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CPSC 481 Week 1 Fateme Rajabiyazdi. Second year PhD student Working on designing and developing Physicians-Patient Communication Technologies Work on.

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Presentation on theme: "CPSC 481 Week 1 Fateme Rajabiyazdi. Second year PhD student Working on designing and developing Physicians-Patient Communication Technologies Work on."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPSC 481 Week 1 Fateme Rajabiyazdi

2 Second year PhD student Working on designing and developing Physicians-Patient Communication Technologies Work on my Apps on my free time

3 How to Contact me My email address – My room – Math Science, 6 th floor, 681 Tutorial website –

4 What are we doing today You introduce yourself Talk about assignment Go through a TCSD example Group Fun exercise - Prototype Answer your questions

5 Assignment #1 TCSD and Prototyping (20%) Due Feb 13, 10am in class Deliverables – Two presentations in tutorial – Design portfolio

6 Assignment #2 Iterative design project (30%) Deliverables – Prototype redesigns – System implementation – Summaries of evaluation and design critiques – System demo

7 Project selection Check Appendix 3 of your assignment Come up with your own but check with me first

8 Assignment #1 Presentation Week 2 – Background information – Expected users and their work contexts – Concrete task examples – List of requirements Week 3 – Prototypes (sketches…) – Team discussion and walkthrough evaluation

9 Cont. What the system will be used for? Why is the system needed? How the system will be used? – System constrains: Financial, technical, legal – Identify potential users groups – Work context: Setting and typical situations Describe one example task, most Imp or Freq Tentative list of requirements: Must, should, not include

10 Task Centered System Design Library System SituationUsersTasks

11 Situation A small library has contacted you to build a computer system that will let librarians and their assistants deal with routine requests by the library clients. The computers will be situated on check in/out counter.

12 To consider Small library serves a town of 10,000 people Approx 500 people use the library each day Library has books, CD, cassette tapes All holdings has a barcode that is stored in a computer system database The library has a good system that allow clients to peruse library holdings and does not need to be replaced

13 You need to replace the system that librarians and their assistances use Users? Users experience?

14 Think about what are librarians tasks? Quiet time – Staff do routine chores and only go to counter when a client approaches Busy time – One staff member is always at the counter, and calls other staffs when line-up starts growing – Line-up grows routinely about 3-5 people with longer line-up begins rare – Customers rarely have to wait more than 5 minutes before being served

15 What system should do? Helping staff answer customer requests Telling clients their status: out, pending, etc. Check library holdings in and out Check for late fines and informing clients Collect fines Providing new library cards Checking for expires cards Renewing expire cards Phoning people who have overdue

16 System constraints The library has a well-maintained system that contains holdings database. The library does not expect to change this system and requires the new system to links to it. The library has several ancient Pentium powered PCs running Windows XP which are already located at the counter. They expect that your system will be built on that. Budget for additional equipment is $2000

17 Task Examples Interview staff and end users Observe people doing real tasks, take notes Or imagine in your mind but be realistic

18 Task #1 Joan’s client is River Tam. He is a regular library patron and is somewhat notorious for exceeding book check out limits, returning books late, never having her card and accumulating library fines. He is returning 5 books, 2 are overdue. When Joan starts checking them in she notices that one of the books is missing its bar code number. She looks up the titles, checks it in, and sets it aside for repair…

19 … while she is doing this, River brings 3 more books and 4 CDs to the counter. Joan starts checking out River’s holdings. She notices that he has reached the maximum level of a $10 fines in overdue books. She tells River about the fine, and she reluctantly pays it. After checking out two of River’s books, Joan noticed that he has already reached the maximum number of allowable books to be checked out and asks River if she can check the rest out on his son account and he says yes. He continue using his son account until all books are checked out. River asks if he can renew any books that are overdue: 3 of them are, Joan does this for him.

20 Complex task Less routine Important Library policy Some less routine situations like damaged book

21 Must include – Rapid check in and out – Look up customers – Status of customers holdings – Clear fines Should Could Exclude

22 Start sketching a few prototypes for the library system that we just talked about….

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