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The Case For Magazine Advertising The research evidence - Irish and international Guy Consterdine Guy Consterdine Associates 24 February 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "The Case For Magazine Advertising The research evidence - Irish and international Guy Consterdine Guy Consterdine Associates 24 February 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Case For Magazine Advertising The research evidence - Irish and international Guy Consterdine Guy Consterdine Associates 24 February 2009

2 Objective To provide research evidence which supports the arguments for using magazine advertising Seven key points

3 1. Readers develop a personal relationship with their magazines

4 Readers develop a personal relationship with their magazines Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland

5 2. Magazines are well read

6 Extensive reading time: twice that of newspaper supplements Source: Quality of Reading Survey, PPA

7 It’s a multi-tasking media world Consumers are increasingly using more than one medium at a time Magazines less likely to be used at same time as other media

8 Using 2+ media simultaneously Source: ‘Magazine Experiences Europe’, Time/Fortune

9 It’s a multi-tasking media world Consumers are increasingly using more than one medium at a time Magazines less likely to be used at same time as other media When they are, likely to capture the prime focus of attention You can’t read a publication without focusing on it

10 Multi-tasking: magazines attract primary attention Source: Middletown Media Studies, Ball State University, USA

11 3. Readers are receptive to the advertising

12 The ads are relevant Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland

13 High attention to the advertising Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland

14 4. Magazine advertising influences the purchase decision-making process

15 Magazine ads helpful as a buying guide Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland

16 Magazine ads >> purchase Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland

17 Marketing Evolution (MPA/USA) 20 campaigns using TV + magazines + online Comparison of pre- & post-campaign scores 3 measures of impact: Brand awareness Brand familiarity Intention to purchase

18 Magazines add to TV & online: Brand awareness Source: Marketing Evolution for MPA, USA

19 Magazines add to TV & online: Brand familiarity Source: Marketing Evolution for MPA, USA

20 Magazines add to TV & online: Intention to purchase Source: Marketing Evolution for MPA, USA

21 Marketing Evolution: conclusions On all three measures: Adding magazines to TV improved the impact considerably Adding magazines achieved more than adding online instead Best strategy is to use print & online in combination

22 5. Magazines make digital media and buzz work harder

23 Marketing campaigns should use both magazines & online Source: ‘Engagement Counts’, Future Publishing Ltd, UK

24 Magazines drive online searching Source: Simultaneous Media Usage Survey 9, BIGresearch USA

25 Magazines > online > purchase Source: In-Market Media Usage Survey, Jupiter Research, USA

26 6. Magazine advertising creates sales: a) Magazines used on own

27 Magazine advertising sales

28 ‘Sales Uncovered’ TNS Superpanel in UK: household purchases, media consumption 20 brands Week-by-week sales examined Analysed against week-by-week mag exposures Among: - Exposed to mag advertising - Not exposed to mag advertising (control)

29 Magazine advertising increased sales by an additional 11.6% Source: ‘Sales Uncovered, TNS for PPA, UK

30 Return on investment Medium term (12 months) £1 £2.77 Source: ‘Sales Uncovered, TNS for PPA, UK

31 Magazine advertising creates sales: b) Magazines used with TV

32 Magazine achievement similar to TV’s… Source: ‘Sales Uncovered, TNS for PPA, UK

33 …but at a third of the cost Source: ‘Sales Uncovered, TNS for PPA, UK

34 Budget implications Expenditure Effectiveness Magazines TV

35 Budget implications Expenditure Effectiveness Magazines TV

36 7. Magazines are a vital ingredient in b2b marketing campaigns

37 Importance of industry-specific media: magazines, websites, face-to-face Source: Forrester Research/ABM

38 Usage of traditional b2b media Source: Forrester Research/ABM

39 Usage of digital b2b media Source: Forrester Research/ABM

40 Combining b2b media Each kind of industry-specific b2b medium has its own strengths Effectiveness maximised by using combination of magazines, online & face-to-face “The three legs of b2b publishing” Source: Forrester Research/ABM

41 Sell advertising on multiple platforms 91% of decision makers agreed: “It is easier for me to recognise or remember a company’s brand or products/services when I see messages about it in multiple media such as magazines, online, or at events”

42 Two reports Full research reportSummary report

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