.2 million FYs 04-05 $13.8 million FYs 06-07 $13.8 million FYs 08-09 $14.8 million FYs 10-11 ???

17 Central Funding pays for: All central staff and G&A expenses All central hardware and software systems to support statewide services All central hardware and software maintenance All ILL courier and bag/material costs All initial Innovative systems for public institutions plus RetroCon and Auth Control Continuing III software and maintenance where needed for statewide cooperation Database license costs – in combination with library funds

18 Leverage the Technology Central Catalog - Patron-Initiated borrowing Local load of Journal A& I databases with common interface (and archives) Single local site for statewide platforms –Electronic Journal Center –Electronic Book Center –Electronic Theses and Dissertations –Digital Resource Commons Central Federated Subject Cluster searches Common Remote User Authentication Olinks - journal resolver (home-grown SFX)

19 OhioLINK Array of Resources On-site Electronic Journal Center On-Site ISI WoS On Site DIGITAL RESOURCE COMMONS Documents Images data audio video On-Site Journal Citation DB’s On-site E-books & full text literature Web DB’s vendor systems On-Site CENTRAL CATALOG Ebsco E-books vendor systems ELECTRONIC JOURNALS ELECTRONIC BOOKS REFERENCE/ RESEARCH DATABASES On-Site E- Theses & Dissert. Vendor images Video audio Peer reviewed publishing Institutional documents, videos and audio Institutional images OLinks Chat Reference Subject Clusters Remote Authentication





24 Where does the money to license electronic content come from in F2007/C2007?

25 Cost Effective Purchasing Power Costs controlled with expanded 2x- 10x rather than diminished content Costs controlled below market averages

26 Content Funding Models 100% Central Split central/library - multi-database War Chests or NPR Split central/library – single database War Chests or NPR Mostly library/some central – multi or single war chest or NPR 100% library war chests, NPR, or PTP

27 Questions/Discussion “Let others praise ancient times, I am glad I was born in these.” Ovid

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