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IT Exercises.

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1 IT Exercises

2 Which one of these is computer hardware
O The operating system. O A CPU. O A word processing package. O A spreadsheet. A CPU.

3 Which one of these is application software
O Graphics card. O Word processor. O Central Processing Unit (CPU). O Hard Disk. Word processor

4 Data storage Containing CPU Output Device Input Device Hard Disk
وحدة تخزين البيانات تضم وحدة المعالجة وحدة إخراج وحدة إدخال Data storage Containing CPU Output Device Input Device Hard Disk System Case Monitor Mouse Mouse Hard Disk Monitor System Case

5 Large Organization often use a computer system to run the company typically it is most likely to be: لمنظمة الكبيرة في أغلب الأحيان تقوم بإستعمال نظام حاسوب لعمل الشركةِ بشكل نموذجياً هو على الأغلب يَكُونَ A. A Personal Computer. B. A PDA. C. A Mini Computer. D. A Mainframe Computer. A Mainframe Computer

6 Which one of these computer types is the most powerful?
أى من هذه الأنواع هو الأقوى -Laptop. Mainframe Computer. Server. Personal Computer. Mainframe Computer

7 Scanner can be described as: الماسح الضوئى يمكن أن يوصف على أنه
A. An output device only B. An input device only C. An input and output device D. Storage device An input device only

8 Which one is not true about RAM? أى من هذه العبارة غير صحيح عن RAM
A. The data stored on it is volatile. B. Information is lost when you switch off the computer. C. The data held on it cannot be saved on your hard disk. D. The operating system is copied on it when you switch on computer. البيانات المخزنة على الذاكرة RAM لا يمكن أن يتم تخزينها على القرص الصلب


10 Which one of the following devices connect to the system unit externally and controlled by the central processing unit? أى من هذه العبارات عن الوحدات تكون متصلة بوحدة النظام خارجيا ولكن يتم التحكم فيها من خلال وحدة المعالجة المركزية A. Additional devices. B. Storage Units. C. Input devices. D. Peripheral devices.

11 Which one of these is a computer software
A. Monitor. B. Windows. C. System Case. D. Scanner.

12 A Gigabyte is approximately: الجيجا بايت تقريبا تساوى
A. 1,000 bytes. B. 100 kilobytes. C. 1,000 kilobytes. D. 1,000 Megabytes . The exactly 1024 mB

13 Which two of the following have a significant influence on the speed at which a computer performs? أى إثنان من هذه العناصر يؤثربشكل كبير فى سرعة وأداء الحاسب O Installing new applications. O Clearing all the unwanted files off a hard disk. O Installing a smaller monitor. O Increasing the amount of RAM. O Adding a CD-ROM drive. إبعاد أو تنظيف كل الملفات الغير مرغوب فيها من القرص الصلب زيادة كمية أو قيمة الذاكرة RAM

14 Creating letters, faxes or memos etc.
Word Processing Creating letters, faxes or memos etc. Make financial projections. Create overhead projection or slides. Sorting large amounts of information. Producing a newspaper with complex page layouts A spreadsheet Application A presentation Application A Database Application Desktop Publishing Desktop Publishing A spreadsheet Application A Database Application A presentation Application Word processing

15 Which two of these are operating systems
A. Linux. B. Mac OS. C. Internet explorer. D. Outlook. E. Google.

16 الملفات المسموعة خاضعة لحقوق النسخ على الإنترنت
Which one of the following statements about copyright is true? أى من هذه العبارات صحيح عن حقوق النسخ A. You can use downloaded graphics in any way. B. You are allowed to re-use text you copy from the web. C. When you purchase software, the copyright transfer to you. D. Audio files on the internet are subject to copyright. الملفات المسموعة خاضعة لحقوق النسخ على الإنترنت

17 Analysis Programming Testing Design Programming Design Testing
Drag each of the stages of development into logical order إسحب كل مرحلة تطوير فى الترتيب المنطقى للتطوير. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Analysis Programming Testing Design Programming Design Testing Analysis

18 From an output devices: من وحدات الإخراج
A. Mouse. B. Keyboard. C. Plotter. D. Light Pen. Plotter

19 Which of the following statement is true? أى من هذه العبارات صحيح
A. The CPU is an input devices. B. The CPU is an output devices. C. The CPU is used to process program instructions and data. D. The CPU is used as non volatile storage media. وحدة المعالجة المركزية أو المعالج يقوم بمعالجة البرامج و البيانات

20 Which two of the following is considered as input devices
A. Printers. B. Monitor. C. Microphone. D. Plotter. E. Keyboard. Microphone Keyboard





25 Which one have the fastest access to data
A. DVD drive. B. Floppy disk. C. Zip disk. D. Hard Disk. Hard Disk


27 Which one of the following is not an input device
A. Web camera. B. Scanner. C. Touch pad. D. Monitor. Monitor

28 Which one of these memory can not be changed
A. Random Access Memory. B. Storing Memory. C. Read Only Memory. D. Virtual Memory. Read Only Memory.

29 Which one of the following is considered as input devices
A. Plotter. B. Monitor. C. Web camera. D. Charger. Web camera.

30 The data stored on CD-Rom are البيانات المخزنة على CD-ROM تكون
A. Volatile and read only data. B. Non Volatile and read only data. C. Non Volatile and read/write data. D. Volatile and read/write data. Non Volatile and read only data غير متغيرة وتكون للقراءة فقط

31 Which is the most appropriate application to store census information
A. Data Logging Application. B. CAD Application. C. Database Application. D. Word Processor Application. Database Application.

32 A GUI is used to: الواجهة الرسومية تستخدم فى
A. Draw graphs and drawing. B. Provide the interface between two peripherals. C. Provide an easy way to use computer. D. Store graphics image as file. Provide an easy way to use computer. تكون طريقاً سهلاً لإسْتِعْمال الحاسوبِ

33 Which one of these types of computer memory is permanent and unchanging? أى من هذه الأنواع لذاكرة الحاسب ثابته أو دائمة و لا يمكن تغيرها O Random Access Memory. O Working Memory. O Virtual Memory. O Read-Only Memory. Read-Only Memory.

34 Which one of the following isn’t operating system
A. Unix. B. Windows. C. Ms Word. D. Ms-Dos. Ms Word

35 يمكن إكتشافة دائما بواسطة برامج مضادات الفيروسات
Which two of these statements could each be used to complete the following sentence? A computer virus is a program that: أى جملتين من هذه الجمل يمكن إستخدامها لإكمال الجمل التالية : فيروس الكمبيوتر هو برنامج A. Cannot infect a stand alone PC. B. Disappears once it has displayed a message. C. Can usually be detected by anti-virus software. D. Can be introduced when new software is installed. E. Can enter a computer system if hardware such as a new mouse added. يمكن إكتشافة دائما بواسطة برامج مضادات الفيروسات يمكن أن يتقدم أو يدخل عند القيام بتحميل برنامج جديد

36 Which one of the following dose not influence the Performance of a computer? أى من هذه العناصر لا تؤثر على أداء الحاسب The amount of free space on the PC’s hard disk. The amount of main memory (RAM) that is installed. The use of trackball rather than a mouse. أن تستعمل الماوس أو كرة التتابع The type of graphics card that is installed.

37 القرص المشكل يمكن أن يستخدم فى تخزين البيانات
Which one of the following statements about formatting computer storage media is true? أى من هذه الجمل صحيح بالنسبة لإعادة تهيئة أو تشكيل وحدات التخزين صحيح A. All operating systems format disks in the same way. B. You can’t format a disk if it had been formatted already. C. A pre-formatted disk can be used immediately to store data. D. You should regularly format floppy disks. القرص المشكل يمكن أن يستخدم فى تخزين البيانات


39 The speed of a computer CPU can be measured in: سرعة معالج الحاسب يمكن أن تقاس ب
Gigabytes. Gigawatts. Gigahertz. Gigacycles. Gigahertz Or Megahertz

40 Which two of the following devices can be used to input data to a computer ?
أى إثنان من هذه الأجهزة يمكن أن يكون وحدة إدخال 1- Joystick 2- printer 3- speaker 4- standard monitor 5- keyboard Joystick keyboard

41 Which one of these devices can be used to output data from a computer?
أى من هذه الأجهزة يمكن أن يستخدم فى إخراج البيانات من الكمبيوتر 1- Joystick 2- printer 3- Mouse 4- Scanner printer

42 لا يمكن التعديل فيها من خلال المستخدم
Which one of the following statement is true about ROM (read-only memory): أى من هذه العبارات صحيح عن الذاكرة الدائمة ROM O It is wiped clean when you switch off the computer. O It stores the computer’s operating system. O It cannot be modified by the user. O It is loaded from your hard disk when you switch on the computer. It cannot be modified by the user. لا يمكن التعديل فيها من خلال المستخدم

43 Gigabyte Megabyte smallest Kilobyte Largest Byte Byte Bit Kilobyte

44 Sort these units of data by increasing order of size.
Megabyte Terabyte Terabyte Gigabyte Gigabyte Megabyte Kilobyte Kilobyte Byte Byte

45 Which one of the following operating system does not have a GUI
A. UNIX. B. Microsoft Windows. C. MAC OS X. D. Microsoft DOS . Microsoft DOS

46 Microsoft Windows is a (an):
A. Database program. B. Operating system. C. Word processing program. D. Graphics program. Operating system

47 A. Testing. B. Analysis. C. Programming. Analysis D. Design.
Which of the following is the first stage in the standard sequence of software development? أى من هذه المراحل فى تطوير البرامج هى المرحلة الأولى A. Testing. B. Analysis. C. Programming. D. Design. Analysis

48 A database application
What type of computer application would be used in a hospital to maintain patient medical details? أي نوع من تطبيق الحاسبِ يُستَعملُ في المستشفى لتخزين التفاصيلِ الطبيةِ للمريض A. A desktop publishing application. B. A database application. C. A accounting application. D. A presentation engine. A database application

49 الصور المقرؤه ضوئيا خاضعة لقانون حقوق النسخ
Which one of the following statements about copyright is true? أى من هذه العبارات عن الشراء من على الإنترنت صحيح A. You give up your copyright to text that you publish on the internet. B. You can re-use downloaded graphics in any way. C. Scanned images are subject to copyright. D. When you purchase software, the copyright transfer to you. الصور المقرؤه ضوئيا خاضعة لقانون حقوق النسخ

50 أنت فى خطر من طريقة الدفع أو السداد الغير أمنة
Which one of the following statements about purchasing online is true? أى من هذه العبارات عن الشراء من على الإنترنت صحيح A. Purchases are only processed during business hours. B. Shipping of purchases is normally free. C. The consumer rights of your country apply. D. You are at risk from insecure payment method. أنت فى خطر من طريقة الدفع أو السداد الغير أمنة

51 Which two of the following is true about a graphical user interface ( GUI )?
أى من هذه العبارات صحيح عن الواجهة الرسومية لنظام التشغيل using a software application for technical drawing using picture rather then words for online help using windows icons and a mouse to operate a computer allows you to interact very flexibly with your computer الأجابة : 3- إستعمال النوافذ والماوس فى أعمال الحاسب 4- يسمح بالتفاعل المرن مع الحاسب

52 Which two of these is an open source operating system?
أى إثنان من نظم التشغيل هذه مصدر مفتوح ( أى لايحتاج أن تشترية لتحصل على الترخيص ) Windows xp Linux Solaris BSD MS-DOS

53 هو الذى يمكن المستخدم من عمل مهام محدده مثل برنامج الورد
Which one of these statements about computer application is true? أى من هذه العبارات صحيح بالنسبة لتطبيقات الحاسب A. The same version of an application will work on any type of computer. B. They control devices such as printers and scanners that are attached to the PC. C. They enable users to carry out specific tasks such as word processing. D. They are the only programs that you need to use PC. هو الذى يمكن المستخدم من عمل مهام محدده مثل برنامج الورد

54 أى من هذه الأجهزة يمكن أن تستخدم فى إدخال البيانات
Which two of the following devices can be used to input data to a computer ? أى من هذه الأجهزة يمكن أن تستخدم فى إدخال البيانات 1- Mouse 2- printer 3- speaker 4- Plotter 5- Light pen Mouse Light pen

55 RAM ROM إن محتويات هذه الذاكرة ثابتة من خلال تصنيع الحاسب
تحميل نظام التشغيل فيها عند فتح الحاسب The Operating system is loaded into this when the PC is switched on. The contents of this are fixed during the manufacture of the PC تفقد محتويتها عند غلق الحاسب You cannot write to this type of memory. The contents of this disappear when the PC is switched off. لا تستطيع الكتابة على هذه النوع من الذاكرة The contents of this change constantly as the PC is used. تتغير محتويتها بشكل مستمر أثناء إستخدام الحاسب The Operating system is loaded into this when the PC is switched on. The contents of this disappear when the PC is switched off. The contents of this are fixed during the manufacture of the PC The contents of this change constantly as the PC is used. You cannot write to this type of memory.

56 1.44 MB Floppy Disk 2GB Back-up Tape 2GB Hard Disk 2GB Back-up Tape
Very cheap means of backing up 1 MB of text files Archiving 1.8GB of graphic files that are not currently needed. Backing up 1.8GB of files you are currently working on. 1.44 MB Floppy Disk 2GB Back-up Tape 2GB Hard Disk تخزين 1.8 من الملفات الرسومية التى لا تكون مطلوبة حاليا مثل الإرشيف يدعم تخزين 1.8 من الملفات التى تستخدم حاليا وسيلة تخزين رخيصة جدا 2GB Back-up Tape 2GB Hard Disk 1.44 MB Floppy Disk


58 A Software Application
نظام تشغيل برنامج تطبيقى An operating System A Software Application You can run more than one at the same time Sets up the look and feel of your computer interface Sets up the look and feel of your computer interface You can run more than one at the same time Controls the hardware and software of your computer Controls the hardware and software of your computer This can be used to edit data files This can be used to edit data files تستطيع أن تتعامل مع أكثر من واحد فى نفس الوقت يقدم لك واجهة للحاسب تتفاعل معها يمكنك من إضافة كتابة فى الملف تتحكم عن طريقه فى المكونات المادية للحاسب

59 Which two of these are operating systems
Windows. Netscape Navigator. Yahoo! Linux. Outlook. Windows. Linux

60 Which one of these devices can be used to output data from a computer?
أى من هذه المكونات يستخدم فى إخراج البيانات من الحاسب 1- Keyboard 2- Microphone 3- Plotter 4- Scanner Plotter

61 أى من هذه الوحدات يكون الأسرع فى الوصول إلى البيانات
Which one of these types of storage provides the fastest access to data? أى من هذه الوحدات يكون الأسرع فى الوصول إلى البيانات 1- Zip disk 2- Floppy diskette 3- Hard disk 4- CD-Rom Hard disk

62 Which one of these devices can be used to input and output data ?
أى من هذه الأجهزة يمكن أن يستخدم فى إدخال وإخراج البانات 1- Scanner 2- Microphone 3- Touch screen 4- Light pen Touch screen

63 Which one of the following is the a digital line, used for both voice and data? أى من الأتى خط رقمى يستخدم فى التعامل مع الصوت والبيانات A. ISDN. B. FTP. C. PSTN. D. HTTP. ISDN.

64 What is ISDN? ماهى ISDN A. Integrated Standard Digital Networks.
B. Integrated Services Digital Network. C. Interactive Standard Dynamic Networks. D. Internet Services Data Network. Integrated Services Digital Network الشبكة الرقمية للخدمات المتكاملة

65 The range of voice, computer messages and other services provided by:

66 Which one of these statements about formatting Computer storage media is true? أى من هذه الجمل صحيح بالنسبة لإعادة تهيئة أو تشكيل وحدات التخزين صحيح O Disks are automatically formatted when you save a file. O A used floppy disk cannot be reformatted. O Unformatted disks need operating system data written to them before they can store files. O A Full format does not erase data from your disk. القرص الغير مشكل يحتاج إلى بيانات من نظام التشغيل تكتب علية قبل إستخدامه فى حفظ الملفات

67 لمس الإجزاء الدخلية للحاسب
Which one of these actions demonstrate poor health and safety practice in the use of computers? أى من هذه الأفعال يعبر عن فعل خطاء بالنسبة لمارسة الصحة والسلامة بالنسبة لإستعمال الحاسب A. Touching internal parts of the PC. B. Running several application at the same time. C. Only using a single power socket for each PC. D. Using out-of-date software. لمس الإجزاء الدخلية للحاسب

68 يرشدُ الشاشةُ لعَرْض البياناتِ التى أدَخلتْ بلوحةِ المفاتيح
Which one of these statements correctly completes the following sentence? A computer’s operating system: أى واحده من هذه العبارات صحيح لتكملة الجملة؟ نظام التشغيل للحاسب O is the last program to load when you start the computer. O does not control devices connected to the PC. O is not necessary on high-powered personal computers. O instructs the screen to display data entered with the keyboard. يرشدُ الشاشةُ لعَرْض البياناتِ التى أدَخلتْ بلوحةِ المفاتيح


70 Produce a catalogue containing graphics يخرج قائمة تشمل رسومات
A web browser To view web pages يعرض صفحات الإنترنت Produce a catalogue containing graphics يخرج قائمة تشمل رسومات Create interactive learning material صنع المواد التفاعلية للتعليم Payroll and stock control قائمة الرواتب و مراقبة المخزون Produce charts and graphs يخرج رسم بيانى و رسومات Word processing A multimedia application An Accounting Application A spreadsheet Application A web browser A spreadsheet Application An Accounting Application A multimedia application Word processing

71 A Database Application
Creating a list of contact details. Producing complex magazine layouts. Working out budgets. Creating interactive training materials. Creating letters and business documents. Desktop Publishing A spreadsheet Application A Multimedia Application Word Processing Desktop Publishing A spreadsheet Application A Database Application A multimedia application Word processing

72 هو إستخدام النوافذ و الرموز و الفأرة فى عمل الكمبيوتر
Which of following best describes a graphical user interface (GUI): أى من هذه العبارات يعتبر أفضل تعريف للواجه الرسومية GUI O using a software application for technical drawing. O using a windows, icons and a mouse to operate a computer. O using a system of typed commands to operate a computer. O using picture rather than words for online help. هو إستخدام النوافذ و الرموز و الفأرة فى عمل الكمبيوتر

73 Which one of these stages of software development is the last stage to be finally completed? أى من هذه المراحل فى تطوير البرامج هى المرحلة الأخيرة O Analysis. O Design. O Programming. O Testing. Testing

74 البيانات الكبيرة يمكن نقلها بين الأجهزة المستخدمة فى الشبكة المحلية
Which two statement about local area networks (LAN) are true? أى إثنان من هذه العبارات صحيح بالنسبة للشبكة المحلية O Applications cannot be shared over a LAN. O Authorized users can access and use data stored anywhere on a LAN. O Telecommunication services cannot be shared over a LAN. O Large data files can be transferred between computers using a LAN. O It is not possible for users of a LAN share printers. المتسعملون المرخص لهم يمكن لهم الوصول وإستخدام البيانات من أى مكان فى الشبكة المحلية البيانات الكبيرة يمكن نقلها بين الأجهزة المستخدمة فى الشبكة المحلية

75 الشبكة التى تستخدم البريد الإلكترونى و web فى نفس الشركة أو المنظمة
Which one of the following best describes an intranet? أى تعريف من هذه العبارات يعتبر الأول فى تعريف شبكة intranet O A network which can only be accessed using an ISP. O A world-wide collection of computer files connected by links. O A network, using and web, within a single organization. O A network that is shared between more than one organization. الشبكة التى تستخدم البريد الإلكترونى و web فى نفس الشركة أو المنظمة

76 مشاركة البيانات بين إثنان أو أكثر من المنظمات
Which one of the following best describes an extranet? أى من هذه العبارات صحيح عن تعريف شبكة extranet O A network, using to share data between organizations. O An extra-fast intranet within a single organizations. O A very large intranet used by the general public. O A network used to share data within a single organization. مشاركة البيانات بين إثنان أو أكثر من المنظمات






82 Internet إسحب إثنان من هذه العبارات عن وصف الإنترنت فى هذا الصندوق
Drag just the two of the statements that describe the internet into the box. Internet هى شبكة عالمية لربط الأجهزة بإستخدام أجهزة إتصال A global network of computers linked together using communications equipment A network that grew out of the American military هى الشبكة التى نمت من الجيش الأمريكى A global network of computers linked together using communications equipment A Vast collection of linked documents held on computers all over the world The world-wide system A network that grew out of the American military Can be accessed using a browser

83 إسحب إثنان من هذه العبارات عن وصف شبكة web
Drag two of the statements that describe the World Wide Web into the box. مجموعة كبيرة من الوثائق المرتبطة حملت على الحاسبات من جميع أنحاء العالم The World Wide Web A Vast collection of linked documents held on computers all over the world Can be accessed using a browser يمكن الوصول إليه بإستخدام برنامج لتصفح الإنترنت A global network of computers linked together using communications equipment A Vast collection of linked documents held on computers all over the world The world-wide system A network that grew out of the American military Can be accessed using a browser

84 Which one of these statement about the speed of connecting to the internet is true? أى من هذه العبارات حول سرعة الإتصال بالإنترنت صحيح O Data transfer is slower with a digital line than with an analog line. O The processor speed of the computer affects the speed of data transfer on the internet. O A 14.4 Kbps modem transfers data more slowly than a Kbps modem. O The speed of data transfer does not vary significantly with the time of the day. المودم الذى ينقل بيانات بسرعة 14 كيلو بايت أقل سرعة من الذى ينقل 56 كيلوبايت

85 حساب بيان الرواتب للموظفين
For which one of these tasks would a computerized solution be more appropriate? أى من هذه المهام يكون نظام تحليل النظم أكثر ملائمة O Calculating payroll of staff. O Solving staff relations. O Motivating staff. O Selecting new staff. Calculating payroll of staff حساب بيان الرواتب للموظفين

86 إستعمال كرسى قابل للتعديل أو التكيف
You can reduce the risk of neck, back and shoulder pain, by one of the following actions: يمكن أن تقلل الخطر عن الرقبة و ألم الكتف و الظهر بواسطة A. Using a larger monitor with sharper resolution. B. Using a wireless mouse. C. Keeping the keyboard close to the front of the disk. D. Using a fully adjustable operator’s chair. إستعمال كرسى قابل للتعديل أو التكيف

87 Large-scale computer applications are increasingly used in government.
Store census information. Store passport details. Handle social welfare payments Collect television license fees. Announce policy documents online. Notify citizens of government decisions. تخزين معلومات عن إحصاء السكان تخزين تفاصيل جواز السفر جمع النفاقات لعمل رفاهية إجتماعية جمع أجور رخص التليفزيون أعلن سياسة توثيق على الإنترنت إعلن قرارات الحكومة للموطنين Public information systems Public record systems Administration systems Public information systems Public record systems Administration systems أنظمة المعلومات الشعبية العامة أو الإعلان أنظمة السجلات الشعبية أنظمة الإدارة أو التحكم

88 Large-scale computer applications are increasingly used in business.
Check policy details. Analyse statistics to estimate premiums. Provide quotes for premiums Check an account. Transfer funds. Apply for loans. Administer Employee payrolls. Process orders. Track invoices. Check timetables. Check ticket availability. فحص تفاصيل البوليصه . تحليل الإحصائياتَ لتَخمين الأقساط. Business administration Online banking Insurance claim processing Airline booking Online banking Insurance claim processing Airline booking Business administration معالجة طلب التأمينِ حجز شركة الطيران الأعمال المصرفية على الإنترنت إدارة الأعمال

89 Public health warnings.
Large-scale computer applications are increasingly used in government. Policy documents. Public health warnings. Income tax Payment form. Television license Census records. Vehicle registration listing. Public information systems Administration systems Public record systems Public information systems Public record systems Administration systems

90 Drag each of the statements about user IDs and passwords to the relevant box.
Should be changed regularly Password Must be unique on the network Should be changed regularly Must be unique on the network يجب أن يكون فريد غير متكرر ينصح بالتغيير المستمر فيها Identifies a specific user on a network Identifies a specific user on a network Ensures that the person logging on is who they say they are Not confidential يعرف شخص معين أو محدد Not confidential Ensures that the person logging on is who they say they are تضمن أن الشخص الذى قام بالدخول هو الشخص السليم غير سرية

91 What is the meaning of the letter e in the word e-mail
What is the meaning of the letter e in the word ? ماذا تعنى e فى كلمة البريد الإلكترونى O Express. O Electric. O Electronic. O Efficient. Electronic.

92 مشاركة البيانات بين إثنان أو أكثر من المنظمات
Which one of the following descriptions of an extranet is true? أى من هذه العبارات صحيح عن وصف extranet O A world-wide collection of files connected by links. O A very large intranet within an organization. O An extra-fast intranet for web and . O Shares data between two or more organizations. مشاركة البيانات بين إثنان أو أكثر من المنظمات


94 وجود نسخة من الملفات فى مكانين
Which one of the following statement describes the process of backup? أى من العبارات تصف النسخ الإحتياطية للحاسب O Restoring work from an older file. O Copying a file from your C: drive to your desktop. O Keeping copies of data in two locations. O Moving a file to a different folder on a hard drive. وجود نسخة من الملفات فى مكانين

95 وجود تهوية جيدة فى الحجرة
Which two of the following contribute to a good working environment for a computer operator? أى من هذه العبارات يقدم بيئة عمل جيدة فى التعامل مع الكمبيوتر O Use of a monitor filter to reduce the glare. O Sitting as close as possible to the monitor. O A good level of ventilation in the room. O Plenty disk space in which to move the mouse. O The keyboard positioned close to the front edge of the disk. إستعمال مرشح ضد وهج الشاشة وجود تهوية جيدة فى الحجرة

96 تحتاج لترخيص لنشر المواد على الإنترنت
Which one of these statements about the internet is false? أى من هذه الجمل غير صحيح عن الإنترنت O It enables computer with different operating systems to exchange data. O It is not controlled by any single organization. O You need a license to publish material on the internet. O It allows computers to share data over large distance. تحتاج لترخيص لنشر المواد على الإنترنت

97 الشراء أو البيع الجيد عن طريق خدمة الإنترنت
E-commerce is the term used to describe business that: التجارة الإلكترونية عنصر يستعمل لوصف A. uses computers to carry out its work. B. is carried out using electronic funds transfer. C. involves the import and export of electronic equipment. D. buys or sells goods and services online. الشراء أو البيع الجيد عن طريق خدمة الإنترنت

98 أخذ راحة بشكل متكرر من العمل
You can reduce the risk of repetitive strain injury by one of the following actions: يمكنك تقليل خطر الإجهاد أو التوتر بإتباع أى من هذه الأفعال O using an adjustable chair. O sitting with your feet firmly on the ground. O using an anti-glare screen. O taking frequent breaks form your work. أخذ راحة بشكل متكرر من العمل

99 خراظيش الخبر فى الطابعة يمكن إعادة التعبئة لها
Which statement about computers and the environment is true? أى من هذه العبارات عن الحاسب والبيئة صحيح O Running an animated screensavers saves power. O Printer toner cartridges can be recycled. O You can’t recycle paper from a laser printer. O Laptops on standby use more electricity than when running normally. خراظيش الخبر فى الطابعة يمكن إعادة التعبئة لها

100 سوء إستخدام الملفات والأرقام السرية
A PDA which has been backed up - but not password protected - has been stolen. Which one of the following consequences may result? المساعد الرقمى PDA سرق ولم يكن عليه كلمة سر ما هى النتيجة المتوقعة من ذلك O Loss of the right to use the software that came with PDA. O Time wasted on re-entering all the records in a replacement PDA. O Misuse of confidential files and telephone numbers. O Loss of contact details on the stolen PDA. سوء إستخدام الملفات والأرقام السرية

101 سوء إستخدام الأرقام السرية أو الخاصة
A mobile phone which has been insured but not password protected has been stolen. Which one of the following consequences may result? الهاتف المحمول سرق ولم يكن عليه كلمة سر ما هى النتيجة المتوقعة من ذلك A. Misuse of confidential numbers. B. Meeting the cost of replacement. C. Paying for calls made after the theft is reported. D. Taking out new insurance on the replacement phone. سوء إستخدام الأرقام السرية أو الخاصة

102 العمل المخزن على الحاسب سوف يفقد
A laptop which has been password protected, but not backed up, has been stolen. Which one of the following consequences may result? الحاسب المحمول يوجد علية كلمة سر ولكنه سرق ماهى النتيجة المتوقعة من هذه العبارات O You will have to change your address. O Confidential files can be Misused. O You will need to change your password. O Work stored on the laptop will be lost. العمل المخزن على الحاسب سوف يفقد

103 Anti-virus software can disable a virus on your computer
Anti-virus software can disable a virus on your computer. This action is called: مكافح الفيروسات يستطيع أن إيقاف نشاط أى فيروس داخل الحاسب هذه الفعل يسمى O De-installing. O Disinfecting. O Restoring. O Scanning. Disinfecting تطهير

104 Good Anti-virus practice
Poor Anti-virus practice Opening from unknown sources Deleting from unknown sources Opening from unknown sources Deleting from unknown sources إلغاء البريد الإلكترونى الغير محدد المصدر Putting a virus-checked disk in a floppy drive فتح البريد الإلكترونى الغير محدد المصدر Putting a virus-checked disk in a floppy drive Downloading and running free software from the web Downloading and running free software from the web تفعيل مضاد الفيروسات لفحص القرص المرن تحميل و تشغيل البرامج المجانية من المواقع

105 Good Anti-virus practice
Poor Anti-virus practice Updating anti-virus software once a year Deleting from unknown sources Updating anti-virus software once a year Scheduling virus checks to run once a day Scheduling virus checks to run once a day Opening unknown attachments Deleting from unknown sources Opening unknown attachments


107 الشراء أو البيع الجيد عن طريق خدمة الإنترنت
Electronic commerce is best described as: التجارة الإلكترونية عنصر يستعمل لوصف A. Requesting information from companies selling electronic equipment. B. The buying of electronic equipments from a high street shop. C. Advertising electronic goods on the internet. D. Buys or sells good and services online الشراء أو البيع الجيد عن طريق خدمة الإنترنت

108 A computer virus is a program that ?
O Before accessing the internet, you need to run a virus check. O Deleting an infected file will eliminate the virus. O Anti-virus software can detect all known viruses. O can make the hard disk unusable on a computer ممكن أن يجعل الهاردسك غير فعال

109 القدرة الإكبر للتَركيز على مهمّةِ واحدة
Which one of the following statements about teleworking is true? أى من هذه العبارات عن teleworking صحيح ( العمل من البيت ) O More human contact with the team. O Increased company space requirements. O Greater ability to focus on one task. O Inflexible schedules. القدرة الإكبر للتَركيز على مهمّةِ واحدة

110 For which two of the following tasks in hospitals and health care would large-scale computer applications be most appropriate? أى إثنان من المهام التالية لتطبيقات الحاسب فى المستشفيات والرعاية الصحية تَكُونُ أكثر الملائمةِ O Bereavement counseling. O Tracking treatment costs. O Informing a patient of a diagnosis. O Providing a medical database. O Treating mental health issues. تتبع تكاليف العلاج عمل قاعدة بيانات طبية

111 The device that links computers to telephone networks by converting digital and analog signals is called a: أى من هذه تربط الحاسب بشبكة التليفون وتحول الإشارات الرقمية إلى تماثلية A. Transcoder. B. Digitiser. C. MODEM. D. Translator Unit. MODEM

112 Which one of these is the type of network that links computers in different cities or countries? أى واحدة من هذه الأنواع تربط الأجهزة فى أماكن مختلفة أو دول مختلفة O LAN. O Ethernet. O PSTN. O WAN. WAN


114 أى ثلاثه من هذه المصادر يمكن أن يتم المشاركة فيه عبر شبكة مجموعة العمل
Computer workgroups allow which three of these resources to be shared between multiple users at same time? أى ثلاثه من هذه المصادر يمكن أن يتم المشاركة فيه عبر شبكة مجموعة العمل Sharable Resources Printers Disk Space Applications Printers Disk Space Monitors Applications Keyboards

115 The term ADSL stands for: التعبير ADSL يؤيد أو يدل على
O Anonymous Digital Service Line. O Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. O Analog Digital Service Line. O Advanced Data Service Link. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line خط إشترال رقمى غير متماثل


117 الصفقات ممكن أن تحدث من أى مكان فى العالم
Which one of the following statements about the use of e-commerce is true? أى من هذه العبارات عن إستخدام التجارة الإلكترونية صحيح A. An internet connection is optional for e-commerce. B. Transaction can occur anywhere in the world. C. Customers can only pay by ing credit card details. D. Customers give up the right return unsatisfactory goods. الصفقات ممكن أن تحدث من أى مكان فى العالم

118 وضع مرشح للوقاية من خطر الإشعاع للشاشة
You can reduce the risk of eye-strain by one of the following actions: يمكنك تقليل الخطر عن العين بإتباع عمل الفعل الأتى O increase the contrast between screen and room lighting. O using an anti-glare filter on your monitor. O reducing your monitor’s colour depth setting. O positioning the screen with a window behind it. using an anti-glare filter on your monitor وضع مرشح للوقاية من خطر الإشعاع للشاشة

119 Which one of the following statements about copyright is true
O If you can copy material from a disk you automatically gain the copyright. O Copyrights provides control over how other people make disk copies of someone’s work. O Graphics published on CD-ROM are not subjected to any form of copyright. O If you create a CD-ROM yourself, you own the copyright to anything you put on it. تُزوّدُ حقوقُ الطبع السيطرةً على الأشخاص الذين يَعْملونَ نسخ قرصِ من عملِ شخص ما

120 ينصح أن تتكون من أرقام وحروف
Which two of the following statements about passwords are true? أى إثنان من هذه العبارات عن كلمة السر صحيح A. You should use the same password for everything. B. You should write down your password and keep it in a convenient place. C. Passwords should contain both letters and numbers. D. Once you create a password, you can’t change it. E. A Password should be known only to the user. ينصح أن تتكون من أرقام وحروف ينصح أن تكون معروفة للمستخدم فقط

121 Shareware is the term that is applied to: مصطلح المشاركة تصف أو ممكن أن تنطبق على
O an application that is used to track the movement of stocks and share. O software that you try for free but pay for it if you keep it. O any application for which a multi-user license is available. O any software that can be used on a server. البرنامج الذى يمكنك تجربته أو إستخدامة بشكل مجانى ولكن يجب شراءه إذا كنت تريد الإحتفاظ به

122 Software that you can try free of charge before buying

123 Software that can be use for more than one user is referred to برامج يمكن أن تستخدم مع أكثر من مستخدم هى

124 Software that you can use without the need for any payment is referred to البرامج التى يمكنك من تستخدمها بدون أن تشتريها




128 Can be distributed electronically
Electronic documents help to save paper , while other documents are best printed out. تساعد الوثائق الإلكترونية لتوفير الورق , بينما وثائق أخرى أفضل أن تطبع Should be printed Can be distributed electronically Staff announcements Staff announcements Documents that need careful proof-reading Documents that need careful proof-reading إبلاغ أو إعلان الموظفين وثيقة تحتاجة لإثبات التنبية Working drafts of lengthy report Working drafts of lengthy report Contacts Contacts تقرير طويل بإشخاص يتم إرسالهم إلى مهمة العقود

129 Can be distributed electronically
Electronic documents help to save paper , while other documents are best printed out. Should be printed Can be distributed electronically Help for a software application Planning application Help for a software application Planning application Documents that are regularly updated Academic certificates Documents that are regularly updated Academic certificates


131 ترك كابلات الطاقة غير أمنه
Which one of these actions demonstrate poor health and safety practice? من الممارسات الغير جيدة فى التعامل مع الكمبيوتر O Installing too much of software on a computer. O Leaving power cable unsecured. O Turning off the power without first shutting down the PC. O Running several applications at the same time. ترك كابلات الطاقة غير أمنه

132 مشاركة الملفات بين العمال فى أماكن مختلفة
Which one of the following activities is best suited for ? أى واحدة من هذه النشاطات مناسب أكثر فى إستخدام البريد الإلكترونى A. Performing calculations. B. Sharing very large video files, such as movie trailers. C. Sharing files between workers at different locations. D. Transmitting credit card details. مشاركة الملفات بين العمال فى أماكن مختلفة


134 سرية وقايةِ التفاصيلِ الشخصيةِ
An important purpose of data protection legislation is to: إنّ الغرضَ الرئيسيَ لتشريعِ حمايةِ البياناتِ هو O improve the standards for electronic storage media. O prevent the illegal use of commercial software. O safeguard the privacy of individuals’ personal data. O protect companies from industrial espionage. سرية وقايةِ التفاصيلِ الشخصيةِ


136 Which two of the following statements about access rights are true
O Are intended to protect a company’s intellectual property. O Decide who can work in a building outside office hours. O Determine which files individuals can read or change on a network. O Are the same for all users on single network. O Depend on which computer you are using to access the network يجب أن تعتنى الشركة بحماية الملكية الفكرية تحديد الملفات الفردية التى تعدل وتغير على الشبكة

137 تحصيل الفواتير – حصر المخزون
For which two of these tasks would a computerized solution be most appropriate? أى من هذه المهام يكون إستخدام الكمبيوتر أكثر ملائمة فى التعامل معها O Assessing employee performance. O Enforcing rules and regulations. O Generating invoices. O Carrying out stock control. O Providing a customer support helpline. تحصيل الفواتير – حصر المخزون

138 القيام بمعالجة البيانات السرية
Which one of the following statements about an organization’s information security policy is true? أى من هذه العبارات عن سياسة أمنِ معلوماتِ المنظمةِ صحيح O Applies to the employee, not the employer. O Deals with the handling confidential data. O Deals only with data held on computers. O Covers the licensing of operating system software. القيام بمعالجة البيانات السرية

139 Which one of the following statements about copyright is true?
O The paper license that comes with software on CD transfers the copyright to you. O You can make a backup CD of software bought for your own use. O Software purchased on the web and copied to CD-ROM can be shared with friends. O Copying text, images, audio, or video from disk is always illegal. تستطيع عمل نسخة من البرنامج كنسخة إحتياطية لإستخدامك الشخصى

140 نشر العملِ الرقميِ على القرصِ يَتطلّبُ رخصةَ من صاحب حق النسخ .
Which one of the following statements about copyright is true? أى من هذه العبارات صحيح عن حقوق النسخ A. Publishing digital work on disk requires permission of the copyright holder. B. When you purchase software in CD the copyright transfer to you. C. Any material which is published on disk is subjected to copyright. D. You can reuse graphics from the web on CD- Rom. نشر العملِ الرقميِ على القرصِ يَتطلّبُ رخصةَ من صاحب حق النسخ .

141 Unauthorized access to computer files can be prevented by using: يمكن منع الشخص الغير مرخص له بالتعامل مع الملفات عن طريق A. Password. B. Anti-virus software. C. Uninterruptible power supply. D. Secure backup copies. Password

142 Install a virus protection system.
Which of the following precautions would prevent virus-infected software being used on computer? ماهى الإحتياطات الواجب التعامل معها من خطر الفيروسات فى التعامل مع الكمبيوتر A. Install a virus protection system. B. Install software to prevent hacking. C. Install password security to the system. D. Take regular backups. Install a virus protection system.

143 B. Energy-saving hardware. C. New computer hardware every two years.
Which of the following provides an example of a good working environment? أى من هذه العبارات تقدم بيئة عمل جيدة A. Adequate lighting. B. Energy-saving hardware. C. New computer hardware every two years. D. Staff welfare benefits. Adequate lighting الإضاءة الكافية

144 العَمَل الذي يَستعملُ إتصالاتَ إلكترونيةَ في البيت
Which of the following best describes teleworking? أى من هذه العبارات توصف العمل من البيت A. Working for a television. B. Working for a telesales company. C. Designing teletext pages. D. Working at home using electronic communications. العَمَل الذي يَستعملُ إتصالاتَ إلكترونيةَ في البيت

145 قد نكون هناك صعوبة فى روح العمل الجماعى
Which one of the following options describe the effects of teleworking? أى من هذه العبارات صحيح عن العمل من البيت A. Reduced cost of equipments. B. Harder to socially interact with team members. C. Greater use of transport. D. Inflexible working hours. قد نكون هناك صعوبة فى روح العمل الجماعى

146 Which of the following is a good password policy for an organization?
A. All passwords are changed regularly. B. All passwords are never changed. C. All passwords are made up of less than four characters. D. All passwords are made up of less than four numbers. All passwords are changed regularly

147 Which of the following is not a function of the CPU?
A. Executing program instruction. B. Ensuring program instructions are executed in the right sequence. C. Sending . D. Carrying out calculations. Sending

148 The location of information on the internet can be obtained by using a database: موقع المعلوماتِ على الإنترنتِ يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تُحْصَلَ عليها بإستعمال قاعدة البيانات A. Web editor application. B. Search engine. C. Spreadsheet application. D. Word perfect. Search engine

149 An equipment that attached to computer to stop large volts of electricity:
A. UPS. B. Battery. C. Charger. D. Surge suppressor. Surge suppressor.

150 Which one of the following statements applies to PSTN
Which one of the following statements applies to PSTN? أى من هذه العبارات ينطبق على PSTN A. A network designed to transmit high-speed digital data. B. It’s the Internet system. C. It’s a form of satellite communication. D. The Public Analog Telephone network.

151 O The supplier covers the cost of shipping.
Which two of the following statements about purchasing on line are true? َيّ إثنان مِنْ البياناتِ التاليةِ حول الشراء على الإنترنت صحيح O The consumers rights of the supplier’s country apply. O E-commerce offers access to goods around the clock. O The supplier covers the cost of shipping. O All e-commerce transactions are safe. O The supplier covers the cost of returning goods. حقوف المستهلك تخضع لدولة الشراء تَعْرضُ التجارة الإلكترونيةُ وصولاً إلى السلعِ على مدار السّاعة.

152 A computer virus is a program that
A. Always spotted by antivirus. B. Make your hard disk unusable. C. The only way for infection is internet. D. Can be avoid by regular backup. Always spotted by antivirus.

153 Which one is more appropriate about Shareware software?
A. Any software used by a group of people in the same time. B. Any application you borrow from your friend. C. Any application downloaded from internet. D. Any software you try for free time and pay for keeping it. Any software you try for free time and pay for keeping it.

154 Which two of the following statements about data protection legislation are true?
A. Deals with industrial espionage between competing companies. B. Can result in litigation if personal data is not adequately protected. C. Means that personal data must be stored for certain period of time. D. Ensures that laws about data security are the same in every country. E. Obliges organizations to protect confidential data within their control.

155 Which two of the following statements about purchasing on line are true?
A. Initial shipping of goods is free. B. The supplier covers the cost of returning goods. C. The consumers rights of the supplier’s country apply. D. It’s more difficult to return goods purchased online than goods bought in a shop. E. Online purchases are free of customs duties.

156 You can reduce the risk of eye-strain by one of the following:
A. Using the brightest possible screen setting. B. Setting the screen facing a window. C. Sitting approximately 12" from your monitor. D. Having your eyes level with the top of your monitor.

157 Computer based education Organizing student timetables
Three of the following are examples of computer uses in education. Match the statements with the correct boxes. Computer based education Organizing student timetables Uses traditional methods Organizing student timetables Coaching students with learning difficulties Coaching students with learning difficulties Distance learning Distance learning Helping students with career advice Helping students with career advice Using the Web for research Using the Web for research

158 These items contain sensitive data
Which two of the following documents contain sensitive data and need protection? These items contain sensitive data These items do not need protection Contact details for sales enquiries Contact details for sales enquiries Research on new products Research on new products Training materials Management accounts Training materials Management accounts

159 Computer based education Student registration systems
Which of the following are examples of large-scale applications of computers in education? Match the following statements with the correct boxes. Computer based education Student registration systems Uses traditional methods Student registration systems Provide student counseling Provide student counseling Distance learning Distance learning Coaching of slower students Researching homework on the internet Researching homework on the internet Coaching of slower students

160 Scanning all unfamiliar disks with anti-virus software
Doesn’t help to avoid the risk of spreading a computer virus Helps to avoid the risk of spreading a computer virus Scanning all unfamiliar disks with anti-virus software Write-protecting all copies of application disks once they have been checked Only copying applications from your close friends Only copying applications from your close friends Write-protecting all copies of application disks once they have been checked Rebooting your PC if you find a file that is infected Rebooting your PC if you find a file that is infected Virus scanning all application before loading them onto your hard disk Virus scanning all application before loading them onto your hard disk

161 تقديم خط هاتفى لخدمة العملاء
For which two of these tasks would people be more appropriate than computers? أى من هذه المهام يكون الإنسان أفضل فيها من التعامل الإلكترونى A. Calculating payroll for staff. B. Motivating staff. C. Storing a list of staff contact details. D. Providing a customer support helpline. E. Maintaining a list of every item in the company’s inventory of goods. تحفيز الأفراد تقديم خط هاتفى لخدمة العملاء

162 Which of the following statements about safety precautions when using computers?
A. Faulty cables should be repaired using insulating tape. B. You should shut down your PC by unplugging it from electricity supply. C. There no safe way to run cables across open areas. D. More than one computer should not use the same power socket.

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