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Employment & the Ageing Population Making the Most of the Emerging Dynamics for Your Business’ Conference 20 June 2012 Rachael Mather, Age UK Hull.

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Presentation on theme: "Employment & the Ageing Population Making the Most of the Emerging Dynamics for Your Business’ Conference 20 June 2012 Rachael Mather, Age UK Hull."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employment & the Ageing Population Making the Most of the Emerging Dynamics for Your Business’ Conference 20 June 2012 Rachael Mather, Age UK Hull

2 Age UK Hull Local independent Charity since 1949 Supports people over 50 to lead independent, better quality life Health, socialisation, advocacy, benefits advice & employment support 30 staff / 100+ volunteers Healthy Living Centre

3 State-of-the-art Healthy Living Centre

4 Restaurant, Fitness Hall, Hydro Pool and Gym

5 Age UK Hull’s motivation: Very high levels of unemployment Over 50’s receive no specialist support People trust Age UK & like using facilities Employment support background Develop new partnerships Provides new PCs Signpost other services

6 Unemployment in Hull

7 Current situation: Worst place to find work in UK (Adzuna) 40 people chasing every job and in some wards, 80 people Effects of cuts / government policy Over 50’s 2 nd worst hit group, after 18-24 year olds

8 Over 50’s unemployment 2125 claiming JSA Increasing +135 each month 6.8% increase in January 2012 from December 20122 (9.1% under 18’s) Complex factors Multiple deprivation

9 Age UK Hull’s approach: Work with DWP / Job Centre Plus Discuss need & make ‘business case’ Offer something different Strength of brand Empathy & understanding Personal experience


11 Work Clubs Age UK Bradford, Milton Keynes, Southampton, Plymouth, Camden….and Hull Voluntary sector, Charities, Trade Unions Skills & understanding Trust Guidance


13 DWP Guidance available at: Rachael Mather, Age UK Hull 01482 324644 Thank you

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