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To register, contact in your country: Ethiopia Mr. Belay Gebre-Medhin Ethiopian Civil Service College (ECSC) Global Development Learning Center CMC Road,

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Presentation on theme: "To register, contact in your country: Ethiopia Mr. Belay Gebre-Medhin Ethiopian Civil Service College (ECSC) Global Development Learning Center CMC Road,"— Presentation transcript:

1 To register, contact in your country: Ethiopia Mr. Belay Gebre-Medhin Ethiopian Civil Service College (ECSC) Global Development Learning Center CMC Road, P.O. Box 5648, Addis Ababa Tel No: (251-1) 46 30 69/46 30 68 Fax No: (251-1) 46 30 16 E-mail: Ghana Ms. Vivian Attah Ghana Institute of Management & Public Administration (GIMPA) Global Development Center P.O. Box 50, Achimoto, Accra Tel: (233-21) 401 338; 401 681-2-3 Fax: (233-21) 401 338; 405 805 Email: Tanzania Mr. Abdulrahmman A. Mdimu Tanzania Development Learning Center IFM Building, Shaaban Robert Street PO Box 3918, Dar Es Salaam Tel: (255-22) 212 37 11-09 Fax: (255-22) 212 37 02 Email: Uganda Mr. Wilfred Tusuubira Global Distance Learning Center Uganda Management Institute PO Box 20131, Kampala Tel: (256-41) 345 990; 259 312 Fax: (256-41) 259 314 Email: Applicants from Kenya and South Africa should contact the World Bank Institute: WBI Environmentally & Socially Sustainable Devt. Division 1818 H Street NW, 20433 Washington, D.C. Morten Frederiksen: Tel: (+1) 202 473 0192 Fax: (+1) 202 676 0978 Email: Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction in Africa Distance learning course developed and organized by the World Bank: World Bank Institute (WBI) Development Research Group (DEC) Africa Region (AFR) With the support of the Government of Switzerland Generic daily running order In collaboration with the GDLN Distance Learning Centers in Accra (Ghana), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), and Kampala (Uganda), and the World Bank (AFR), Washington Visit the course website at: verty/land_policy/GDLNAfricaEng04/ February 7-10, 2005

2 About the Organizers Unleashing the Power of Knowledge to Enable a World Free of Poverty WBI is the learning arm of the World Bank. WBI helps countries prepare for the knowledge-based economy by creating learning opportunities for people and institutions committed to poverty reduction and sustainable development. WBI contributes to building capacity by:  designing and delivering courses and seminars;  promoting knowledge networks and communities of practice; and  providing policy and strategy advice. Course objectives Under the overarching theme of rural poverty reduction, the course’s overall aim is to strengthen the capacity of individuals and institutions to participate in the design and implementation of programs addressing land reform and administration with a special focus on the rural poor. The course builds on a foundation from previously delivered Land Policy courses. It reviews the conceptual foundations and practical applications for land policies in the African context. It seeks to promote a multi-stake- holder dialogue on policy and institutional reforms in land issues for a sustained increase in rural well-being in African countries. The course also provides a platform for an exchange of experiences and good practices among countries on land policies. This event also provides an opportunity for participants from various backgrounds to be exposed to cutting-edge knowledge on issues related to land policy and administration. Moreover, it aims at developing participants’ analytical skills to enhance their capacity to play a proactive role in the design, implementation, and monitoring of land programs. Finally, this course seeks to provide a forum to help identify additional learning needs in the countries, and to help shape a multi-activity learning program on rural development in collaboration with local institutions. Target audience It is expected that most participants will be:  Senior officials from land planning bureaus, and from technical units of relevant ministries  Policy makers and policy analysts in sectoral and central ministries and other public institutions, incl. PRSP teams  Leaders of rural community groups and civil society organizations involved in land issues  Researchers, academics, and trainers  Staff from international organizations (including World Bank, donor agencies and others) involved in land programs. Participating countries and partners Participating countries and partners  The course is delivered through the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) sites in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Accra (Ghana), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Kampala (Uganda). These sites feature multimedia distance learning centers equipped with interactive videoconferencing facilities and computers with full connectivity. Participants in South Africa will attend the course videoconferences at the World Bank country offices in Pretoria. Participants from Kenya will attend the course videoconferences at the World Bank country offices in Nairobi.  The course is delivered in collaboration with the GDLN and the World Bank (AFR). Learning approach This distance learning course will be delivered in English over four consecutive days. Participants meet once a day for about 4 hours in the respective country sites. The course combines synchronous and asynchronous learning approaches. Synchronous learning will be facilitated through interactive videoconferences, simultaneously linking all participants with guest speakers. For asynchronous learning, participants will have access to the course’s website containing additional learning material, and can participate in an electronic knowledge exchange forum. A course facilitator is present throughout the course in each of the sites. T hose interested in taking this course should have a broad understanding of land issues in Africa. Participants who have attended all four modules will receive a certificate at the end of the course. Program overview February 7 Land tenure security and linkages with poverty February 8 Challenges and opportunities of land transactions February 9 Enhancing land access through land reform February 10 Making land policies work for the poor

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