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Preparing for the Storm Matt. 7:24-27 “The Storms” are the Trials of Life Comes in various forms (Matt. 7:24-27) Death, sickness, aging, job concerns,

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3 Preparing for the Storm Matt. 7:24-27

4 “The Storms” are the Trials of Life Comes in various forms (Matt. 7:24-27) Death, sickness, aging, job concerns, economy, retirement, debt, drought, literal storms, children leaving home Our capability to deal with these trials varies by person and by storm Very few are completely under our control


6 Circle of Concern (i.e. storms of life)

7 Circle of Concern Influence Beyond Influence

8 Personal Control Influence Beyond Influence

9 Controlling The Storms All are subject to trials We can’t stop most trials We can head off some We can influence many and reduce the force We can prepare for those that can not be avoided

10 We need an action plan!

11 Inappropriate Elements in the Action Plan? Do nothing Wait and see Ignore the warnings Procrastinate

12 Action Plan Item #1: Become a New Creature! Not just obey the gospel, but… Gal. 2:20, Rom. 12:2 –Find a new way of thinking –A new manner of decision making –Change the way we evaluate and react to happenings Psalm 37:4-5 - New things make us happy

13 #2 Build Faith Hebrews 11 “Faith’s Hall of Fame” Where did these characters get this much faith Abraham offered up Isaac Faith was not built over a short period of time

14 Abraham’s Faith-Building Events Gen. 12:1-3 -- Divine call and promise Gen. 12:4 -- 75 years old and no children Gen. 16 -- Hagar and Ishmael, faltered faith Gen. 21 -- Isaac is born 25 years after the promise (at 100 years old) Gen. 19 -- Visit from the angels and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah Gen. 22 -- Asked to sacrifice his son

15 Action Item #3: Draw Near to God James 4:8ff –Draw near and He will draw near to us –Lament over our sinful selves, and change I Pet. 5:6-7 –Humble yourself –Pray –Cast your cares upon Him Matt. 6:33 Seek God before all else

16 Action Item #4: Expand Your Influence Matt. 5:13-16 The Christians’ influence I Pet. 3:2 The influence of a wife on her husband as an example Be a part of the Church’s work (II Cor. 9:2) Stay “qualified” to pray (Jno. 9:31, James 5:16) Prayer enables us to influence all areas of the “circle of concern””

17 Personal Control Influence Beyond Influence

18 Action Item #5 The “Worst Case Scenario…” May be the best case scenario (Revelation 14:13) Be diligent to make your eternal rest sure (II Pet. 1:10-11) Won’t be done without a conscious decision and effort All things work together for good for those who love the Lord (Romans 8:28)

19 Action Item #6: Peace Beyond Understanding Philippians 4:7 Hear (Romans 10:17) Believe (Romans 10:17) Confess (Romans 10:9-10) Repent (Acts 2:38) Be Baptized (Acts 2:38) Be Faithful Till Death (Revelation 2:10)

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