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2010 Sci Oly Events. B Events 15 team members with up to 6 alternates Competing with 7 th through 9 th grade Only five 9 th graders on the team! 20 events.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 Sci Oly Events. B Events 15 team members with up to 6 alternates Competing with 7 th through 9 th grade Only five 9 th graders on the team! 20 events."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 Sci Oly Events

2 B Events 15 team members with up to 6 alternates Competing with 7 th through 9 th grade Only five 9 th graders on the team! 20 events 1-2 events is normal 3-4 is tough 5 events is for serious geeks only!

3 Anatomy (B and C) Basic knowledge Covers skeletal system and muscular system C Team will cover Endocrine, too

4 Bio-Process Lab Laboratory competition Covers lab safety, observations, inferences, scientific method, lab equipment, experimental design, measurement, microscopes, chemical analysis, dichotomous keys, graphing, data analysis,

5 Compute This Computer-based test Find information on a website, put it in a spreadsheet, and interpret the data

6 Disease Detectives (B and C) Know everything about diseases like transmission, stats, causes, prevention, etc. C event will also do calculations

7 Dynamic Planet (B and C) General knowledge event about Volcanoes and Earthquakes

8 Ecology (B and C) Written test on Grasslands biome. C event also includes Taiga biome.

9 Egg-o-naut (B and C) Shoot bottle rocket carrying egg Parachute back to Earth safely

10 Elevated Bridge (B and C) Build the lightest bridge that holds the most mass.

11 Experimental Design (B and C) Create an experiment, complete it, and write it up

12 Fossils (B and C) Identification and general knowledge

13 Meteorology General knowledge about weather and atmosphere.

14 Metric Mastery (B and C) Estimation, measurement, calculation using metric system.

15 Mystery Architecture Hey, here’s some junk! Build a bridge… or a tower, or a… something.

16 Ornithology (B and C) Identification and knowledge about bird characteristics

17 Physical Science Lab (B and C) Build the most efficient windmill. General knowledge on wind power and other alternative energy sources. C event must do calculations of energy/power.

18 Road Scholar Interpret, collect data from, and create topographic maps

19 Shock Value Knowledge of electricity, magnetism and electrical devices Build basic circuits

20 Solar System Test on sun, planets, satellites, famous astronomers, etc.

21 Trajectory (B and C) Build a catapult to shoot targets. Create data tables of all trials.

22 Write It Do It (B and C) Write instructions to your partner for building a random structure. Your partner then builds it from pieces using only your written instructions.

23 K… Now for the extra C events Same deal: 15 competitors with up to 6 events. No limit on 9 th graders, though. 20 events Competing with 9 th through 12 th

24 Astronomy Knowledge of galaxies, cepheid stars, binary systems.

25 Cell Biology Stations-based test on cell structure and function, DNA/RNA, genetics Can include specimens and demonstrations

26 It’s About Time Building and knowledge event about time and timekeeping. Construct a device that keeps accurate time.

27 Pentathlon Demonstrate knowledge of the 5 areas of Science Olympiad AND complete physical tasks.

28 Picture This Pictionary with science words Monera =

29 Open Events (Both B and C) These events are possibly going to be included. Depends on parental support and comittment level from the student. So… if you are interested in doing this, show us you can do it well and we will consider making it a medal event!

30 Battery Buggy (B event) Construct a battery-powered vehicle that travels a certain distance and stops on a dime (dollar divided by 10).

31 Can’t Judge a Powder (B) Identify a pure substance (chemistry lab) and then answer questions about it.

32 Junkyard Challenge (B) Using “junk” you bring from home, you must trip 4 mousetraps using a golf ball dropped in the center.

33 Science Crime Busters (B) Perform chemical tests, fingerprint/footprint analysis, etc. to solve a crime.

34 Wright Stuff (B) Build and fly a rubberband-powered plane for the longest time.

35 Mission Possible (C) Build a complicated Rube Goldberg machine with a photocell, motors, electromagnet, fire, hydraulics, etc.

36 Mouse Trap Vehicle (C) Build a car that travels a set distance and then returns to the starting point using only mousetraps for power.

37 Remote Sensing (C) Use data from satellites to understand human interaction with the FOREST biome.

38 Environmental Chemistry (C) Knowledge of chemical reactions, minerals, soil properties and nutrients.

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