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Monday Oct 13 th -Week 10 TOPIC : Population Dynamics  OBJ : 3-5 DO NOW : EXT : Oh DEER! DUE DATE : Oct 14th DW : 4.1 Application Notes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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2 Monday Oct 13 th -Week 10 TOPIC : Population Dynamics  OBJ : 3-5 DO NOW : EXT : Oh DEER! DUE DATE : Oct 14th DW : 4.1 Application Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXIT : Fill in your level of understanding AND provide a summary of what you learned in class today. HANDOUTS to PICK-UP: TURN IN to ABS box: SEMINAR 2: BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL:  DW-4.2 Book Pages/notes/vocab -Check weekend work -Go Over 4.1 Application notes What advantage do smaller fish gain by forming clumped groups, or schools? AGENDA ABSENT Science of Life

3 MONDAY: ___10__/__13___ OBJECTIVE…  #_3-5_____ TOPIC: Population Dynamics Daily Work Grade- 4.2 Book Pages/4.2 Vocab DW GRADE:  2  1  0 MONDAY DO NOW Q: What advantage do smaller fish gain by forming clumped groups, or schools? A: Schooling behavior confuses predators and provides additional safety for individuals within the center of the school.

4 3-   --EXPLAIN the differences between population size, density, and dispersion. 4-   --SPECULATE how the rate of change in populations is determined by the combined effects of birth, death, emigration, and immigration. 5-   --COMPARE & CONTRAST both exponential & logistical models of population growth. UNIT OBJECTIVES

5 Vocabulary These should be done by test day!  population density  dispersion  density-independent factor  density-dependent factor  population growth rate  emigration  immigration  carrying capacity  k-strategist  r-strategist

6 GROUP WORK: GUIDED NOTES -As a GROUP complete the guided note using your knowledge from the reading.

7 4.1 POPULATION DYNAMICS  WHAT YOU WILL LEARN -concepts of carrying capacity & limiting factors -ways in which populations are distributed

8 MAIN IDEA: populations of species are described by: -density -spatial distribution -range -growth rate MAIN IDEA

9  REVIEW VOCABULARY population- -group of SAME species/SAME place/SAME time  REVIEW VOCABULARY

10  POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS -COMPARE the terms by defining & giving examples spacing of organisms # of individuals per area -area where an organism lives & reproduces population density-spatial distribution (dispersion)- population range- Habitat area= 4km2 31 individuals [bison] DENSITY = 7.75 indv per area km2 2 different types -limited to small or large areas -affected by abiotic & biotic factors  POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Clumped, random, uniform

11  POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS IDENTIFY each pattern of dispersion represented NOTE characteristics of each random -unpredictable spacing -seeds blown in wind uniform -compete for resources -social interactions clumped -distribution of nutrients -social -mating  POPULATION LIMITING FACTOR

12 -COMPARE the terms by defining & giving examples -restricts the # of organisms in an area ABIOTIC— does NOT depend on # of ind in population -extreme weather, pollution -max # of individuals an environment can support for long term carrying capacity- limiting factor- density-independent factor-density-dependent factor- BIOTIC— DOES depend on # of ind in population -predation, disease, competition LIMITED by the energy, water, nutrients available EX- food supply  POPULATION LIMITING FACTOR

13 -CLASSIFY each limiting factor FACTOR biotic or abiotic DENSITY- INDEPENDENT DENSITY- DEPENDENT Lava flow Change in number of predators Spread of disease Extremely cold winter Toxic chemical spill into a stream Intense competition for food source Flooding due to hurricane Fungus that attacks elm trees ABIOTIC X X X X X X X X BIOTIC Stand-UP Sit-DOWN  POPULATION LIMITING FACTOR

14 Population growth rate- emigration-immigration- mortality-natality-  POPULATION LIMITING FACTOR -COMPARE factors in a population’s growth rate -individuals leave-EXIT (-) Individuals die (-) -rate in which individuals are added or removed from a population Individuals born (+) -individuals move INTO (+)

15 Think and Answer: 1 PREDICT how the cycle might change for the moose population if the wolves were removed from Isle Royale.

16  POPULATION LIMITING FACTORS DRAW graphs: lag phase exponential growth carrying capacity Exponential Population GrowthLogistic Population Growth population growth w/o limiting factors— continues to grow population growth w/limiting factors—stops growing when reaches carrying capacity  POPULATION LIMITING FACTOR

17 EXPONENTIAL GROWTH: Starts with lag phase NO limiting factors NO carrying capacity J-curve LOGISTIC GROWTH Starts with lag phase Limiting factors Carrying capacity S-curve  POPULATION LIMITING FACTOR

18 CHARACTERISTICR-strategistK-strategist size # of births per cycle Life span amount of energy put into raising their young type of environment SUMMARIZE the reproductive strategies of r-strategists & k- strategists for ensuring continuation of their species. many offspring LARGE equilibrium at carrying capacity abundant resources LONG life span SMALL SHORT life span little amount of energy 1 or few offspring lot of energy raising young  POPULATION LIMITING FACTOR

19  POPULATION LIMITING FACTORS IDENTIFY the following organisms reproductive patterns RK RR R-strategist / K-strategist  POPULATION LIMITING FACTOR

20 density- independent clumped predation uniform limiting factors growth rate drought densitydispersion ABIOTIC  CONCEPT MAP: BIOTIC density- dependent competition  POPULATION LIMITING FACTOR

21 Review Questions What are three characteristics used to describe populations? -Spatial distribution -population density -growth rate

22 Review Questions What is the difference between uniform and random distribution? -Uniform distribution appears equally spaced, and random distributions can have organisms closely spaced in some areas and more distantly spaced in others

23 Review Questions How would you classify a biotic factor, such as food availability that limits its population size? -it would be a density-dependent factor

24 Review Questions How would you distinguish between the shape of an exponential growth curve and a logistic growth curve? -Exponential growth curves are J-shaped and logistic growth curves are S-shaped

25 Review Questions Can you describe what is happening to a population in the exponential phase of growth? -It is growing rapidly

26 EXIT FILL-IN: level of understanding of today’s objective   EXIT: Provide a summary of what you learned today. (17 word minimum)

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