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Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey
How the survey was performed Main responses to the survey by stakeholders Main points identified by the survey Action points resulting from the survey
How the survey was performed
Survey performed from July ’05 – October’05 Three methods of survey used Postal Survey Telephone survey Internet survey
Main responses to the survey by stakeholders
Response Rate Hospitals 44% Panel members 55% Legal Representatives 11% Total 38%
Overall satisfaction with the MHRT
Hospitals 16% Panel members 29% Legal Representatives 11% Total 19%
Main points identified from all stakeholders
Key Strengths: Speed of the MHRT website (69% satisfaction rating) MHRT secretariat staff are courteous and helpful (68% satisfaction rating) Punctuality and attitude of tribunal administrators Ease of submitting expense claims (65% satisfaction rating)
Main points identified from all stakeholders
Key Strengths: Ease of informing MHRT of bookings availability (63% satisfaction rating by panel members) Layout and design of the website (61% satisfaction rating) Efficiency with which expenses are paid (56% satisfaction rating) Quality of information on the website (55% satisfaction rating)
Main points identified from all stakeholders
Key areas of improvement: Timeliness of receiving reports (6% satisfaction rating) Reliability of getting through or returning telephone calls from MHRT staff (16% satisfaction rating) Receipt and actions to general communications by the MHTR (17% satisfaction rating) Design and running of the MHRT processes (13% satisfaction rating)
Main points identified from all stakeholders
Key areas of improvement: Willingness for staff to take responsibility for issues (18% satisfaction rating) Lack of skill and experience of tribunals staff (24% satisfaction rating) Timeliness of the issuing of decision forms (22% satisfaction rating) Electronic Future communications (82% overall stakeholders in favour)
Action Plan Area of improvement Survey result
Action taken Date and responsibility Action to be taken Date and responsibility Timeliness of receiving reports 6% satisfaction rating overall stakeholders Pilot started with Ashworth Hospital of receiving reports electronically Pilot Started in November 2005 Responsibility Tasfin Ahmed Pilot started with Leeds NHS Trust of receiving reports electronically Pilot started in March 2006 A dedicated Reports team created dealing only with the receipt and dispatch of reports Responsibility Graeme Wilson (Nov’05) Pilot to be started in April 2006 with Bethlem Hospital (SLAM Trust) where an administrator will be based at the hospital to receive reports and decisions. Pilot start date April’06 Responsibility Jack Fargher Investigate reasons of differences in operation between top 10 hospitals that send reports in on time and 10 hospitals that do not. Responsibility Yens Luther and David Lye
Area of improvement Survey result Action taken Date and responsibility Action to be taken Date and responsibility Booking tribunals 30% Panel members satisfied with booking tribunals 33% Panel members satisfied with efficiency of confirming dates in writing 34% Panel members satisfied with fairness of allocation MHRT Secretariat obtained addresses of majority of panel members (700) in January ’06 MHRT secretariat moved to booking of members (Jan’06)MHRT secretariat offer panel members by any tribunals that require booking (Jan’06) Obtain addresses for rest of membership Target to obtain 90% addresses by July’06 Responsibility Tasfin Ahmed Book 90% members 4 weeks in advance for members who provide us with availability Responsibility Graeme Wilson Target April’06
Area of improvement Survey result Action taken Date and responsibility Action to be taken Date and responsibility Listing Tribunals 15% Legal Reps satisfied with the listing process 23% administrators satisfied with the listing process 18% stakeholders satisfied with way MHRT responds to changes to cases Pilot with South London & Maudsley (SLAM) Trust to electronically obtain advance availability and notification of changes of RMO’s availability Pilot started March 2005. This resulted in a 70% reduction of Change of date requests for SLAM Standard Application forms have been changed to incorporate space for MHA’s to state RMO availability (Nov’05) Extend the SLAM RMO availability pilot to all hospitals once addresses obtained Target date Oct’06 Responsibility Jack Fargher Develop a system to allow hospital administrators and legal practitioners to view a general listing calendar showing listed tribunals Implementation date Oct’07 Skills and experience of MHRT secretariat staff 24% stakeholders satisfied with MHRT staff skills & experience 18% stakeholders satisfied with MHRT staff’s willingness to take responsibility Learning and development plans developed for all operational teams Induction training developed for all MHRT staff Responsibility Sarah Osborne (May ‘06) Customer service training being developed and to be implemented for all staff Target May ’06 Responsibility Sarah Osborne Job shadowing at Legal Practitioners and hospitals for MHRT staff Target 5 job shadows by March’07 Responsibility Sarah Osborne & Tasfin Ahmed
Area of improvement Survey result Action taken Date and responsibility Action to be taken Date and responsibility Skills and experience of MHRT secretariat staff 30% stakeholders satisfied with MHRT staff communication skills All current MHRT staff to be signed off on all operational training by May ‘06Responsibility Sarah Osborne MHRT Communications & Stakeholder Management Reliability of getting through or returning telephone calls from MHRT staff (16% satisfaction rating) Receipt and actions to general comms by the MHRT (17% satisfaction) Up to date telephone numbers and addresses of all staff provided on then MHRT website (Aug’05 – ongoing) MHRT staff encouraged to use for responses to general queries MHRT Secretariat obtained addresses of majority of panel members (700) in January ’06 Stakeholder survey performed to gauge the key areas that require improvement in the secretariat Article written by MHRT Secretariat in Members Journal (Quarterly) Customer service training being developed for all staff Target May’06 Responsibility Sarah Osborne MHRT secretariat to update the phone system to include group pick ups and a front office/back office system to answer calls Hold 3 further workshops for administrators in the Midlands, North West and South West in business year 06-07 Responsibility Tasfin Ahmed Perform another stakeholder survey in Oct/Nov’06
Area of improvement Survey result Action taken Date and responsibility Action to be taken Date and responsibility MHRT Communications & Stakeholder Management 67% all stakeholders stated they would like to receive and submit reports electronically 82% of stakeholders stated they would like to inform the MHRT of availability electronically 76% of stakeholders stated they would like to receive decision forms electronically 2 workshops have been held in London for administrators and 1 for administrators and legal practitioners in the Bradford to provide updates of what’s happening in the MHRT and obtain feedback MHRT staff encouraged to use for responses to general queries Web interactive IT system to be implemented at the MHRT secretariat allowing reports to be downloaded and uploaded from a secure website for members, legal practitioners and hospital administrators Responsibility Tasfin Ahmed & Jack Fargher Implementation date Oct ‘07
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