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GENESIS Chapter 17 ABRAHAM – FATHER OF MANY NATIONS I. Introduction A. Abram and Sarai – helping the Lord.

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Presentation on theme: "GENESIS Chapter 17 ABRAHAM – FATHER OF MANY NATIONS I. Introduction A. Abram and Sarai – helping the Lord."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENESIS Chapter 17 ABRAHAM – FATHER OF MANY NATIONS I. Introduction A. Abram and Sarai – helping the Lord.

2 1.Abram to take Hagar for a wife! 2.Sarai and Hagar developed a “dislike”. a) Began projecting blame. B. The Lord to take care of her and her son.

3 1.Abram and Sarai’s name changed. II. Genesis 17:1 A.Abram 86 years old when Ishmael was born! 1.El-Shaddai = “the Almighty God”!

4 III. Genesis 17:2 A.5 th time the Lord paid Abram a visit. 1.To help understand importance of covenant. IV. Genesis 17:5-17

5 A.Sarah’s womb was dead! 1.Made Abram laugh. 2.New name for Abram and Sarai. a) Abram = “high father” Abraham = “father of a multitude”.

6 (1) “High Father” before Isaac is born. (a)His name, “father of a multitude”. (i)The Lord sees what we can become!

7 B. O nly the “sign” of the covenant. 1.Abram initiated the rite of circumcision as a SIGN of acceptance. a) Rite of circumcision no longer necessary. V. Genesis 17:18-22

8 A.Abraham reverts to Ishmael. 1.The covenant will come from Sarah. a) Galatians 4:22-31 2.Abraham quick to respond. VI. Genesis 17:23-27

9 VII. CONCLUSION A.Hebrews 11:7-19 1.Abraham believed in the resurrection! a) Abraham and Sarah laughed when told they would have a son.

10 (1) In history a great man and woman of faith! 2.What has the Lord promised you that seems impossible?

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