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Honors Biology Ch. 4 PopulationBiology. Ch. 4 Population Biology I.Population Dynamics Constant Population: Birth rate = Death rate.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors Biology Ch. 4 PopulationBiology. Ch. 4 Population Biology I.Population Dynamics Constant Population: Birth rate = Death rate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors Biology Ch. 4 PopulationBiology

2 Ch. 4 Population Biology I.Population Dynamics Constant Population: Birth rate = Death rate

3 Biotic Potential vs. Environmental Resistance

4 A.Biotic Potential vs. Environmental Resistance 1.Biotic Potential: - factors that increase population level

5 a.Birth rate: -number of births, eggs laid, seeds or spores b.Recruitment: -becoming part of breeding pop. -Salmon: high birth rate, low recruitment - Humans: low birth rate, high recruitment

6 Short vs. Long Life History

7 c.Migration d.Adaptibility, Defense, Resistance -if all conditions are favorable, a population explosion (rare) could occur

8 a.Abiotic factors: - temperature, water, fire, etc. b.Biotic factors: - predators, parasites, disease, food -constantly readjusting (dynamic) 2.Environmental Resistance:

9 3.Exponential Growth

10 -population growth pattern showing an increasing growth rate -can result in a population explosion

11 3.Exponential Growth (i) Reproductive Age 4 (ii) Reproductive Age 6

12 4.Carrying Capacity (biotic potential) Carrying Capacity Number of Individuals Time Exponential Growth Equilibrium (environmental resistance)

13 4.Carrying Capacity -the number of organisms of a species that a particular habitat can support

14 Boom-and-bust Population Cycle Conditions good: Boom; Conditions bad: Bust Annual lake algal bloom

15 Effects of Exceeding Carrying Capacity 1911 - 25 reindeer introduced 1938 - 2000 reindeer 1950 - 8 reindeer survived St. Paul Island, Pribilof, Alaska

16 Lemming Population Cycles

17 5.Density Dependent Factors: -environmental resistance increases as population increases -predators, disease, parasites, competition

18 6.Density Independent Factors: - drought, fire, tsunami, floods, volcanoes, salinity - affect a population regardless of its density

19 B.Mechanisms of Population Balance 1. Predator/Prey

20 - lynx vs.hare

21 2.Host/Parasite: - similar - more common - provides more stability

22 2.Host/Parasite: weevil vs. wasp

23 3.Principle of Ecosystem Stability: -Species diversity provides ecosystem stability


25 - Natural enemies provide balance - Evolved together - Introduced species create imbalances

26 3.Principle of Ecosystem Stability: -Species diversity provides ecosystem stability -Natural enemies provide balance -Evolved together -Introduced species create imbalances

27 II.Human Population Growth A.Human Population Explosion


29 -started around 1830 - 1 billion added every 12 years -How many can the biosphere support?

30 B. Demography - the study of human population growth

31 Pop. Growth Rates: Developed & Developing Countries Developing Countries Developed Countries

32 Age-Structure Diagrams Post-Reproductive (46-100 y old) Reproductive (15-45 y old) Pre-Reproductive (0-14 y old) ExpandingStableContracting

33 Age Structures Developed Country

34 Age Structures Developing Country

35 The End

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