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Software and Geography Using Technology in Social Studies.

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2 Software and Geography Using Technology in Social Studies

3 Software and Curriculum Goals Learn about physical layout of their neighborhood. Be able to map details of the neighborhood. Gather a variety of numerical and other data about the neighborhood. Know how to manipulate this data and produce charts and other presentations

4 Software and Curriculum Goals Cont ’ d Be creative in representing the neighborhood artistically. Be skilled in interviewing people in the neighborhood. Learn about the area ’ s history. Produce time lines of the local past. Create written documents with stories and reports about the neighborhood.

5 Software Options Mapping software, which lets students explore maps and create their own. Graphics software, with which students can create their own drawings, import digital photographs and other picture files. Presentation software, for making slides containing text and graphics. Hypermedia software, for producing stacks of cards which can link to on another and contain video and audio effects. Timeline software, for producing historical timelines.

6 Software Options Cont ’ d Graphic software, for teaching children about creating graphs. Spreadsheets, for manipulating data about the neighborhood and producing charts. Database management software, in which to enter data and produce reports. Writing and publication software, for creating reports or newsletters, which can contain graphics and reports and charts made with other software. Devices for creating multimedia, such as digital cameras, video cameras, and tape recorders, which produce media that can be digitized and used in hypermedia or publishing software.

7 A Software Toolkit for Studying Neighborhood Drawing Mapping--Neighborhood Map Machine and Where Are We Neighborhood construction and design Taking pictures digitally Interviewing Timelines - Timeliner

8 A Software Toolkit for Studying Neighborhood Filming Working with numerical data--Excel, Claris Works Simulating the neighborhood Presentation--Simple slides shows with --KidPix --PowerPoint --HyperStudio --Web Publishing

9 Research on the Internet Many localities do have their own site. Many localities also contain a historical society. The Census Bureau has put data from the 1990 census on-line, and they have made it very easy to access.

10 Curriculum Project:Exploring the Neighborhood F F Have a discussion F F Take a neighborhood walk F F Draw pictures F F Make a slide show F F Build a 3-D model

11 Curriculum project: Mapping the Neighborhood Mapping one ’ s room Mapping the block Mapping on the computer — Neighborhood map machine. How closely can you reproduce our neighborhood? If you were going to make an ideal neighborhood, what would you put in it? How many stores and businesses do you think our neighborhood has? How do you think more or less park land affects a neighborhood? 3-D Mapping

12 Curriculum project: Documenting the neighborhood Discussion Photographing Interviewing Videotaping Creating a hypermedia stack - teams Publishing a neighborhood newspaper

13 Curriculum project: Neighborhood data Data People Land and recycling Heath and education Culture and entertainment Business Activities Spreadsheet graphs Spreadsheet calculations Simulation Data presentation

14 Curriculum project: Neighborhood History Interviewing and recording Time lines Scanning Pictures Presentations

15 Review and Development In Groups of three to five Summarize the Key Points Expand and Add Ideas Raise Questions for Clarification

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