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Bienvenue! Parent Night August 2014. Contact Me O O Text with questions (224-999-0514) O Twitter

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Presentation on theme: "Bienvenue! Parent Night August 2014. Contact Me O O Text with questions (224-999-0514) O Twitter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bienvenue! Parent Night August 2014

2 Contact Me O Email ( O Text with questions (224-999-0514) O Twitter (@MadameFodor) O Remind 101 (will text you homework updates; can subscribe or unsubscribe at any time) O My website:

3 What We Learn (1 st Year) O 1 st Semester- O Basic communication phrases, numbers, and vocabulary to being able to talk about our families, friends, and favorite foods. This means our target is to get through chapter 5 of our text (Bon Voyage Level 1) before December final exams. O 2 nd Semester- O clothing, travel, sports, and daily routine activities, which are found in chapters 6 through 12 of our text. Our goal is to learn a chapter’s material almost every three weeks... This will be quite the challenge!

4 What We Learn (2 nd Year) O 1 st Semester- O what you do in your free time, the technology you use, health & wellness, travel by train & plane (review), banking & currency, and preparing food. (Chapters 1-6 of Bon Voyage Level 2 before December final exams) O 2 nd Semester- O getting around in French-speaking countries (by car and by public transportation), hotel procedures, what to do in an accident and visiting the ER, city vs. country life (and animals!), and celebrations; all of which are found in chapters 6 through 12 of our text. O Our goal is to learn a chapter’s material almost every three weeks... This will be quite the challenge!

5 Our Textbooks French 1-2 NOT available available ONLINE ONLINE French 3-4

6 Grading O All student work receives a score of 0-4. O Students are working towards mastery of a skill. O 4- Mastery O 3- Proficiency O 2- Developing Proficiency O 1- Initial Proficiency O 0- No evidence

7 Grading O Students have mastered content when they demonstrate a thorough understanding as evidenced by doing something substantive with the content beyond merely echoing it. O Anyone can repeat information; it’s the truly masterful student who can break content into its component pieces, explain it with alternative perspectives regarding it cogently to others, and use it purposefully in new situations.

8 Grading Semester Work grade O 20% Formative O 80% Summative Assessments O Semester Total Grade = O 80% semester work O 20% semester exam Semester Final Exam O Score on exam

9 Retakes Students in World Language courses may retake ONE summative assessment per semester. A summative assessment is a test, project, or quiz that the teacher uses to measure a student’s mastery of a particular topic. However, the student MUST demonstrate extra preparation for the assessment before a retake will be granted. Not doing anything new or additional to prepare will likely result in a similar performance on the retake as on the first attempt… Extra preparation may be: O ·all assigned homework from the unit, completed and stapled together O ·tutoring O ·online resources (as directed/approved by the teacher) O ·other extra preparation agreed upon by the student and the teacher Projects and presentations MAY be re-done as a student’s ONE retake per semester only at the teacher’s discretion.

10 How to Help Your Student O Reading O Listening O Speaking O Organizing O Getting materials O Check on them at least once every other week (Use Campus Portal, set push notifications to YES, set a time to check)

11 Reading O francophone/lf/p-26292-Langue- francaise.htm TV5, the French-language satellite TV station for French speakers francophone/lf/p-26292-Langue- francaise.htm TV5 O Langue français section ( rendre.asp) Rfi.fr rendre.asp

12 Listening O Langue français section ( sp) Rfi.fr sp O Find French music your student likes and encourage them to explore more artists in French O For podcasts and authentic, unrehearsed, unscripted listening O 26292-Langue-francaise.htm TV5, the French- language satellite TV station for French speakers 26292-Langue-francaise.htm TV5

13 Speaking O Ask your student what s/he’s learning in class. Ask for specific examples. O Have him/her teach you a song s/he learned in class. O Ask him/her to teach a younger sibling or cousin colors, how to count, the alphabet, basic greetings, etc. O Find a favorite film on DVD, switch the language to French, and have the student try to repeat what s/he hears. O Or put on French subtitles and turn off the sound and ask the student to read it to you.

14 Organizing O Keep ONE notebook per class. O Color code if needed. O Check those backpacks in a few weeks– is it scary in there? Please help them organize their materials! O Ask them to put important tests/projects on family calendar. Google Calendar integrates with their new school-issued email address. O Sign up for Remind 101 and Campus Portal

15 Getting Materials O Need something to write with, something to write on, and somewhere to keep it all. O Binder or Folders O Notebook O Pens and Pencils O Access to the Internet (at home, library, or cell phone?) O Quiet place to work

16 Campus Portal O Use login you used during registration. O Call HelpDesk if you have problems getting into the system at 847-888-5000 x4295. We will have extended hours of Help Desk support (5:00 – 9:00 PM) on September 5 th and September 10 th. O Set a day to check once a week (or every other week) and try not to check every day. O Encourage personal responsibility in your student, but know they are still learning this!

17 Contact Me O Email ( O Text with questions (224-999-0514) O My website: O Remind 101 (will text you homework updates; can subscribe or unsubscribe at any time) O To: 424-218-0536 O 2 nd per- @mrsfodo O 3 rd per- @mrsfodor O 5 th per- @french34p O 6 th per- @french34pe O 8 th per- @94957

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