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Do Now 4/21/10  Take out HW from last night. –Text p. 355, #8-24 evens  Copy HW in your planner. –Text p. 360, #8-24 evens  In your notebook, answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 4/21/10  Take out HW from last night. –Text p. 355, #8-24 evens  Copy HW in your planner. –Text p. 360, #8-24 evens  In your notebook, answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 4/21/10  Take out HW from last night. –Text p. 355, #8-24 evens  Copy HW in your planner. –Text p. 360, #8-24 evens  In your notebook, answer the following question. In 2008, the average price of Playstation3 was $349.99. Now, the average price has decreased by 43%. What is the average price of a Playstation3 now?

2 Using a Percent of Change In 2008, the average price of Playstation3 was $349.99. Now, the average price has decreased by 43%. What is the average price of a Playstation3 now? Price now = Price in 2008 x Percent of change =$349.99x(100% – 43%) =$349.99x57% =$199.49

3 Homework Text p. 355, #8-24 evens  8) increase 60%  10) decrease 77.5%  12) decrease 44%  14) increase 80%  16) 31  18) 14  20) $3  22) a. Alaska; Florida b. About 10.5% decrease b. About 10.5% decrease  24) $13,800

4 Objective  SWBAT find markups, discounts, sales tax, and tips  Where does a store, for example Stop & Shop, get products and food from? How does Stop & Shop make money?

5 Section 7.6 “Percent Applications” Percents can be applied to many everyday ordinary activities: everyday ordinary activities: 1) markups 2) discounts 3) sales tax 4) tips

6 Markups A retailer (store) buys items from manufacturers at WHOLESALE PRICES. The retailer then sells those items to customers (you and me) at RETAIL PRICES. The increase in price from the WHOLESALE PRICE to the RETAIL PRICE is how a store makes money. This increase is called a MARKUP. Retail price = Wholesale price + Markup

7 Markups Modell’s buys Nike brand sneakers from the Nike manufacturer for $40. Modell’s then marks up the price by 150%. What is the retail price? Retail price = Wholesale price + Markup = 40 + (150% · 40) =40+60 =$100

8 Discounts A decrease from the original price of an item to the sale price is a DISCOUNT. The discount is calculated using a percent of the original price. Sale price = Original price – Discount

9 Discounts You buy a shirt that is on sale for 15% off the original price of $25. What is the sale price? = 25 – (15% · 25) = 25 – 3.75 = $21.25 Sale price = Original price – Discount

10 Sales Tax and Tips SALES TAX is calculated using a percent of the purchase price. TIPS are calculated using a percent of the purchase price. TIPS are calculated ONLY on the food or service bill. Do not include sales tax when finding a tip.

11 The bill for your restaurant meal is $22. You leave a 15% tip. The sales tax is 6%. What is the total cost of your meal? = 22 + (6% · 22) = 22 + 1.32 = $26.62 Total cost = Food bill + Sales tax + Tip + (15% · 22) + 3.30

12 Homework  Text p. 360, #8-24 evens 24

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