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ASME Design Challenge Fall Semester 10/9/14. Challenge Objective: Build a rocket that will fly the highest while carrying an egg up and down safely!

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Presentation on theme: "ASME Design Challenge Fall Semester 10/9/14. Challenge Objective: Build a rocket that will fly the highest while carrying an egg up and down safely!"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASME Design Challenge Fall Semester 10/9/14

2 Challenge Objective: Build a rocket that will fly the highest while carrying an egg up and down safely!

3 Incentive To be crowned champions of ASME forever... AND Prizes for the team that wins the competition

4 Guidelines Must incorporate materials supplied by ASME Must be powered by rocket engines Must not go over $20 budget Rocket will be judged on both height and whether the egg makes it back safely

5 Examples

6 Project Timeline Four General Meetings (including this one) Time set aside during each for design challenge Can meet with team outside of general meetings (encouraged) Launch date - Week before Thanksgiving

7 Teams Officer(s) will lead each team Each team will be granted a $20 budget for any extra materials Materials must be bought and approved by officer on team (Officers keep receipts) -Form teams -Meet and introduce yourselves -Start planning once presentation is over

8 Next General Meeting October 23rd, 2014 ME 1130 7-8 PM See you there!

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