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Judaism Jewish Jew Christianity Christian Christian Islam Islamic Muslim Palestine = old name for what is now Israel & West Bank & Gaza Strip Palestinians =Arabs now living in the West Bank & Gaza Strip (former Palestine) Israelis = Jews living in Israel Ethnicity = relating to a human group having racial, religious, linguistic, and other traits in common Culture = beliefs, social norms, and traits of a racial, religious, or social group; the features of everyday existence shared by people in a place or time
Jews travel to Palestine/Israel
SUMMARY: The Middle East through Time 1000 BC Jews make Palestine/Israel their homeland 132 AD Jews kicked out of Palestine/Israel by Romans 300 AD Ottoman Turks (Arabic Muslims) move into Palestine/Israel 1100 AD “Crusades” =Christians enter Palestine/Israel AD WWII = Jews persecuted all over Europe; Jews travel to Palestine/Israel
= 1st Arab/Israeli War between Arab Palestinians & Jewish Israelis
SUMMARY: The Middle East through Time 1947 AD The UN divides Palestine/Israel into two states- Arab & Jew 1948 AD Jews make their part of Palestine into “Israel” = 1st Arab/Israeli War between Arab Palestinians & Jewish Israelis Results: ISRAEL GAINS TERRITORY ARAB PALESTINIANS ARE REFUGEES MORE JEWS COME TO ISRAEL 1964 AD Egypt’s Nasser creates PLO & fighting begins (Palestinian Liberation Organization) 1947 AD The UN divides Palestine/Israel into two states-Arab & Jew [but many Arabs still live in Jewish section=conflict] 1948 AD Jews make their part of Palestine into “Israel” = 1st Arab/Israeli War between Arab Palestinians & Jewish Israelis [David ben Gurrion living in the Jewish section created by the UN declares Jewish section to be new state of “Israel”. War follows-Israel, according to Arab rhetoric, had no right to exist, and was referred to as "The Zionist entity." Defeating and destroying Israel and "reversing the results of 1948" became central goals of Arab political rhetoric. There are more Palestinians & more weapons, but Israelis are better trained war ends and Israel gains territory; more Jews come to Israel and Arab Palestinians are refugees] 1964 AD Egypt’s Nasser creates PLO & fighting begins (Palestinian Liberation Organization) Yasser Arafat eventually leads PLO; Palestine attacks Israel, Israel raids Palestine. 1967 AD Six Day War = 2nd Arab/Israeli War Israel thinks Nasser is about to attack so they attack first. Israel’s size triples
Israel thinks Nasser is about to attack, Israel attacks first=
6 DAY WAR RESULTS The Six-Day War had many long term implications on the region. Jordan's decision to join the fighting exacerbated the refugee problem by prompting some inhabitants of the West Bank to cross the Jordan river to the "East Bank" of Jordan. Some of these displaced people were able to return to Israeli-controlled West Bank and, along with their neighbors, witnessed unprecedented economic growth over the course of the next two decades. Israeli investment into the infrastructure of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, coupled with policies that allowed Arabs to move freely increased the standard of living of Palestinians, who were now able to work both in Israel and in the oil rich countries in the Middle East. 1973 YOM KIPPUR WAR The Yom Kippur War of 1973, the most recent ‘full’ war in Middle East history, is so-called because it began on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), the holiest day of prayer and fasting in the Jewish calendar. The Yom Kippur War is also known as the October War. At the time of Yom Kippur, Israel was led by Golda Meir and Egypt by Anwar Sadat. The Yom Kippur War started with a surprise Arab attack on Israel on Saturday 6th October On this day, Egyptian and Syrian military forces launched an attack knowing that the military of Israel would be participating in the religious celebrations associated with Yom Kippur. Therefore, their guard would temporarily be dropped. To some Arabs, Anwar Sadat, leader of Egypt, seemed to have betrayed their cause and it was to cost him his life when he was assassinated by Muslim fundamentalists in In October 1973, Sadat had adopted a warlike approach to Arab relations with Israel – he was seen by many Arabs to be the spiritual successor to Nasser and the saviour to the Palestinians in Israel. His adoption of a diplomatic approach to solving the region’s problems was too much for some Arabs. Despite this relative prosperity and years of quiet under Israeli occupation, many Palestinians — and especially their leadership abroad, the PLO — were interested neither in continued occupation nor a state of their own alongside Israel. (The PLO insisted that Palestine should relace, rather than co-exist with, Israel.) With growing unrest in the territories came greater restrictions. Violent uprisings, often targeting Israeli civilians, prompted increasing Israeli security measures. These in turn led to an increasingly burdensome occupation. Eventually, peace with Egypt allowed Israel give up the Sinai Peninsula. A subsequent Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip without a peace treaty failed to end violence against Israel from that territory. The war also put a strain on Christian-Jewish relations in the U.S. as some Jewish leaders faulted Christian institutions for not speaking out against Arab enmity toward Israel in the weeks before the war. Christian publications initially acknowledged Arab responsibility for the war, but by 1968, Christian commentators and activists started using different lens — one of Arab innocence and Zionist culpability — to interpret the Arab-Israeli conflict.
SUMMARY: The Middle East through Time
1967 AD Six Day War = 2nd Arab/Israeli War Results: ARABS DISCOURAGED ISRAEL’S SIZE TRIPLES ISRAEL NOW CONTROLS WEST BANK ARABS 1973 AD Yom Kippur War = 3rd Arab/Israeli War ISRAELIS REMINDED NOT INVINCIBLE ARABS FEEL STRONGER PLO SEEKS VIOLENCE SADAT SEEKS DIPLOMACY= US INVOLVEMENT=EGYPT REGAINS SINAI PENINSULA & BECOMES 1ST ARAB COUNTRY TO RECOGNIZE ISRAEL 1967 AD Six Day War = 2nd Arab/Israeli War Israel thinks Nasser is about to attack so they attack first. Gamal Nasser, leader of Egypt, ordered a concentration of Egyptian military forces in the sensitive Suez zone. This was a highly provocative act and the Israelis only viewed it one way – that Egypt was preparing to attack. The Egyptians had also enforced a naval blockade which closed off the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping. Rather than wait to be attacked, the Israelis launched a hugely successful military campaign against its perceived enemies. The air forces of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq were all but destroyed on June 5th. The war was a military disaster for the Arabs but it was also a massive blow to the Arabs morale. Here were four of the strongest Arab nations systematically defeated by just one nation. The success of the campaign must have surprised the Israelis. However, it also gave them a major problem that was to prove a major problem for the Israeli government for decades. By capturing the Sinai, the Golan Heights and the West Bank of the Jordan River, the Israelis had captured for themselves areas of great strategic value. However, the West Bank also contained over 600,000 Arabs who now came under Israeli administration. Their plight led many young Arabs into joining the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), a group that the Israelis deemed a terrorist organization. Israeli domestic policies became a lot more complicated after the military successes of June 1967. Israel’s size triples 1973 AD Yom Kippur War = 3rd Arab/Israeli War Egypt’s King Sadat wants Israel to withdraw. Sadat & Syria try to move Israel out of the territories Israel captured in the 6 Day War. Lasts for 3 weeks. Israel agrees to a cease fire. The United States & the USSR help negotiate b/c neither wants nuclear war. Despite the initial successes of the Egyptian and Syrian forces, the war proved once again how effective the Israeli military could be. After the initial set-backs, the war served as a huge morale boost to Israelis. Despite a co-ordinated attack on two fronts, Israel had survived and had pushed back the nations that had initially broken through Israel’s defences. Though the Americans provided the Israeli military with weaponry, they also provided Israel with something far more important – intelligence. Documents relating to the American spy-plane, the ‘SR-71 Blackbird’, show that the Israelis knew where major concentrations of Arab forces were as they were supplied with this information as a result of a SR-71 flying over the war zone. With such knowledge. Basically, the Israelis knew where their enemy was and could co-ordinate an attack accordingly. The war also served as a salutary lesson to the Arab nations that surrounded Israel in that initial victories had to be built on. The failure of the Egyptian and Syrian forces to defeat Israel pushed Sadat towards adopting a diplomatic approach. It also encouraged some Palestinians to more extreme actions. On the diplomatic front, the Camp David talks took place while the actions of the PLO became more violent. Why didn’t the Arab nations build on their initial successes? Clearly, the use of intelligence massively benefited the Israelis. However, as in 1948, the Arab nations did not fight as one unit. Their command structure was not unified and each fighting unit (in the Sinai and the Golan Heights) acted as individual units. With up to nine different nationalities involved on the Arab side, mere co-ordination would have been extremely difficult. Secondly, the Israelis had to work to one simple equation: if they lost, the state of Israel would cease to exist. Therefore, for Israel it was a fight to the finish – literally "death or glory". If the various Arab nations lost, they could survive for another day.
Israel and Palestine: The Roots of Conflict (23 min)
Alternate Video: Israel and the Mideast Conflict
Reason #1 I. Limited Water Major Rivers
Tigris River and Euphrates River together form “Mesopotamia” – meaning land between rivers Because of annual flooding this area has rich farm land which is why it is also know as the “Fertile Crescent.” This is believed to be the location of the first great civilization – The Babylonians Mesopotamia Jordan Nile
Limited Water Continue
Jordan River Water supply for western part of the region and important for religious reasons to Judaism and Christianity. The Jordan River is a major water source that flows through the Jordan Rift Valley into the Dead Sea. The Jordan only reaches 20 yards across in some places, and its deepest point is around 17 feet. It extends from tributaries at the base of Mount Hermon to its main source, the Kinneret, and then down to the Dead Sea. The river forms the boundary between the country of Jordan and the West Bank. The Jordan River is a key water source for Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon; water remains a central issue to the Middle East conflict. Israel and Jordan have signed treaties on Jordan River-related matters. For Israel, the water of the Jordan River is an absolute neccessity for drinking water and for irrigation. The cultural and religious significance of the Jordan River is equal to that of its modern practical uses. In the Tanakh, the Jordan River is mentioned several times as a source of fertility for Israel. It is the place where Joshua and the tribes of Israel crossed into Jericho, and also the scene of many biblical battles. In Christian tradition, the Jordan is the scene of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. Christian pilgrims can today visit the traditional site of the baptism at a place called Yardenit, at the point where the Jordan River flows out of the Kinneret.
Limited Water Continue
Desalination – Process of converting salty sea water into drinkable fresh water HADERA, Israel | Sun May 16, 2010 An Israeli consortium unveiled the world's largest reverse osmosis desalination plant on Sunday in the coastal city of Hadera, hoping to help alleviate the arid country's water shortage. Israel's H2ID said its plant will supply 127 million cubic meters of desalinated water a year, or about 20 percent of the yearly household consumption in Israel. It is the third in a series of five desalination plants being built over the next few years that will eventually supply Israel with about 750 million cubic meters annually as traditional water sources dwindle with a rising population and low winter rainfalls. The Hadera facility was the first to be funded almost entirely from foreign funds. IDE Technologies said it raised most of the 1.6 billion shekels ($425 million) from European banks. Bigger desalination plants can be found in Saudi Arabia, Felber said, which use a thermal-based technology to desalinate sea water. IDE's reverse osmosis technologies requires less energy and is friendlier to the environment, he said. Israel's main sources of natural fresh water are underground aquifers and the Sea of Galilee, which has seen dangerously low levels due to overdrawing. Israel Builds New Desalination Plant, But Palestinians Are Still Denied an Adequate Water Supply The issue of desalination dilutes one of the unresolved core issues of the conflict. For decades, Israel and its Arab neighbors have fought over water rights. A new desalination facility has come up here on Israel's Mediterranean seashore, to soothe Israel's chronic fresh water shortage. An elaborate network of pipes beneath the beach reaches westward far into the sea. Eastward, it links up with the national water system. Just inaugurated, the plant, one of the largest in the world, turns seawater into drinking water. The current Israeli push to turn sea to fresh water started 10 years ago during a prolonged drought. After years of continuing poor rainfall, and a boom in water consumption matching a growing population of 7.5 million, the Sea of Galilee, Israel's only major fresh water lake, reached record dangerously low levels."the first benefactor will be the Sea of Galilee," During the long hot summer, the Jordan River which flows out of the southern tip of the lake, slows to a trickle. Such enthusiasm for desalination dilutes one of the unresolved core issues of the conflict. For decades, Israel and its Arab neighbors, especially the Palestinians, have fought over water rights. Water continues to loom large over all peace efforts. It's known to be on the table of the recently begun Israeli-Palestinian 'proximity' talks. Apart from the Sea of Galilee, Israel's only other major water source is two aquifers, one on the coastal plain, and one beneath the ridge of eastern hills that lie primarily in the occupied West Bank. The Palestinians protest that Israel's asserting of total control over the mountain aquifer is illegal. Israeli Environment Minister says "According to international law, water which naturally flows down from the West Bank aquifer into Israel's coastal plain belongs to us." The Israeli government has recently re-confirmed its intention to allocate a stretch of land in the Hadera area for a separate desalination plant that would be dedicated to the needs of the future Palestinian state. This follows the recommendation of the U.S.-Israeli-Palestinian Joint Committee on Water. But, says chairman of the Palestine Water Authority, "that would require us to purchase water at a high cost -- whereas, in fact, the water in our soil belongs at least partially to us, but remains inaccessible. "We will not explore alternative water sources before we're given back our rights to the Jordan River and to the aquifer," stressed Alattili, who was recently appointed to lead the Palestinian negotiating team on water. Israeli experts agree that the Palestinians are being seriously shortchanged. "We would like to fulfill their needs, and we're doing our best to promote a solution," says Felber, "But it's a political issue and out of our hands. Current Israeli water planning simply does not make allowance for the needs of the Palestinian territories."
Reason #2 II. OIL Persian Gulf region produces more oil than any other location on earth. The Soviet Union tried to capture oil fields in 1945. The U.S. have been protecting oil interest for many years. The U.S. have been protecting oil interest for many years. Ex: 1991-Persian Gulf War 2011-Gaddafi was threatening to destroy the Libyan oil fields. Arabian Gulf Oil Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of National Oil company, estimated on March 11 that 2/3 of Libya’s oil production had been shut down by the insurgency. AGOCO announced at that time it would be funding and assisting the rebels in Benghazi to maintain the oil flow.
OIL - continues O.P.E.C – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Group of oil producing countries that agree on the prices they will sale their oil. Why is that a problem? The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a permanent, intergovernmental Organization, created at the Baghdad Conference on September 10–14, 1960, by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. The five Founding Members were later joined by nine other Members: Qatar (1961); Indonesia (1962) – suspended its membership from January 2009; Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (1962); United Arab Emirates (1967); Algeria (1969); Nigeria (1971); Ecuador (1973) – suspended its membership from December 1992-October 2007; Angola (2007) and Gabon (1975–1994).
Oil - continue Sherman Antitrust Act
The United States can not join O.P.E.C. Why? Sherman Antitrust Act Sherman Anti Trust Act of more commonly known as "competition law." The purpose of the Act was to oppose the combination of entities that could potentially harm competition, such as monopolies or cartels
Ishmael – First born from wife Ahaggar
REASON #3 RELIGION GOD Religion that worships only ONE God is called? Monotheism Isaac - Second born from wife Sarah Abraham Ishmael – First born from wife Ahaggar Jacob – name was changed to ISRAEL ARAB NATIONS 12 sons (TRIBES) of ISRAEL Through King David a savior (Messiah) ISLAM PERSPECTIVE: In the Old Testament Abraham cannot have a child with his wife, Sarah. So, she gives him her handmaiden Hagar. With Hagar Abraham has a child, a son, Ishmael. Eventually, though, in her old age Sarah conceives of a child with divine help. That child is Isaac. After the birth of her son, Sarah forces Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away from their home. Although, in the Qur’an, it is Allah who tells Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael into the desert. While some Jews and Christians believe they are descendents of Isaac, Muslims believe they are the inheritors of Ishmael’s legacy – that they, along with Jews and Christians, are the “children of Abraham”. And they believe it was Ishmael, not Isaac, Abraham almost sacrificed to God. The sparing of Ishmael’s life is celebrated with the festival Eid ul-Adha. When God spared Ishmael, the boy was replaced with a ram – it is because of this Muslims make animal sacrifices during the festival. Ishmael is highly regarded in Islam for his goodness and wisdom. After wandering in the desert with his mother – Hagar’s search for water is reenacted during the Hajj each year – they settled in Mecca. There it is believed Ishmael built the Ka’aba with Abraham. Why did the Kaaba play a central role in Muhammad’s ideas? Islam is built upon the notion that Abraham was not only a Muslim but that he was selected by Allah to build the Kaaba in Mecca, and that while doing so he established the rituals and beliefs which are the cornerstones of Islamic worship. Muslims claim that Mecca and the Kaaba are the centers of worship for the entire world. Christians and Jews believe that it is Jerusalem, where lays the chief cornerstone of Yahweh's kingdom. The City of David [Zion] is mentioned nearly 50 times in the Bible as the home of God's people. The City of David is the birthplace of the city of Jerusalem, the place where King David established his kingdom, and where the history of the People of Israel was written. It is within walking distance from the Old City of Jerusalem and the Western Wall, and is one of the most exciting sites in Israel. CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE: One day Sarah was angered by seeing Ishmael playing or "mocking" and she asked Abraham to expel him and his mother, saying: "Get rid of that slave woman and her son, for that slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac." Abraham initially refused to do as Sarah asked. He finally gave in to his wife's request when God told him that it was through Isaac that Abraham's offspring would "be reckoned", and that He would "make Ishmael into a nation", too, since he was a descendant of Abraham. (Genesis 21:11-13) After much deliberation, Abraham released Ishmael and Hagar as slaves. At the age of fourteen, Ishmael became a free man along with his mother. Under Mesopotamian law, their freedom absolved them from laying claim to any inheritance that Abraham and Sarah had. Ishmael's father gave him and his mother a minimal supply of bread and water and sent them on their way to wander in the desert wilderness of Beer-sheba. The two soon ran out of water and Hagar, not wanting to witness the death of her son, set the boy some distance away from herself, and wept. "And God heard the voice of the lad" and sent his angel to tell Hagar, "Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation." And God "opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water," from which she drew to save Ishmael's life and her own. "And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer." (Genesis 21:14-21) After roaming the wilderness for sometime, Ishmael and his mother settled in the Desert of Paran, where he became an expert in archery. Eventually, his mother found him a wife from the land of Egypt. They had twelve sons who became twelve tribal chiefs throughout the regions from Havilah to Shur (from Assyria to the border of Egypt). JESUS Prophet Muhammad JUDAISM B.C. CHRISTIANITY 33 A.D. ISLAM 610 A.D Moses – wrote the Torah Bible Koran (Qur’an)
NO PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST; REASON #4 Land Disputes: Jerusalem
There is no city in the world like Jerusalem, the intersection for three of the world's great religions. Christians believe Jesus worshipped and taught in Jerusalem and was later crucified there. For Muslims, it is home to both the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. Jews consider it to be their ancient capital, first conquered by King David, 3,000 years ago. Why did the Kaaba play a central role in Muhammad’s ideas? Islam is built upon the notion that Abraham was not only a Muslim but that he was selected by Allah to build the Kaaba in Mecca, and that while doing so he established the rituals and beliefs which are the cornerstones of Islamic worship. Muslims claim that Mecca and the Kaaba are the centers of worship for the entire world. Christians and Jews believe that it is Jerusalem, where lays the chief cornerstone of Yahweh's kingdom. The City of David [Zion] is mentioned nearly 50 times in the Bible as the home of God's people. The City of David is the birthplace of the city of Jerusalem, the place where King David established his kingdom, and where the history of the People of Israel was written. It is within walking distance from the Old City of Jerusalem and the Western Wall, and is one of the most exciting sites in Israel. Jews most holy city - Solomon's temple. Christian’s holy city - Christ was killed outside its walls Islam’s third most holy city- Muhammad was taken there by Angel Gabriel
ISRAEL: Land Disputes About 1000 B.C. Hebrew/Jewish people established homeland. (Diaspora = removal of Jews from this land) 587 B.C. First Diaspora (removed by Babylon) return in 538 B.C. 132 A.D. Second Diaspora (removed by Romans) 300 A.D. Palestinians/Ottomans move in after Rome falls. 600 A.D. Islam is introduced A.D. Christian conquest (Crusades) 1948 A.D. Israel reestablished after Holocaust and Jews return to land. 1967 A.D. 6 Day War = Israel gains land ISLAM & THE CRUSADES IN JERUSALEM: In the year 637 the armies of Islam lead by the Caliph Omar conquered the city of Jerusalem, the center of the Christian world and a magnet for Christian pilgrims. The city's Muslim masters exhibited a certain level of religious tolerance. No new churches were to be built and crosses could not be publicly displayed outside church buildings, but the pilgrims were allowed to continue their treks to the holiest shrines of Christendom (the pilgrims were charged a toll for access). The situation remained stable for over 400 years. Then, in the latter part of the 11th century, the Turks swarmed westward out of Central Asia overrunning all that lay in their path. Jerusalem fell to them in The atmosphere of tolerance practiced by the followers of Omar was replaced by vicious attacks on the Christian pilgrims and on their sacred shrines in the Holy City. Reports of robberies, beatings, killings, degradation of holy sites and the kidnapping for ransom of the city's patriarch made their way back to Europe. To the Europeans the Holy Land was now in the smothering grip of the Infidel and something must be done. In response, Pope Urban II called a conference at the city of Clermont, France in 1095, concluding the eight days of deliberation with one of history's most influential speeches. Mounting a lofty scaffold, the Pope exhorted the assembled multitude to wrest the Holy Land from the hands of the Infidel and assured them that God would absolve them from any sin associated with the venture. His words fell on receptive ears as the crowd responded with cries of "It is the will of God!", "It is the will of God!". The Crusades had begun.
Jerusalem - History of the Holy Land (50 min)
ABC News Fundamentalism and Terrorism Part 3: Israel, A Case Study (20 min) Jerusalem - History of the Holy Land (50 min)
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Yasser Arafat Abdel Nasser Anwar Sadat PLO Yitzhak Rabin Palestinians Israelis Muhammad Abraham Jesus Sadam Hussein
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